Monica B.
on 4/8/11 10:43 pm - Emery, SD
Candy, I know what it is like all to well. I was still working when we put the house up for sale, so the downsize into the RV and selling the house fell on hubby. He did an amazing job. One big help or hurt was the mini battle b/w realtor daughter Sara. She told him to "clean" the house. Not of dirt, but of US. All and I mean all the nik naks, pictures, collections of stuff, etc had to be backed away before the house went on the market. Now if a stranger was our real estate agent hubby would have listened and done it the right the first time. But the father daughter thing was a road block.
When he finally "GOT" it that made the process easier. Laundry baskets helped. He made staging areas in the garage. As he went thru rooms & closets he put things in throw out, tag sale, keeping. He ordered a dumpster and as the throw out baskets filled dumped they were. By the time the whole house tag sale weekend came we were ready. Sure there are some things he wishes he had kept (but wouldn't fit in the RV), but thats life. He has a storage locker in MA, filled with his sport card collections and treasures. He found one that cost $18/mth, small space but it works. Amazing that in 5 yrs on the road he hasn't visited it at.
I know we talked about this at our GTG dinner, to all who have potential life moves coming up, take what you want from this post, start small now and it will go well.

Jan C.
on 4/8/11 10:48 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Monica that is what i am in the process of doing right now. de personlizing the house.. i have plastic storage tubs  three of them at a time. trash, sell and keep...the keep things i think i will have to go thru them a couple of times and put more of them in the sell

I have been meaning to tell you too....i think of you as a super woman with the ability to see where you were going with the alchohol and to be able to stop ....keep up the good youngest daughter is going thru the same process and is clean and sober now for 66 days....i say a prayer for you and her each day .....


on 4/8/11 11:28 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Candy, I'm a NY gal myself. When we retired from the Navy we moved to OR because the trees and open spaces reminded me of NY, but much milder winters. But the cost of living got too high. Now we are in NC where our $ go farther, the weather is great and the property taxes are decent. We love it here. Plus we take advantage of the low prices at the Commissary and the free RX's on base!

Grammylew in Jax


Patricia R.
on 4/8/11 11:24 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Jan,
I have had to downsize twice in the past decade.  First, after my divorce, I had to go from a four bedroom house to a two bedroom townhouse.  Then, a little over a year ago, I went from there to a one bedroom apartment.  What a challenge. 

I was supposed to head to therapy this morning, but I barely slept last night because of a ton of post-op pain.  My therapist's office is quite a distance, and I fear falling asleep at the wheel.

So, my plan for today is to ice and elevate my foot, and chill out in my rocking chair.  I am also going to be reading my latest acquisition.  It is Michael Oher's autobiography.  He is the Baltimore Raven who was featured in 'The Blind Side.'

Have a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Monica B.
on 4/9/11 12:53 am - Emery, SD
 I will not play this little piggy with you today, but sending virtual kisses for each toe. Feel better.

Patricia R.
on 4/9/11 2:14 am - Perry, MI
Thanks Monica,
When I got my stitches out, my granddaughter noticed I did not have the Ace bandage on my foot anymore, and she would tickle my piggies.  She barely touched the sock over my foot, and she was thrilled to make me feel better.  However, my dog has been stepping on my sore toes, and dropping his ball for fetch on them.  Pitiful Pup.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen Briesch
on 4/9/11 4:27 am - Evansville, IN
I have that book too ... plus the book by the Tuohys. And the movie "The Blind Side." Loved that movie.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Monica B.
on 4/8/11 11:56 pm - Emery, SD

