Mindful Eating: appreciate your food experiance!
Happy Thursday Mindful Eaters, this one hits the nail on the head for sure! Hugs Debbie
The Purpose of Mindfulness is....
Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:34 AM PDT
to bring more joy to your life. As you notice what you're doing, as you start living in the moment, mindfulness let's you appreciate your experiences more vividly.
Get a grip -- food is just fuel. It isn't love. Food isn't joy. It is the experience of eating that is joyful -- if you are missing out on the experience, how is more fuel going to help?
So awesome!! Food is fuel for your body so you can do the things you love! Being mindful not just in eating but in life gives you access to being present to whats so and living in the moment! With this access comes the ability to accept and create. Keep creating Debbie! And thank you for sharing your inspiring insights!