Sense of Humour
What the hell? (pardon my french) but GEE! If we cannot LAUGH at our life's challenges and obstacles, we might as well curl up and die right now...get a grip!
Just my three cents worth...NOT trying to start anything but making a point! LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE!
Try it...
step one: just use your fingers and
step two: prop up the corners of that frown!
step three: repeat if necessary
Please refer to the post about RANTS a few posts below.
I do not usually get involved in what I see as petty crapola but this takes the cake! Makes me embarassed that a fellow Canadian is so touchy! WE are the LAID BACK ones, remember???
LOVE TO LAUGH, even at myself ...LOVE TO LIVE...I'm a GROWNUP!
Nancy B
Nancy, let me wander off the path here a bit to tell you that NOTL is one of my favorite favorite places! I am a Michigan native and theater weekend in Stratford or NOTL are high on my list...but I greatly prefer NOTL.
We were there last August and rented a house while our son was home on leave from Afghanistan. It was a great family getaway. And....I got a great leather jacket downtown!
We were there last August and rented a house while our son was home on leave from Afghanistan. It was a great family getaway. And....I got a great leather jacket downtown!