Morning all. Sober 157 days and so proud of me.
AC on already, shades down and ready for 90 temps and humidity.
My body is very sore inside and outside today. Realized that the difficult emotional past days are taking their toll. Major abdomianl upset, grateful for Scott, regular, not that new soft stuff TP. Grateful for baby powder with corn starch. I feel like grumpy old fairies must have come in with 2 x 4's and beat me up all night. I couldn't even go for the Yoda morning walk so hurting.
Yesterday morning after the VA meds arrived I broke down in a huge crying jag. Now I rarely cry, never mind sobbing, gagging, trembling body racking, eyes pouring tears crying. Hubby freaked out big time. He had to physically hold me up from falling down.In 47 years together this hasn't happened much. It happens inside me many times, but not for the world to see.
One second I was OK and the next a blob.
When I thought I was composed enough, I called the helpful nurse at the VA to thank her and I broke down again. Collected myself and called the VA directors office to thank them for their intervention. Broke down again. The Director's aid is a friend as I worked with her at the VA for 6 years and I made her upset about how upset I was. Seems that after my ranting ***** women of the World call on Thursday to the Directors office, the Head of Physicians was involved. Seems hubby's hateful doctor still refused to give him the Vicodin, so he issued it with three refills. I told John revenge comes in many forms. You don't mess with a women protecting her family and that is what I was doing. Picture Scarlett in the scene where she swears she will never go hungry again and that was me. Where did that awsome strength and power come from in me. I shrink from any confrontation, always taking blame for anything that happens to anyone even when they are wrong. I know that without the support and love here I couldn't have stopped drinking..this sounds simplistic, but it not. Family and friends not around, don't go to AA meetings, so who do I turn to, YOU all.
Campground tag sale this morning. Looking for used ladder. Maybe we find one.
Quite day planned.
Angus called and he sounds better, not as depressed about the car crash and Montana move plans on hold. Really greatful for FB. I was so scared of it, now find it does make a difference in a good way. I reached out to his friends and asked them to help him and the response was amazing. Good friends came and got him and took him fishing. Also taking him to a concert last night.
Angus has major OCD issues (ha ha). He resembles a hound dog on a powerful scent. He points in one directional thought and has total tunnel vision. He has always been like that. He had to have the classic suzuki, what an oximoran really. Last fall after he got it he worked with his mechanic and had it tripped out,made it beautiful and very funcitonal for a "man" off the road trips. Really came out beautiful. However the insurance company didn't care it was beautiful or that Angus loved it. Bottom line it wasn't worth anything in their eyes. So he couldn't get collison. So the accident did crushing dents and bent the frame. Mechanic says he can fix the vehicle for about $1000, but can't predict how it will run after repairs. One man is very interested in buying the car as is for good money. One man will give John his Toyota pick up truck, older model, but running good with great rubber PLUS $700 cold in your hand right now cash for the car. John "doesn't know what to do" OCD mode. His dad offered advise. I kept out of it. But last night I went on FB and posted a message asking Angus to look at the two options in front of him. Running vehicle with $$$ in his pocket now to help pay for move to new life he WANTS in Montana OR $$$ to fix car which he doesn't have in pocket and his beloved car fixed and not new Montana life right now. I told him to put the 2 thoughts on a virtual meat scale (he is a Master Meat cutter), what is the Best choice, best buy, best deal. Wonder how this will be perceived.
Well I've rambled enough. Thanks for letting me share.
Have a wonderful weekend. Oh Bev, I know you family Disney will be wonderful Memories for all to have, just like the blankets you have made for them
Love Monica

on 4/9/11 1:13 am - Jacksonville, NC
Monica, so glad your DH has the meds he needs. I'll pray that Angus makes the right decision for him. I also pray for your continued sobriety every day. "Thy will be done."

Grammylew in Jax


Patricia R.
on 4/9/11 2:28 am - Perry, MI
Oh Monica,
Your emotions sound normal for early sobriety.  I have had episodes like that, especially after having gone to Hell and back dealing with BS redtape, like you have with the VA. 

I don't know how you have managed to get your sobriety for so long without meetings.  I am nuttier than a fruitcake having missed my meetings during this surgery/recuperation period.  I get so much out of them, even when I don't share.  Just hearing other people tell about their drinking and recovery, and the hope they have now because of the program and their Higher Power/God.

Hang in there.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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