Wednesday What's Up?

on 8/9/11 6:13 pm - Manteca, CA
Good Morning All,
I've had a busy day preparing for the memorial. Tomorrow I have a hair and nail appointment. Then I have last minute preparations. I have been so busy that I have not had a chance to grieve much. That will come Thursday. Off to bed for me- I have a early day tomorrow. Chat on.....
Morning Julia
The memorial a good thing for keeping you busy and your mind off the loss.  Prayers and hugs for you and the family.
As fo me just work today , have a busy busy job   My asst retired 3 months ago and she isnt being replaced and my job doubled ,,,Not complaining just noting that i am always so busy that times flies so fast each day .
cant catch up EVER unless i stay late and cant as i go to gym at 515 everyday ..  HO HUM LOL , oh well ...SOUND LIKE AS THE STOMACH TURNS or some other drama ..:
Sure hope you ladies all have a blessed day today and much joy in your life ..
Nothing exciting going on here so off to the shower for me ..
Prayers for all of you in need.
on 8/9/11 9:47 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Hugs Julia, you take all the time you need to grieve. Breathe deep, relax and know you are loved and appreciated.

Happy Wednesday OFF family, it's a beautiful day here in Kalamazoo, the sun is shining and it's not humid!

Didn't make it to the gym last night, hubby called me and said our 2 oldest grand kids were over. I took that as a hint to get my butt home and help him out with the children! LOL
Those kids played in the pool and hot tub since 1pm until we fed them at 6:30...then it was back to playing for another hour before we dropped them back off to mom and dad's!  Okay that was great...loving them and dropping them off! All that energy.

So today my plans are to go back to the gym, thank goodness I took a walk on my break, will do the same today. It's a beautiful day for walking. I do my best thinking when I'm out and about.

Hugs and prayers for all in need. Be kind to yourselves today, we deserve the best for us. Debbie
Connie D.
on 8/9/11 10:01 pm
Good morning Julia and everyone....

Julia....I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Nothing exciting going on here. I am waiting for Grace's dad to drop her off about 7:30.  Jamie will be leaving for work soon.
I woke up with a headache....hope it goes away soon.

Wishing you all a terrific day. Prayers for those in need.

I will check in again later.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d
annette R.
on 8/9/11 10:04 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning Julia & all,

A special hug for you Julia. Big Hug

Shortly before 7 am, Tony Black Cat woke me up by kneading my arm, Baxter was giving kisses. Those two constantly vie for my attention. From the bathroom I heard Tom's electric razor. He never gets up early to shave. Very odd. He tiptoed into the bedroom and I asked him what he was doing. "Going to work".

"It's Wednesday!" I said. Huh? 2 He thought today was Thursday.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 8/10/11 5:11 am - FL
He HE HE  2or3 times!  Especially for the it!
love you too...Sam
Monica B.
on 8/9/11 10:15 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all, sober 282 days and so proud of me.
Wonderful rain almost all day yesterday. Storms coming from gulf and rain proceeding thru state. Dought here helped. More rain expected today.
Not much going on, hubby has doc app today. Julia you are in my thoughts...glad that the plans are coming together. Morgan and family prayers too.
Enjoy Wednesday all. Monica

on 8/9/11 10:22 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin', ya'll.
Julia, my heart is with you. Grieviing is different for all of us, take as much time as it takes.
Our son has his surgery today. They are moving nerves from the back of his elbow and wrist and rerouting them to the front. They say this will take care of the numbness in his hand. They had a cancellation so they called him yesterday. He is thrilled. He wants to be recovered in time for hunting season! He has his priorities.
Today I am gonna have to finish scanning the 2 notebooks full of genealogy stuff my aunt sent me a couple of months ago. Why is it I keep putting that stuff on the back burner? Probably because I have no deadline. If she said I have to have those books back by this or that date, I'd be right on it. I work better under deadlines.
I feel so much better now that I can be back on my treadmill on a regular basis. My back feels better and I have a great book to read. If I have a good book my hour goes by like minutes. I am reading "The Help". When I finish I will go see the movie. I hope this will be one of the few that the movie is as good as the book.
We are supposed to be cooling off some today. We had a huge thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and that helped.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


on 8/9/11 11:10 pm - Cibolo, TX
Hello from Lafayette!

I am so glad to have a chance to post today!  Finally caught a free minute on the hotel's computer in the business center.  Every time I came by yesterday, it was busy.

Hubby is in his last day of school.  We are friends again, just so you know. LOL!  Our squabbles never last long.

Spent yesterday either at the pool or at the mall.  Not buying clothes for me, but for him.  Came home with 3 bags of shirts and trousers for him to try on last night.  Taking most of it back today.  He just won't go shopping with me, silly man. 

Stopped and got my nails done yesterday, too. 

Today I plan to do more shopping, more pool time, and then tonight we're meeting my BIL and his wife for dinner.  Then back home tomorrow morning.

Doing okay managing my food, I think.  You know cajun cooking is very rich!  Lots of rice and sauces.  Doing my best to just eat the protein part! 

Haven't had time to read any posts since Sunday, so I don't know what's going on, but I'll catch up tomorrow.

In the meantime, love you all!


karen C.
on 8/9/11 11:15 pm, edited 8/9/11 11:15 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good morning Julia and Friends, 

I'm headed home from my daughter's this morning hauling the tent trailer. Not my favorite thing to do, but I so enjoy the camping so it's necessary! Wish I could afford the luxury of a little motor home. Doubt if that will ever happen with the cost of fuel, but it sure would be nice!

 Mike is in Montana trying to get his younger brother some help. No job, no money, no power, no water, no ambition. Sad story but he makes no attempt to help himself. I'm sure he hasn't paid the taxes on the house that my father in law left him since we last paid them 2 years ago. . . . I shouldn't even get started. I am all for helping someone when they are down and out IF they will try to help themselves. . . .

Two weeks from yesterday is the date for my medial thigh lift. Can't wait to get rid of this hanging, loose skin that will not firm up no matter what. No elasticity left. I know the surgery won't be fun but hopefully the results will allow me to buy pants that fit not only my behind but also my thighs. Currently I have to buy pants at least a size too big in the butt and waist in order for them to not bind my thighs.

Julia, sending you love and wishes for a lovely day filled with family, friends, and a wonderful tribute to your mom.

It's still very quiet here at Erin's. Everyone is still sound asleep. I love early mornings. They all wake up so refreshed. Most nights all 3 are asleep by 8pm and don't get up til 7am. What I could do if I got  even half of that as sound sleep~

Hope you all have a nice day.

Karen C

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