What's New- Friday

on 5/19/11 10:19 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin', ya'll.
Yesterday was spent at Walmart picking up a few things for making finger food for our DIL's candle party tonight. One of the guests is vegetarian. So I will be making making meat and meatless lumpia and stuffed mushrooms, as well as a savory spread for crackers, and a sweet spread/dip for crackers or fruit, and an apple/blue cheese tart. The sweet spread/dip calls for mango chutney. I couldn't find that at WM. I will check Piggly Wiggly this morning, or I will have to make my own. I also need to finish the last 2 chair covers for her deck chairs. I so very love doing these kinds of thing!!
Our twins turn 42 today. Our daughter lives in OR, she is the best daughter we could ever hope to have! Our son lives in AK, but we have had no relationship with him for the last 15 or so years. A long story that is sad, but we have given up trying.
Hurricane season has begun and I hope it is a very inactive season. We pay a fortune for our wind and hail insurance but I hope we never have to use it!! I also hope no one else has any problems with hurricanes this year. We have had too many years of too much destruction from Mother Nature!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Monica B.
on 5/19/11 11:30 pm - Emery, SD
How is DIL and son doing? Your goodies sound delicious. We called our insurance co to make sure  we have full coverage in case of hurricanes since we are down south for season. NAOO report said plan for a busy season.

on 5/19/11 11:02 pm
Well it's still raining in Pennsylvania. It ranges from sprinkles to steady rains to total wipeout downpours. BUt I am SO ready for a patch of blue sky!

Yesterday I worked in Philly and took care of some things there - pretty productive day. Today I have a few work projects to wrap up, and get to the gym.

The weekend is kind of unplanned. Mike has to work Saturday so I will probably do some cleaning and tossing and work out, along with planning a few meals for next week. I don't need to grocery shop much except for fresh veggies.

I made my 2 yr follow up appointment yesterday. My surgeon has relocated out of state, so I will be seeing her replacement, who is actually Trish's surgeon. Have to get my blood work done - which I will have to pay for because we haven't met our deductible for the year (which I guess is really a good thing, is it not?)

Hoping all of you have a great Friday!
Monica B.
on 5/19/11 11:17 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all, sober 199 days and so proud of me.
Very proud of you Julia, nice to be recognized for one's efforts and caring.
Our son Angus made it to his new home in Montana. The phone rang @ 4 EST and he said Mom I am home, will call you back once I meet my new housemates. He called again with tears of joy in his voice. He has the entire 3rd floor of a home, with LR, 2 BR, kitchen, and bath, all for $450 a month. The home is on a lovely street with plently of parking and a great yard. He was living in a section of Burlington VT that had him very concerned this past year. He said his housemates all LOVE to flyfish like he does. They are all from VT too, having moved to MT for a new lifestyle. Today he will unpack, explore, and go to his new job to meet the staff. Wishing h
Laureen S.
on 5/19/11 11:36 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Morning Julia, OFF Friends. . .

Julia, wishing you a very happy birthday and congratulations on the nomination, hope you are surprised by bringing home the award and if not, in your heart, I think you all ready know that you've won without the award.  Having met you and heard you talk about your students and what you do, I know that you must be a really wonderful teacher and make a big difference in those who have come in contact with you.  As for your Mom, my heart goes out to you and I know how heart breaking it is to watch your parent decline from what they once were, I've seen it first with my Mom, who died too young and now with my Great Aunt Mary, who I grew up around very closely and last time I saw her, she did not remember who I was, she is 96 now, healthy as a horse, physically, but the mind, just sad, so try to hang onto your good memories and enjoy her good days.  Much love sent your way. . .

I am hear at work, nothing much going on today, so it should be quiet, I will hit a lunchtime AA meeting and that way when I get out of work I can head home and spend time with my sweet Roxie girl and do some straightening up around the house, maybe even get my laundry done.  I have a busy weekend, what else is new?  Tony coming down tomorrow, and my friend Owen will be coming over to help me, as I have to go get a portable AC for my upstairs roommate, as the temps are going to be up this coming week and because it is an attic apartment/big room, my central air does not keep it very cool, so I am blocking off the vents and putting a portable unit up there for her comfort.  In the evening I will be attending my Women's AA Homegroup and then home to bed. . .  Sunday I am attending a home support group for those of us WLSr's who are further out and struggling.  So there's my weekend, in between I am sure to play some Zuma Blitz, I am so addicted to that darn game. . .

Ok, folks, that's enough from me, hope you all have a good weekend, sending special wishes of peace and strength to those of you facing life challenges that require some extra. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 5/19/11 11:48 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Julia and OFF family!!!

