Wednesday, whatcha up to?
He carried a throw that his grandma made him in his backpack and would throw it over his legs in class. Smart kid, smart grandma!
Have choir practice tonight at church but have to get there 30 minutes early to practice with hubby and the accompanist because we are schedule for special music on Sunday. I love to sing, it's one of my passions along with walking and riding my bike.
I can even ride my bike to the new Gun Lake Casino but I'm not a gambler but I like to people watch! LOL
My son is in the running for Sergent of the year. This is his second time for this. The way I understand this each Battalion
sends one soldier & there are levels they compete in. So far he is doing great.
The weather is getting better. I am ready to start some plants indoors. That always makes my mood better!
I hope you all have a great day!
Morning OFF family!!!
Its a good day today for us here in Ohio!!! Just got back a bit ago from getting our taxes done and we ARE getting a refund this year!!! WOOHOO!! :-) Other great news is Rick is all caught up in back child support and no longer has to pay it!!!!!!!!!! YIPPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! We will be celebrating tonight for sure!!!! It is 44* right now and supposed to get a tad warmer and the grill will be going out for steak on the grill along with some veggies and fruit!!! Oh yeah!!!!!! :-)
Watched the Westminster dog show last night and loved the black ****er spaniel! Looked like the one I used to have and showed back in the 70's. Glad the Pekenise didn't win...never did like When they showed the Scottish Deerhound, I told Bandit there was his girlfriend Maddie!! He looked at me and I pointed to the tv for him to look at it and he did and when he saw that dog he got his tail wagging so fast!!! That dog looks like one that lives in our old building that he is friends with and loves seeing her when she is outside. Its so funny she is so tall and he is so short and they love each other!!!! HAHAHA
Not sure if I mentioned on here yesterday that I slipped on the ice and hurt my back and hip area the other night when I had Bandit out for his potty walk. I called off work yesterday to rest up. It is still a bit sore yet today but not as bad. Hurts some yet when I wlak alot and lift heavy things. Glad I am off today and tomorrow yet. See what how it goes friday when I have to work 12:30-9.
Well not much else happening here so I will get out of here. Thinking of you all and hope you have a great day!!!!
OH!! I had a huge flock of ROBINS outside my patio door!!!! Does this mean spring IS close????