Good Morning! It's Friday!
Oh, yes, Eileen, I'm good today. Got up and had my shake and vitamins. I've got a protein bar and bottled water for the trip to Houston. We'll have to stop and get something to eat on the way home, but I'll just order either a plain grilled chicken breast or a piece of grilled fish. No worries.
Just 4 more days 'til surgery! I'm gonna make it!
Just 4 more days 'til surgery! I'm gonna make it!
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:
Gloomy again today but 65 already ... didn't rain yesterday but sure felt like rain was coming. I was hurting yesterday and all last night, hurting again today. So glad to have my cleaning fairy. She was relatively inexpensive, did a good job, seems like a nice woman. Her name is Debbie, also. Place looks so much better ... the carpet has been de-furred. I actually unpacked the final two boxes sitting in my bedroom (now, there are still boxes left ... just not in my bedroom).
My friend Mary Kay got her about 3-4 p.m. and came with her little dog, Sadie. I thought Juliette would freak out, but she just sat there and looked at her. And Sadie just sat on Mary Kay's lap the whole time. Eventually, Juliette went into the spare bedroom and took a nap. No hissing, no swatting of the noses, the dog didn't do anything but cling to Mary Kay. She did bark when the UPS man came to the door, but that was it.
Mary Kay told me she is thinking of having WLS ... she wants the sleeve but doesn't know if Medicare will pay for it because it's considered "experimental". She lives in Grand Rapids, MI, where I used to live (and we met at the Press), so she's looking into the same bariatric center I went to, same doctors, etc. I have never pushed it on her, even though she, too, has struggled with her weight, diabetes, heart problems, back problems, etc. She is hoping the surgery would help the diabetes disappear. Well, I hope she can get help ... if this is what she wants. I think she is getting desperate, like I was.
I didn't sleep well again ... back and knee hurting a lot again. I need to figure out something to help. Although I'm getting a lot of reading done. Finished reading "Queen Hereafter," about Margaret of Scotland, who married Malcom III and became St. Margaret ... it was a fascinating historical novel and made me want to know more about her. Now I'm reading "The King's Speech," ... tells me so much more about Logue and King George. I love getting lost in my books.
Mary Kay and I are going to stroll through Antique alley in West Monroe today ... it's warm at least if not sunny. I have to go to the bank first. Anyway, have a good day.
Gloomy again today but 65 already ... didn't rain yesterday but sure felt like rain was coming. I was hurting yesterday and all last night, hurting again today. So glad to have my cleaning fairy. She was relatively inexpensive, did a good job, seems like a nice woman. Her name is Debbie, also. Place looks so much better ... the carpet has been de-furred. I actually unpacked the final two boxes sitting in my bedroom (now, there are still boxes left ... just not in my bedroom).
My friend Mary Kay got her about 3-4 p.m. and came with her little dog, Sadie. I thought Juliette would freak out, but she just sat there and looked at her. And Sadie just sat on Mary Kay's lap the whole time. Eventually, Juliette went into the spare bedroom and took a nap. No hissing, no swatting of the noses, the dog didn't do anything but cling to Mary Kay. She did bark when the UPS man came to the door, but that was it.
Mary Kay told me she is thinking of having WLS ... she wants the sleeve but doesn't know if Medicare will pay for it because it's considered "experimental". She lives in Grand Rapids, MI, where I used to live (and we met at the Press), so she's looking into the same bariatric center I went to, same doctors, etc. I have never pushed it on her, even though she, too, has struggled with her weight, diabetes, heart problems, back problems, etc. She is hoping the surgery would help the diabetes disappear. Well, I hope she can get help ... if this is what she wants. I think she is getting desperate, like I was.
I didn't sleep well again ... back and knee hurting a lot again. I need to figure out something to help. Although I'm getting a lot of reading done. Finished reading "Queen Hereafter," about Margaret of Scotland, who married Malcom III and became St. Margaret ... it was a fascinating historical novel and made me want to know more about her. Now I'm reading "The King's Speech," ... tells me so much more about Logue and King George. I love getting lost in my books.
Mary Kay and I are going to stroll through Antique alley in West Monroe today ... it's warm at least if not sunny. I have to go to the bank first. Anyway, have a good day.
Good morning Debbie.....and everyone...
I finished my job at 10:00AM when they came to get my equipment and such. YAY no more working....although keeping up with Grace will me work but a fun kind of work!!
It already seems strange not to be working .....I keep thinking of getting back on my work computer, waiting for phone calls and all that office work. Gone now...someone else will have to do it...not my concern. I spent hours being sure everything was in order. All boxed and marked.....even left notes about each client and what their needs are. It should be easy for whom ever takes over my job. I felt like that was the least I could do. It was a huge mess when I started it...don't want anyone to go through what I did.
I have an appointment at 1:30 today and then back to packing again......will it ever end!!
So many here need prayers today......believe me I have you all on my list.
Have a great and hugs to all....connie d
I finished my job at 10:00AM when they came to get my equipment and such. YAY no more working....although keeping up with Grace will me work but a fun kind of work!!
It already seems strange not to be working .....I keep thinking of getting back on my work computer, waiting for phone calls and all that office work. Gone now...someone else will have to do it...not my concern. I spent hours being sure everything was in order. All boxed and marked.....even left notes about each client and what their needs are. It should be easy for whom ever takes over my job. I felt like that was the least I could do. It was a huge mess when I started it...don't want anyone to go through what I did.
I have an appointment at 1:30 today and then back to packing again......will it ever end!!
So many here need prayers today......believe me I have you all on my list.
Have a great and hugs to all....connie d