I'm at work, drinking my water and now taking my vitamins.
I have my 4 year Bariatric check up today at 11am.
Nothing new with me except I have a service excellence award volunteer who I nominated for just being one of the best volunteers around, Dorothy delivers flowers/mail to our patients, always has a smile on her face and serves others well. She has a great laugh and it's contagious! She is excited about getting the award after I told her even though people are nominated the committee decides if it's a go. Yep, I sure do love my volunteers!
Have a great day everyone, it's rainy again here in good ole' Kalamazoo. Give me the sunshine!
Prayers and hugs for all in need. Debbie
Well its early for me to be up when I don't have to be to work til 1 today! Phones were ringing off the chargers this morning at 6 am!!! Who the heck was calling so early??? First it was Rick's phone then mine!! We got up to see and it was his mom calling us...I said I bet a tree came down!! Boy was I ever right!!! The huge tree next to her house came down alright!!! Right on top of her car and the renters car!!! Her car is flattened like a pancake!!! The renters car has smashed windows and not sure what else. She has full coverage so she will get her car replaced. He doesn't have full coverage so he is SOL. Been through it when I first moved here and my car had a tree hit it from another storm. Homeowners insurance does NOT cover it. For a few bucks more it is always best to keep full coverage on your car!!! I hope his mom doesn't have anything important in her car because she sure isn't going to get it out now!!! The roof is right to the floor of the car and looks like the car is into the ground maybe a foot in some places!!! Before we went to see the car I had Bandit outside for him to go potty...took him back inside and when we came back out just 2 minutes later, right where I just had Bandit a huge limb had came down!!!! And I do mean HUGE!!! If Bandit had stopped to poop I am sure we would have been under that limb and probably killed!!!! I would guess this limb to be about 2 or more feet around!!! All this wind is supposed to end about 10 this morning...latest gust reported was 61mph. Not sure if anything higher yet.
All those that are in the path of the tornados down south my heart goes out to them!!! I have never in my life seen so much damage like this!!! I love storms but the damages like it has left NO I do NOT like that at all!!!! I do not know who pissed off mother nature but whoever did they need to stop it now!!!!!!!!
Worked yesterday 1-9 and boy was it ever a long day for me!!! I didn't have to big of a mess to clean up but they sure didn't clean very good! Just so happened a manager wlaked by as I was wiping down the counters and I showed her the dust on the towles I was using and asked her "didn't anyone clean while I was gone?" she asked where it cam,e from and I told her and she said OMG!!! yeah...so hopefully she will talk to the ones that worked while I was off...before I left I took the food safety test and I got 100%. One of the girls told me I had to take the test yet. I told her I did before I was off. She said she had to take it and it took her over 2 hours...lmao guess she didn't pass the short test so she had to take the long one also!!! I knew that was going to happen and she also said a few others had to also take the long test with her as well. Yup I knew that was going to happen also! Can I call it or what?
Well time to get going here and see if I can figure out how to download some photos I took of the tree on Rick's mom's car. Have a good and and know that I am thinking of you all!!
Prayers and thoughts going out....
Well we are just getting socked with rain rain rain the thunder and lightening. I'm home because my school is on a 2 hour delay due to flash flooding.
I live in NY along the Susquehannna River and let me tell you she is one B****. We go thru this every Spring, but every 4 years or so, it gets really bad. We;ve had about 9 days of rain and 3 days of thunderstorms ...the last 3 days we've gotten over 2 inches of rain. So its baddd here!!
Ah well....life goes on. I feel very bad for those in the south with the monster tornadoes...OMG !!!
Prayers to all who need them...
(((((HUGS))))) tooo...
Everyone stay safe...I'm going to try to "swim" to school now.
Judy...I don't know how you do that job...I am a perfectionist and I would be going crazy....sounds like you are the same way.
Glad you and Bandit are safe...that was a scare...too close of a call!
I am doing okay...like I said Gracie does wear me out. I haven't had time to get out and meet many people here yet. I am always so tired by the time Jamie comes home. Hope that improves real soon.
Another beautiful Sunshiny day....I love the sun!! Spent most of yesterday afternoon outside.
Still keeping all those in the storm areas in my special prayers.
Love hugs and prayers to all of you.....connie d
Connie there are days that I grit my teeth...grrrr how these people can pass the food sanitation is beyond me!!!
When I go outside and see that tree laying there I cringe at what might have been!!! OMG that tree is huge and we could have been under it!!! Thank GOD Bandit didn't have to poop yet!!!!
Wish we had some of that sun today!!! It was so nice for 2 days here and now its chilly once again!!! Temp dropped from hi 60's to 50 right now and that wind is cold!!!!!! BRRRRRRRRR Enjoy it while you got it!!!
Good Morning Judy, OFFr's. . .
I saw the thread had not been started when I was on this morning, but figured someone else would start it up soon enough, don't like to be greedy ;)
Praying for all those so deeply affected by this crazy spring weather, the devastation keeps coming and as I look out of my workspace windows, it looks pretty ugly out there, there are weather advisories everywhere for today, hopefully all will be done by the time I leave work at 6 tonight.
Thank goodness Bandit did not do his business where he normally does, I honestly think dogs have a sixth sense about them and can sense danger a lot of the time, though some have a stupid chip in 'em as well, the ones that chase cars or dart out in traffic. . . just grateful that nothing happened to your boy. . . as for Rick's Mom, well thankfully that tree did not hurt anyone, as we all know things are replaceable, loved ones are not.
Well my day consists of work, working until 6, then home to be picked up by my friend Owen and we will go to our AA homegroup meeting. . .otherwise just hoping that the storms approaching us don't do the things they have done elsewhere.
Wishing you all the best possible day and peace and strength to those with the more serious life challenges.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I agree Laureen...some dogs do have a stupid chip in them...and some have a 6th sense also...glad Bandit didn't have to go just yet when we were out there!!! OMG!!!! I shudder when I go out there and see that huge tree that could have hit us!!! As for Rick's mom's car...not sure how she will get a different one yet but she did have insurance. Her credit sucks BIG time and if she needs deductable I am not sure. I know I didn't when my car was damaged when I lived there and the tree damaged it from the storm. But she has different insurance than I do so it could be different.
Hope your weather isn't dangerous!!! Be safe if it is!!
I'm sorry to hear about the tree on the car but thankful Rick's Mom has full converage. So thankful that Bandit had safely gotten inside before that limb fell. My goodness, things good and bad can happen in one split second. Such is life.
I pray everyone has a careful & blessed day.