What's New- Friday

on 5/19/11 8:16 pm - Manteca, CA
Good Morning Peeps! Right back...
on 5/19/11 8:36 pm - Manteca, CA
I'm up at 3:15- AARGH... back to bed in a sec... Today is the awards ceremony for the Teacher, Support Person, and Paraprofessional of the Year for my school district. It's being held at a local winery and should be very nice. I might win but even being nominated and reaching the final three is very nice. Everyone enjoys being appreciated- you understand that I know. I'm wearing a dress- that doesn't happen too often anymore! I'm practicing my "Good Loser" smile too... the event will be fun no matter what. I will definitely enjoy one glass of cabernet. My daughter is going with me- also quite a few of my colleagues from my school.
On Saturday it's back to reality- a combo birthday party at the rehab. My immediate family has three birthdays in May so we usually celebrate together. We are going to drag my Mom into the dining room to have our little party. She wanted to give money to each of us with birthdays, so I bought the cards (including my own... so strange to do that) and had my Mom write the checks. She is having trouble writing checks even... I'm not sure they will go through but I wanted her to do it if she could. I got her medical records yesterday and all that they found was that her brain is starting to atrophy and she's had some small strokes that have left their mark. I'm hoping that this doesn't happen to me....it's like my nightmare death...I want to go like my Grandma- pulling a slot machine arm.... of course we KNOW that can't happen... you just push a button these days! :)
I need to get back to bed. Happy Friday!
on 5/19/11 10:21 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Happy Birthday Julia and have fun at your awards ceremony.
Just remember it's an honor to be nominated so you are all ready a winner! Go girl. So proud of you.

Happy Friday OFF family. Man it's foggy here in Kalamazoo. On my ride in I took it slow. A lot of people were driving their car with their lights off. Oh my!

So last night after work, decided to skip my gym but plan on going today after work.
Ended up getting a manicure and a pedi at a new nail spa in Plainwell. Then off to WalMart to get Miralax and ducalax pills for my hubby's colonoscopy prep. He will be scoped on Friday, he is dreading it but I told him the drugs were good and he wouldn't feel or remember a thing! LOL

Gotta get back to work. The Joint Commission is around maybe today, they were at the Borgess VNA yesterday. So I'm ready for them if they stop in my office.

Oh yeah, I took Susan's advice and other on getting your nails shellacked. I did the French.
Oh and my toenails look pretty too...got them French too...along with 2 flowers added on my big toenails. Okay sandals I'm ready for ya now!

Hugs and prayers for those in need, everyone have a wonderful Friday, do something fun just for you. Even if it's a bubble bath. Whhhooooooo...it's Friday! Debbie
Pat R.
on 5/20/11 12:16 am - Sturgis, MI
Happy Birthday Julia and congrats on being selected for a possible award.   

Teaching is such a rewarding career -- I really enjoyed being a piano teacher.

I'm at work, Carla just called to let me know she isn't coming over after all.  We'll just have to plan a get together some other time.  she has personal things to take care of today that are more important and I understand completely.

Feeling so good lately -- so refreshing to actually have energy and sleep well.

Must get back to my job, trusting that everyone has a safe and happy Friday, and a wonderful weekend. 

Pat R.


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Connie D.
on 5/20/11 7:22 am
Good afternoon Julia and  everyone..

Julia...congrats on the nomination...that is wonderful!

My daughter Carrie in MN and 2 of my grandchildren were in a car accident. They are okay just sore muscles and achy thank goodness. The Mercedes is totaled. It can be replaced but they can't!!

Sure has been a rainy and gloomy day today. Oh well...stayed inside and did laundry and cleaning. Had planned on going to some garage sales but not in this weather.

Grace has a bit of a cold...hasn't felt like doing much today.  Kind of a quiet afternoon for us.

Wishing you all a nice rest of the day.

Prayers for those in need.

Love and hugs to all...connie d
Patricia R.
on 5/19/11 9:55 pm, edited 5/19/11 9:55 pm - Perry, MI

Congrats on being nominated for the teaching award.  I taught for many years, and remember how important a pat on the back was, even if it was just a thank you from someone.  I hope you win.

I understand that strange feeling about your Mom and buying your own card.  Every Christmas, Mom gives us kids checks, and one year, she came to my sisters for the visit, and forgot her checkbook.  She got my sister to write the checks,a nd even made her write the check to herself.  She paid my sister back, but talk about starnge.

I have a busy morning ahead of me. I intend to get to my AA meeting and the gym, in addition to x-rays of my foot which had the toe surgery. I am still having swelling and pain, which the doc is concerned about. Doc gave me little compression socks for them to get the swelling down. He wanted to put me on prednisone, but since I am already on it, and still have the swelling, he opted for the toe socks. I go back in three weeks, and he will check the x-rays and see if the swelling is reduced. I also must finish the baby blankets I am working on. The baby that is due to be delivered this week by C-section is my daughter's future nephew. I make blankets for all her nieces and nephews on her in-laws' side. I also need to finish my grandon's banky, so he can stop dragging around all his big blankets and getting them dirty. The one I am making is going to be big enough for him to hug, but not too big that it drags on the floor when he carries it. He has carried three blankets at once, and reminds me of Linus from the Peanuts cartoons. .

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

(deactivated member)
on 5/20/11 2:44 am
Does your grandson have a favorite blanky or will he drag any blanket?  I gave my grandson a blanket when he was born.  I got it a baby gap and it was the softest blanket I had ever touched.  I tried to buy one for his brother when he was born but they no longer made them.  My grandson still won't sleep without it and tucks it under his chin.  If he takes a nap or watches TV it is right there with him.  He will be 6 in a few weeks.  That blanky barely covers his shoulders but he has to have it.  Sometimes he will cover with a big blanket but must has "his" blanky on top then it always ends up in his hands tucked under his chin.  Wonder if he'll take it with him on his honeymoon?
Pat R.
on 5/20/11 3:59 am - Sturgis, MI
That's so funny Linda -- my son who will be 40 this year still has what if left of his blanky....just a small piece of the binding......I teased him when he got married if he was going to take it on his honeymoon and I'm not sure that he didn't....LOL


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Monica B.
on 5/20/11 5:52 am - Emery, SD
So does our son Angus. Our daughters too. By the time Angus came, 12 yrs after the first, I learned and bought 2 Fisher Price blue blankets hoping he would "bond" with this instead of some other couldn't replicate item. It worked well.

Patricia R.
on 5/20/11 6:56 am - Perry, MI
All of the blankets he carries around are either knit, or crochet, with soft yarn, including the one I made him when he was born, which is huge, because it is the size of a crib mattress.  I am trying to finish a smaller one that won't drag on the floor when he carries it around the house.  When I am knitting or crocheting, he plays with my project.  He loves the feel of soft yarn.  Sometimes he tries to carry around three of them, most are baby size, but he also drags the huge one I made him. 
While I was working on his blanky, his sister asked me to make her another blanket, because the one I made for her when she was born was not made with the soft yarn I made his with, so she and I went shopping and bought red, hot pink, baby pink and white yarn, to make her the blanket she asked for.  She picked out the colors.  I hope she likes it.  I will start it when I finish the baby blanket for her new cousin, and her brother's blanky.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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