Its been 4 years ago that Spike was attacked and killed by that dog. It still gives me shivers and at times nightmares! I am still afraid of big dogs and when I am out walking Bandit and see another dog...OMG! Especially if its a big dog and I do not know it or its owner. Yeah I still freak out. Its an attack that will be with me the rest of my life I guess. I still have trouble with the finger that was broken trying to save my little dog from that attack. Bandit is laying here by my side like he knows I need him close by me today. He has been my buddy ever since I first laid eyes on him in the pet store. I still hope and pray that that dog was/will be destroyed for what it has done to my dog and I know it HAS attacked others since!
Just needed to vent here I guess. No need to reply.
Know my heart is heavy for you. You are not alone. We still grieve with our furbabies losses, especially our Diablo who will be departed 1 yr May 7th. We still have his ashes close to us. Hoping to spread them at Spring Creek in PA, a place Diablo loved to fish with us. Off his lead, in the water, watching us and the fish. He got so excited when we had a fish on and wiggled all over with shared joy when we released the fish back into the water to fight another day. Hubby tends to dwell with regrets, I choose to remember all the wonderful days spent with this remarkable animal. I especially remember the dream I had one night that told me WE needed to adopt him, even though we had told our son, Angus, no. I am grateful for this message for he fullfilled any and all expectations an animal could bring to a family.
Thank you for sharing your pain and letting us give back our support and understanding.
Thankyou Monica!!!
PS Monica...I have to add this...when we buried Spike in the backyard in Michigan Gary planted rose bushes all around the grave site. I dug them up and brought them with me to Ohio. I had 4 of them. 3 of them survived the move...BUT...Rick's step dad killed them after we moved out!!!!!!! I still have 1 of them and keep trying to bring it back and I will NOT throw it away and maybe it will come back again...its the last thing I have of Spike...I hate Rick's step dad for doing that!!! He knows what those roses meant to me!!!
So many changes in my life since Spike was killed...My leaving Gary and getting a divorce and moving to Ohio and being with Rick and loving it here...WOW!!!
Atleast you have the ashes of your dog...(((Monica))) Thanks for being here when I needed you all the most!!!