It's Saturday!

Connie D.
on 5/28/11 3:14 am
Mag...I really need to live in your area...I love hot temps the warmer the better!!

Enjoy....hugs....connie d
Patricia R.
on 5/28/11 1:04 am - Perry, MI
Good Morning,
I was up around 6:30, for an hour, but fell asleep in my rocking chair.  I was up till around 3:00, because I started prednisone yesterday for an upper respiratory infection, and it makes me hyper in a bad way for days.  I was supposed to help a friend with a yard sale, but that fell through, because I knew I would not be able to stay awake.  So, I walked Utley and called her and told her I could not make it.

Today, I have to get a replacement drivers license, and Visa Debit card from my bank.  I lost my wallet, and I am pretty sure I know where I lost it, but nobody turned it in.  Had no cash in it, if it did, it was just a few bucks.  I don't have credit cards, so that is not an issue.  I called my bank last night, and stopped the Visa Debit card already, and I called my medical insurance company for a replacement card for that.  Hopefully, I won't need medical care in the meantime. 

After those errands, I will hit an AA meeting and the gym for a swim.  Nothing else planned.

Have a good weekend.  Be safe.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/11 1:07 am
Good morning everyone

My mother seems to have turned the corner and is doing much better.  We need to build up her strength and that will take time.  I expect her to be out of the hospital by Wednesday.  I will stay another week to be sure she is okay.

Nothing exciting is happening in my world.  I am at the hopsital or home sleeping.  My sister drove in from Atlanta Wednesday so I at least have someone to rotate with.  I stay on night  and she stays the next.  We split up the day so we each can at least stretch and get a change of scenery.

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend.  I hope to get by the cemetary and put flags on my dad's grave.  He was a veteran.

Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/28/11 10:00 am - Green Valley, AZ
    Glad to know your Mom is better now. It's nice that your sister could come to help. Take care of yourself.    Mag   
Connie D.
on 5/28/11 3:12 am
Hello Julia and everyone....

I slept in until 9:30...I can't remember the last time I did that..I am always up at least by 7:00. Guess my body needed it.

All you wonderful ladies dealing with your mothers reminds me of mine. Those days are now behind us as she passed away several years ago. Sure do miss her every day!!

Sending up special prayers for all those who have served and are serving in the military. So many lives lost so senselessly!!

Nothing much planned here today and that is the way I want it. I did more then enough yesterday. Just relaxing and doing as little as possible!

Prayers for many here in need.

Have a great day!!!

Love and hugs.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 5/28/11 3:21 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Julia and my OFF family:

White Sox game is already on ... so it's noon here down in Louisiana. Already 87 and 56 percent humidity, so it feels like 92. 

I have my new summer 'do ... well, not really new, looks just like the old one when it's short. I don't think I've changed my look for years. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But it feels so much better being short. And it's nice and blond again. The only problem was while I was sitting there getting my hair done, my knee starting hurting ... felt like someone sticking knives it in it. I had wanted to meet with my cat rescue friend (well, my only friend here in La.) and go to a movie. I called her, but she never called me back; probably good, because I sure didn't want to sit in a movie for 2 1/2 hours. So I went to the farmer's market in West Monroe, got some tomatoes (already!) and zucchini and homemade salsa, went to CVS for some stuff (broke my sunglasses, so bought new ones), then got groceries and came home, put my legs up and put ice packs on them. Then I didn't do much for the rest of the day.

Now I have to go to work tonight, and it's an early deadline so I have to be there at 3 p.m. I made a new protein coffee type drink for breakfast. I have a new K-cup for my Keurig brewer ... Island Coconut ... so I tried that with my Dutch Chocolate Cake Inspire protein ... it wasn't bad ... a little too chocolately, I think. I was trying to make something like Starbucks Mocha Coconut Frappucino, only warm ... I guess this was it. I should try making a cold one sometime and see what it's like. I got some fat free Reddi-Wip ... I could put that on top. A little experiment.

Other than that, not much going on. Back to work tonight.

Julia, that's good of you to take your mom in ... I know it will be tough. I know I'm grateful to my brother for living with my mom, who at least is fairly coherent (although having some extreme senior moments now). I don't know if I could do it. It's good that your brothers will be able to help you. This is not a one-woman job ... you will need relief help. I agree with the others, look into getting an aide into help. I think Medicare will pay for it. (Is she eligible for that?)

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/28/11 4:19 am - Manteca, CA
We are in the process of applying for Medi-Cal/Medicaid. She should qualify.
on 5/28/11 5:09 am - Jacksonville, NC
OMG! High drama at my daughter's house. Our granddaughter has been sick and feverish for the last week and a half. Finally got in to see the doctor this morning. She has mono. She has to have no strenuous activity, no exercise for at least another week or her fever will come back. She should be no longer contagious in a couple of days. Tuesday is her 8th grade overnight camping trip. She can't go!!
She is in her room crying her eyes out and every now and then pleading her case. It is the end of her life!! She can't survive without going! She can go and do nothing! She promises, she'll just sit quietly! But she HAS to go.
Of course, her Dad has no clue. He is teasing, asking who she has been kissing.
At 14, you just gotta let her cry it out, calm down and discuss it rationally. Maybe tomorrow. Even if her parents would let her go, I'm
sure the school would not allow it.
My Sis had mono in high school and was thrilled to be able to miss school for weeks.
This too shall pas!!

Grammylew in Jax


on 5/28/11 6:44 am - Manteca, CA
Poor thing... it feels like the end of the world at that age.
on 5/28/11 6:14 am - Desert Hot Springs, CA

Happy Memorial Day weekend, OFF friends,

   It is hot and windy here in Desert Hot Springs.  If any of you watch The Amazing Race, the last season started off near my house in the midst of a windmill farm her in the desert.  We have windmill farms for a very good reason.    It is always windy here.  It does help with the heat.  And I'm with Connie.  I love it hot.

   My Air Force son is here from Tucson and it sure is good to have him home.  He and our other son are helping my husband put more river rock into our front yard to retard erosion.  I am sure they are all having a fun time.

    I started my day off at the country club where I work out with my trainer.  She kicked my butt this morning, but I know it is good for me.  I know that moving will get easier after I have my surgery and get some of this weight off.  As it stands now, my knees and back protest when I do too much strenuous activity.

   Well, I guess I will get back to the boys to see how they are coming.


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