Congrats Julia!!! Hope that they pick YOU!!!!! Keeping fingers crossed!!!!

Debbie that fog has been around here also!!! YUCK!!! Your nails sound pretty!!!

Caroline you are always so busy...lol HUGS!!!

Monica...your son sounds so happy right now and I hope it works out well for him!!! And CONGRATS on your 199 days!!!!!

Did I miss anyone? If I did sorry...CRS ya know!!!

Well if you read my post from last night you know what happened here. Was shaken up rest of the night!!!

Weather here today looks like it could be nice all day for a change! I will be working 1-9 so will miss the majority of the day. Was called in yesterday on my day off so I got some overtime in. Worked 830-4. Body is screaming in pain. After moving furniture and scrubbing carpet wednesday...OMG I am hurting. So all that with 37 regular hours work and then the extra hours with yesterday now...I hurt. Toe is really hurting today!!! Haven't even started the day yet either and its hurting!!! I will not go back to that dr either!!! (quack)

Two more weeks and we are on VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!! Going back to Michigan and mom's 90th birthday party and then we are going to Mackinaw City and then we will take the boat over to Mackinaw Island for the day. Not sure what else we will be doing while up there. Play it by ear I guess. Just hope the weather holds out while we are there!!!

Well that is about it for me today...thoughts and prayers for those that need them!!!


on 5/20/11 12:56 am - Manteca, CA
Sorry I confused you all- my birthday isn't until the END of May... I'm just included in the May party tomorrow. I'm still 56 for 10 more days! Thanks for the congrats for everything though!
on 5/20/11 1:52 am - Cibolo, TX
LOL!  I thought, "Am I crazy?"  I went back and re-read your post, thinking I must have read it wrong!  So Happy EARLY Birthday, Julia!


Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 5/20/11 3:30 am - Green Valley, AZ
Hello Julia and all OFFers,
     Congratulations on being nominated for the award. Have a sip of wine for me. Happy early birthday.
      To all that are struggling, I wish you peace. For those who are finding answers to problems, I applaud you. To those of you with too much rain and gray clouds please send them to Arizona. We are desperate for rain.
         PT session went very well yesterday. I am very please that it was the first time I was without dizziness and fatigue for the rest of the day. My therapist is moving back to Ohio. My new therapist is named Anthony. I have a hard time with changes. Been that way all my life. I think it is due to my Bi-Polar, I realize life is full of changes and do try to cope with it by having a positive attitude.
      My car is fixed. They also steam cleaned my engine for free. That was very nice. I did put the cost on a credit card, so I'll have to see what the payment will be. My sister, Ellen, said she wouldn't let me starve. lol. That's good to know.
       I tried to get my lab work drawn at two different labs but they said they didn't know the tests and couldn't do them. Yesterday I went to a 3rd lab. It took them a hour but they figured out that the codes on the orders were for billing purposes instead of ordering codes. They called my doctor. She has a new computer system that caused the problem so she faxed the the orders off the old system.  Success!!!!! My labs are done.  
     Wishing a wonderful day to everyone.    Mag  
on 5/20/11 2:03 am - Cibolo, TX
Good morning, everyone!

I am having many, many computer woes this morning.  Won't bore you with the details, but I have finally tethered my laptop to my cell phone in order to get on-line.  Grrrrr!  Very annoying!

I am happy to report that I handled my food intake much better yesterday.  Perhaps the day before was just an abberation.  I feel back in control today.  Of course, the scale hasn't moved in several days now.  I guess I put myself into a stall.  Sigh.  There's a price to be paid for every decision we make, isn't there?

I did find a food that I can snack on that makes sense.  I bought some of that Kashi Go Lean cereal, the kind with 13 g of protein per cup.  If I have one of those snack attacks again, I can just pour myself a cup of that cereal and nibble away.  There are lots and lots of little tiny pieces in a cup!  Just eat them one at a time and that will take an hour at least.

The weather here has turned warm and muggy again.  This is more typical.  Had to close up the house and turn the AC on again.  There goes my electric bill for the rest of the summer!

I hope we don't have a bad hurricane season, too.  We are usually too far inland to get much damage  from any hurricanes that strike the Texas coast, although we did get hit with Hurricane Rita a few years back.  I sat right here at this table and watched the roof blow off our tractor shed.  And we lost our power for a week.  It was not fun.

I need to get on with my chores for the day.  Hope everyone does well today and best of luck to Julia with her award! 

Happy Friday!


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