What's New- Friday

Monica B.
on 5/20/11 6:00 am - Emery, SD
Please be very MINDFUL of the cup of cereal. I sometimes have dry cereal, but make sure I am aware as the pieces find my mouth, chew, swallow, savor, etc. I still have to be AWARE of the food going in so I remember I have eaten it. Often if I make popcorn, I engulf it, poof stuffed down and didn't taste it. Scary!! Good luck, proud of you.

on 5/20/11 6:05 am - Cibolo, TX
Yes, sweet Monica, I will be mindful!  I haven't done it yet, btw.  Just thought I should plan ahead for the next time the 'head hunger' strikes! 

I do sometimes eat 1/2 c. of the Kashi cereal with a Kroger carb master yogurt for a meal.  It's very good! 


Eileen Briesch
on 5/20/11 4:10 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Julia and my OFF family:

Congrats on your nomination; hope you get it, but you know how good you are even if you don't get it. A speech therapist is a special person in my book. I know how special mine was in my life (even if I can't remember her name ... but it was so long ago) ... I do remember the impact she had on my life. You do the same with children every day.

Not much happening here. Two days off at last after working eight days in row. You are all probably tired of my whining, so I'll say no more. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/20/11 4:18 am - Desert Hot Springs, CA
Good morning, OFF friends,

    Congratulations on the nomination, Julia!  How wonderful to be recognized for such worthy work.  Monica, glad that Angus made it and is so happy.  What a blessing for you.  Glad that your PT session went well, Mag.  

   DebbieJean, we are CHAP accredited rather than JCAHO and the surveyors just left us yesterday.  Boy am I glad they are gone.  I have never had to spend that much time with surveyors and I don't want to do it again very soon.  Good luck with Joint Commission.

   It is sunny and getting warmer here in California after a cool, wet week.  I am looking forward to the weekend.

   Take care everyone,   Sharon
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