It's Saturday!

Nancy H.
on 5/28/11 12:03 am - Traverse City, MI
Good morning all. My daughter & her DH & 3 girls are here this weekend. My son & 2 of his kids will be here later. Rainny & cool this morning, but the sun shoul be out soon.

Not sure what is on for today, I like to just visit & watch the kids have fun. I a sure we will get the quads out too. The kids are getting old enough to ride alone & they sure love that. Have 20 acres & some trails so lots of riding. So far breakfast, DH makes sausage gravy & biscuits. I can,t eat that, but the kids love it. Especially with venison.

Some of the girls are beading, & baking too. Well hope you all have a great holiday weekend. And please remember our active & retired militery.
Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/28/11 10:11 am - Green Valley, AZ
WOW, Nan, 20 acres!!!! I would love that. I had one acre in Indiana and thought I was in heaven. I'm envious to be sure.    Mag      Green with envy.  LOL
Nancy H.
on 5/28/11 10:25 am - Traverse City, MI
I love it here, except in January, when the snow is high enugh for the dogs to walk right over the fence!!!!
Judy G.
on 5/28/11 12:12 am - Galion, OH

Morning Julia and OFF family!!!

Well I went to the funeral home last night after I got off work and changed into dress clothes...paid my last respects to Bonnie...going to miss that woman!! She was a dear friend to me even though I had only known her for a short time at work. So sad....

Well the weather here is going to warm up alot in the next couple days they say...90's!!! OMG!!! I am off monday the hottest day of them all and the pool is open!!! Not that the water is warm enough for me to get in but I can lounge by it!!! LOL Will I wear my new suit?? MAYBE...remember that song way back she was afraid to come out in the open...she wore a yellow pola dot bikini...well mine is a hot pink one piece almost bikini and I am not going to wear it around people I know lol!!! Well I might....LOL Just something I have never worn in my life that showed so much of me!!! YIKES!!! Rick says I look good in it...have to trust him on that one!!

One more week and we are on VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to go!!!!! I have a feeling this is going to be the best vacation ever!!! I will miss Bandit though...he is going to be in a kennel while we are going to mackinaw so he isn't locked up in the room or car all day. It will be beter for him I am sure. Hate doing it but....

Still not sure what we will be BBQing monday yet. Still talking about it. Ribs? Dogs and Burgers? Rick wants something that will make the whole area smell good...LOL Guess the ribs will win...LOL

Talked to my mom the other night. She had her heart dr appointment and she is doing great!! She told me she fell going out to the car though!! Scrapped her leg and she thinks she broke her thumb!! Did she get it looked at? NO!!! Mad about that!!! I told her to get it looked at!!! Have to call her today and see if she did!! She said her weight is now down to 152. She is losing weight so fast it scares me to pieces!! Her family dr gave her something for her appitite but it made her lose control of her bowels so she stopped taking it. Heart dr told her to eat several times a day. She has no appitite at all so how can she eat several times a day???? Anyhow she wants me to make my famous potato salad for her birthday party. So when we get to saginaw guess what I will be Looking forward to making it and maybe she will eat that!!!

Well best get going here rattled on long enough...thoughts and prayers for those that need them!!


(deactivated member)
on 5/28/11 1:01 am


Would your mother drink Glucerna or Ensure.  Those are both designed for people who don't eat right.  they are not diet drinks.
Glucerna makes bars too.  Glucerna was formulated for diabetics.
My mom is not eating well now.  she is in the hospital and doesn't like their food.  We brought her food from outside but we can't do that all the time since she is diabetic.  I am bringing her the Glucerna today and hopefully she will get in some nutrition.
Just a thought.

Judy G.
on 5/28/11 1:04 am - Galion, OH

Linda, dr told her she could only have 2 of those drinks per day! She has the Ensure but not sure if she IS drinking them or not. I will ask her when I call her in a minute.

Sorry about your mom, hope she gets better soon!!


on 5/28/11 1:58 am - Manteca, CA

Lots of us seem to be in the same boat with worrying about our mothers....

Kristi N.
on 5/28/11 12:37 am - NC
What a week! I was re-united with my long-lost baby brother through Facebook. I haven't heard from him since our Dad died 19 years ago. He's 2 yrs younger than me. Only thing, he asked me not to let our Mom know that we are in contact. I will respect that. Mom & Dad were divorced 25+ years when Dad died. Long story, but my brother and mother came to a parting of the ways over his choice of spouse and other things. He decided to disappear from the family. Can't blame him. I also have an older brother and sister who live about 4 hrs away. But that's another post...

Better stuff...we had a blast with the 3 granddaughters out in the yard last night. My DIL bought a bubble machine and the little ones had a fun chasing the bubbles, even the 1 yr old. We had to scrub her knees really good to get the green off. Poppa had cut the grass yesterday and she crawled all over and was "knee-walking".

Stopped my the cemetary yesterday and put flags on both my stepdad's graves. I loved them both dearly and missed them both. My dad is buried in in California. No family there anymore, but I hope someone puts a flag on his grave, too. Memorial Day was always a big deal to Dad. We would have block parties and he would blast John Phillips Sousa marches on the hi-fi for the whole neighborhood to hear.

Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Remember those no longer in our lives and enjoy the ones around you.

Many hugs,

HW 244lbs SW 232lbs CW 148lbs GW 125-130lbs                     
on 5/28/11 6:11 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Kristi,
That is so great that you found your baby brother on Facebook! I have a fantasy that someday I may find my older half brother. He used to come to visit us when I was a young girl. I lost one of my brothers in 1990 and I would love to gain another brother now.
Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/28/11 12:39 am - Green Valley, AZ
Hi Julia and all,
     I awakened this morning at 5:30. My body doesn't realize that it is a weekend. Will go back for a nap before long.
     Went to a women's  luncheon yesterday. The menu was chicken Marsala. I removed as much of the wine sauce that I could. It was very tasty. It was the first time I had attended. I met many nice ladies. Next month is a potluck of salads and desserts. I may skip that one.
     Well, it's official. Tucson hit 100 degree mark yesterday for the first time this year. Air conditioner will be on for the summer. I forgot how hot it gets here. I spent the last 3 summers in Indiana. Can't go this summer. I have bills to pay (just like everyone else.) My friend is taking me to Florida is October and I'm looking forward to that.
 Take care and be blessed,   Mag  
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