It's Saturday!

on 5/27/11 10:00 pm - Manteca, CA
HI All- POST! Be right back!
Laureen S.
on 5/27/11 10:05 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Julia I was doing the same thing. . .  hit post and wallaha saw yours. . .

Ok, so it's almost 8 a.m., I was exhausted and went to bed at 9:30 last night, slept right through to 6 this morning and that is with a party in full swing next door, right outside my bedroom windows. . .

Anyway, I just came in from cleaning out my car and in a few minutes I will put on some clothes and take Roxie for a nice walk before it gets too hot out, that will be my exercise for today, well that and whatever else I do around here. Got to get a pedicure and haircut, Tony will be here probably around 3 this afternoon because he has to go to work first, so we will do something. . . anyway, hope you all have a wonderful day and for those of you facing challenges, wishing you peace and strength

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 5/27/11 10:16 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin', ya'll.
Yep, Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I'm staying home out of the traffic! We will be babysitting our son's 3 dogs from this morning until tomorrow afternoon sometime. They have friends coming in from out of town and their son is deathly afraid of dogs. Apparently he was attacked once.
My DH has a pot of some kind of soup on the stove. My kids have always loved their Dad's 'concoctions'. It usually starts out as something specific. Today's was vegetable soup. But I now hear he has added ham and I'm not sure what else. It does smell good in here though!
This week I should get the yarn in the mail so I can start Eeyore and Piglet for my granddaughter and her cousin. I have also ordered some to do a really pretty scarf, hat and mittens set. In all the years I have crochetted, I have never done mittens. Oh, and my DIL and I picked out material for another Halloween costume. Our daughter and kids will be here in 2 weeks, so I either have to complete some of these rhings, or get them off the bed in the back spare bedroom!!
Everyone have a fantabulous Memorial Day Weekend!!

Grammylew in Jax


Monica B.
on 5/27/11 10:38 pm - Emery, SD
My hubby has always been a fabulous cook. Had to learn with his large Irish family background. He has had a hard time learning to downsize for 2. Enjoy your weekend and soup. Are you making gravy for the "crew"?

on 5/27/11 10:21 pm - Manteca, CA
My goal for today... 4 pages of postings!  I know that's unusual, but WE CAN DO IT!  We are "Gabbers Par Excellance"!  I know that is a made-up word... or at the very least spelled totally wrong! I'm sitting here at 5:00 AM totally awake because Penny the Dog decided my head was a wonderful pillow!
Thanks for all of your responses of concern these last couple of weeks. I have definitely been struggling but I feel better now. School is out (thank God because now I can concentrate on my Mom only). The home I was hoping for will not work- I visited yesterday and OH MY- the couple who run it live there with a baby and the two residents are so deeply into dementia that they sit in wheelchairs and stare straight ahead into space. I am seeing states of being where none of us want to go...
I drove home crying- saying over and over- "I'll just move into her house for the summer and care for her... see what she needs for care myself."  I called my brother Jim to tell him that I was going to clean the house thoroughly, get new carpets, and take care of her while we made our decisions. He said that he would help and my brother Charles would help- we will figure a way for her to stay in her own house. She is much better now- MUCH.  She can't remember what she had for her last meal, but the important memories are fairly intact. AND- the biggest news is that my oldest brother retired last week (I don't officially know it yet) and is going to help a lot- maybe even move in with her permanantly. I am HOPE, HOPE, HOPING for that as the best idea yet!
Today my husband and I are joining our friends at their annual cabin stay by the river. Tonight is prime rib...
So how about all of you? What's up? Are you going anywhere? Fill up the pages now, or I will have to do it myself...
on 5/27/11 11:01 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Julia, I hope you can find the perfect solution for your Mom and all the rest of the family. Seems to me government agencies would spend less money if they provided help for older folks that want to stay in their own homes vs. assisted living, nursing homes. When it was time for my Gramma to go into assisted living, my Mom and her siblings tell some horrific stories of their visits to prospective places!
Your Mom is very lucky to have so many loving children willing/able to step up and help. At least to evaluate exactly what she does need and time to find the best place for her to be.
We had round the clock CNA's for my Mom for the last month of her life. Even when my Sis and I were there. But, Mom could afford it, and we knew it would be only a matter of weeks, not years. Sis and I would not have been able to do the 'heavy lifting' for her. Bathing, changing, turning, changing bedding and keeping track of meds. We were good at helping her eat, listening when she wanted to talk about the past, and just reassuring her of our love.
My prayers are with you and your entire family.

Grammylew in Jax


on 5/28/11 1:43 am - Manteca, CA
You were a functioning family - I think that is getting more rare these days. Your Mom was lucky, and also deserving of the love she had given which was flowing back to her. I agree with you about government agancies too. Looking for care is like going to a car salesman!
Pat R.
on 5/27/11 11:33 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning Julia and all Off friends:

I didn't sleep well last night - went right to sleep, then awoke with a start an hour or so later.  A very close cousin is near death and she was on my mind -- kept waiting for the phone to ring, but it never did.

So wasn't eager to get out of the warm bed this morning.  I say "warm" because it is rainy and cool here this morning.  Warm front coming thru for the weekend with temps going into the high 80's .  Seems like its either cool or terribly hot.......moderate would be nice!

Going on a little road trip today with bro and sis.  Open house graduation celebration for great neice.  

Pouch has been really grouchy ever since I ate two small BBQ ribs on taking it really easy on food. 

Hope your Memorial Day weekend is happy and safe.

Pat r.


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on 5/28/11 12:55 am


I can't remember my last meal either !!

on 5/28/11 1:45 am - Manteca, CA
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