It's Saturday, is everyone still in bed?
Yep, we got that advice from Marti, but she didn't keep on keeping on, on here... darn it. Wonder how she is?
Annette, my Virgo Sistah, you have much more on your plate than I think I could eat.... but you've got the stamina to do it.. and I'm soooooo happy you are seeing the M&M's today.
Louise, hope you got a little sleep.
I'm beyond happy for Monica. That Yoda seems to be a good fit.
And for those I've not mentioned.. not left out intentionally. Got to head out the door.. QUICK... Everyone know I'm right there in your pocket with support.
Good morning Grammylew and everyone...
Another day of some people coming over to pick up the three book shelves I sold. My ex is coming over for my entertainment center...yes....I am making him pay for it!!! LOL...we are still good friends! In fact he is helping me move.
Everyone have a great Saturday. Many, many prayers for those here on OFF.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Another day of some people coming over to pick up the three book shelves I sold. My ex is coming over for my entertainment center...yes....I am making him pay for it!!! LOL...we are still good friends! In fact he is helping me move.
Everyone have a great Saturday. Many, many prayers for those here on OFF.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi Carolyn and my OFF family:
It's 56 degrees, blue skies, clear and gorgeous out today. I have the day off and feel like crap. But I have to get out to get some stuff from the stores. Need kitty litter and toilet paper ... something for both residents of this apartment's potty needs. Plus I have to fax something to my realtor for the condo sale.
As for Girl Scout cookies, I don't buy 'em ... I'd eat them all. A couple of weeks ago, I had a craving for cookies, bought a box of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies at CVS, ate the box in three days ... bad idea. Can't have them in the house. The first year after my surgery, one of the daughters of a photographer at work came asking me to order cookies ... I told her I couldn't but I'd donate money ... she said she couldn't take it. Oh well ... I tried. I love the Samoa cookies ... you know, the ones with the chocolate and caramel and coconut. Can't have them in the house.
Anyway, I want to get in the shower and get out to do my stuff. I need to do laundry today, too. I'd consider going to a movie but my back and knees hurt too much, so I think I'll watch movies at home while I do laundry.
Have a good day.
It's 56 degrees, blue skies, clear and gorgeous out today. I have the day off and feel like crap. But I have to get out to get some stuff from the stores. Need kitty litter and toilet paper ... something for both residents of this apartment's potty needs. Plus I have to fax something to my realtor for the condo sale.
As for Girl Scout cookies, I don't buy 'em ... I'd eat them all. A couple of weeks ago, I had a craving for cookies, bought a box of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies at CVS, ate the box in three days ... bad idea. Can't have them in the house. The first year after my surgery, one of the daughters of a photographer at work came asking me to order cookies ... I told her I couldn't but I'd donate money ... she said she couldn't take it. Oh well ... I tried. I love the Samoa cookies ... you know, the ones with the chocolate and caramel and coconut. Can't have them in the house.
Anyway, I want to get in the shower and get out to do my stuff. I need to do laundry today, too. I'd consider going to a movie but my back and knees hurt too much, so I think I'll watch movies at home while I do laundry.
Have a good day.
Hi everyone! We got up at 5 this morning and scrubbed the house and was all done by 9. Today is the first time I went outside since the snow first started. A lot of it melted today. It is going to be a swamp by the time it all melts at my house. I am considering getting Hughes Net. Where I live there is no high speed internet available. I did have a ATT air card but I was still on the fringe with it and most of the time has a bad connection with it. Anyone have an opinion on Satellite internet? Nothing going on with us. I have started a baby blanket for my grandson that is on the way. Been looking at paint chips for the kitchen and my bedroom. Can't wait for spring. Weight is holding steady at 122. I have started eating more times a day. I got down to 119 and my dh started to get worried I was getting too skinny. Never would of thought I'd have that problem a few years ago lol. Have a good weekend everyone.