Wednesday, whatcha up to?
I see that you ride. I used to ride. Haven't had my own horse or the opportunity to ride in years and years, but I remember how much I loved it. Do you own many horses? Do you have pups? Other animals?
What do you like to do for fun?
LOL I do not own that horse that I am on in my avitar sorry to say. After I had my surgery and lost some weight, another friend I met through OH had horses and invited me to her place and I got to ride a horse for the first time in YEARS!!!! Haven't been on one since this picture was taken... :-( This horse is named Dolly. Last I heard she hurt her leg and can no longer be ridden. I feel so bad for her.
I have a Shih tzu named Bandit. He is almost 4 years old now and is my rock. Well next to Rick that is...well its a toss up I guess you could say. Depends on what is going on and who is near me at the time. Long story about Bandit and me and how he came into my life. Rick has a ****atiel name Cocoa. She is spoiled rotten (by me ofcourse) and now you can't open a bag of anything or have popcorn without her wanting it lol!!!!
Rat terriers are a handful lol always into something!! Glad you have them and not me...LOL They will keep you busy after your surgery for sure!!! ;-)
I rode home from Seattle (250 miles) 5 days after my surgery. Uneventful trip, but I took it easy. We stopped several times for me to get out. How long will you stay once you get there? Does your doctor mind if you are that far from him? I came home from Seattle and had to go back about 10 days later for my follow up visit.
Karen C
It's gorgeous here today ... 65 degrees, a little hazy but beautiful otherwise. It was so warm for me last night I had to turn on the air (well, I live on a busy street and it's noisy, so if I have the window open I can't sleep). I tried sleeping without the air, but broke out in a sweat, so the a/c went back on. It was still in the 60s at night anyway.
I have to get cleaning this house today. My friend Mary Kay and her friend Sandy are coming up from Baton Rouge on Thursday. So I must clean ... at least vacuum, clean the bathroom and the kitchen. That will take most of today and early tomorrow. So I will be extra sore by the time they get here. But I'm so excited to see her. It's been since June when I left Michigan. Unfortunately, I have a sore back, knees and now a bit of a headache. But I'll get done what I can.
I had my taxes done a while back, will get a refund but have to hand it over to the bankruptcy trustee this year (Louisiana rules under Chap. 7) ... oh well. My returns were just accepted so I'm waiting for the money to get back into my bank account. I still have to file Louisiana and Grand Rapids taxes (La. part-year resident couldn't be done on my software, so I'll have to find the paper forms and do it that way; GR I can do online, but I never get anything back from them ... it usually zeroes out).
Well, that's all from my neck of the woods. Nothing much happening here. Just the usual whining. Lots of pain. No relief. Have a good day.
I had the chemo port installed today. I didn't think it would bother me so much but I'm on my second round of Tylenol with Codeine. It feels like someone punched me on my collarbone. I should be good tomorrow.
My Mom and my sister Jane visited me today. We had tea together and chatted. Nice visit. In March all my sisters and brothers are going to go on a tour of my Mom's hometown growing up. We are going to map out all her old haunts and video tape her stories. We will have lunch at the bank she worked at which has been converted to a restaurant. It will be a great experience.
Not much else going on with me except I'm feeling like a bottomless pit when it comes to eating. I'm using half sour dill pickles to help. I'm getting my protein in but the carb monster is knocking at my door. I will prevail.
I grew up in the same town as my parents so we heard those stories all our lives. Whenever we would take our kids 'home' I would show them and tell them. When we went back to bury my Gramma, 2 of our kids went too and they finally got it as we toured the area and listened to my parents and me. When our daughter and I went to bury my Momma, our daughter went to the house I grew up in ( and my parents built ) and left her card with the owners, telling them to please call her if they decide to sell. I doubt if she would ever live in it. It's in freezing NY state for heaven's sake!