Thursday Morning! What's New?
Your gang all grieves in their own way. When Kittle died, Cinnamon got extremely depressed ... wouldn't eat, didn't even want treats. Just snuggled under the blankets with me at night. Didn't even purr. I thought getting him another housemate would bring him out of it, so I got him Scooter ... who terrorized him. But eventually, they became pals. Scooter just had to learn that Cinnamon got the right side of my body in bed. And when Cinnamon left, Scooter claimed that spot, and Nettie and Diva weren't allowed anywhere near there.
It's tough on our furbabies when they lose one of their family (although Scooter didn't seem to mind when Nettie went home ... I think he liked being the only cat). They will find their way. Annie emptying the drawers and cabinets is her way (Diva liked to open cabinets, too.)
We do have some tales to tell, don't we?
Heck it's cold here in Michigan tooooooooooooo! Only 2 right now but feels like 20 below. I'm still warming up here in my office.
Truck on 131 this AM on the drive in went into the wire post, it is icy out there this morning and people were driving way tooooooooooooo fast!
Let's I'm not dizzy 3! Whhhooooooooo! Can you tell I'm excited? LOL
Saturday I got my hair cut into a short bob, longer in the front, short in the back, I love it but my hubby likes longer hair...why do men like long hair? Oh well, he will get use to it. I'll have to update my picture/avatar...but I will have to go to BFF to do it. Her dog Oscar is who I'm holding.
So today at the gym it will be spin class then later on at home I can work out with my weights for upper arms only. After spin I have to run to church to direct the men's group, only 3 showed up last week so I suggested to hubby to just practice on Sunday's either b/4 church or after. The men do not want to take time out of their busy lives to practice during the week...don't blame them. So adjust to their schedules. We will see how that goes.
Take care everyone, I'm drinking my water and taking some vitamins right now. Coffee next to warm me up! Stay warm today and yes I'm still jealous of our OFF family in warm weather. But hey it's suppose to get to 30 this weekend...a heat wave I tell ya! LOL and next weekend it's suppose to be 40...wear shorts! Hugs to all. Debbie
Good Morning Everyone, Up plenty early this AM; went to bed at 9pm and despite several bathroom breaks I got a decent night's sleep. Had a nice dinner with a friend at Olive Garden. I had an appetizer plate and brought home enough for lunch today.
My little re-purposing lamp project is just about complete. I gave the lamps a final coat of paint this morning. They should be dry enough to bring in when I get home today. I think they turned out really cute. I love the new spray paints in the bronzes and metallics. They can cover a multitude of problems and are very user friendly!
Mike returns from his beach trip tomorrow. Erin and the girls WON'T be here this weekend after all. She forgot that the twins had a "must show" birthday party on Saturday. I was so looking forward to seeing them. Now it will probably be mid March for their birthdays before we get over there again. Guess I'll just have to survive on phone calls.
This afternoon I get to accompany several of our kids to the indoor recreation facility for the afternoon. Should be fun and I'll get my exercise done for the day at the same time.
Annette, I always enjoy hearing about the antics of Annie and her friends. . . tho I'm glad you're the one they live with! Don't know if I'm allergic to cats or what but whenever I'm around them I feel like I have hair in my throat! Our Yorkie doesn't shed.
Sounds like Susan is about back to her fighting game and Candy is well on the mend.Annette, hope you are much better also. Carla, must be that "magnetic personality" of yours that is setting off the alarms! I'm curious, so please let us know what was causing the problem!
Sending healing thoughts to those who need them. You all have a great day and be good to yourselves!
Karen C
Sober 99 days and so proud of me.
Went for a short walk with hubby and Yoda. Cloudy here and rain coming.
Thoughts for all and hugs. Annette I remember our animals after we had a loss, they were all grieving.
Hope I clear up, Monica
Sober 99 Days! YOU go!! I'm proud of you. Can you hear me clapping very loudly for you? Hugs Debbie
I'm here at work, yay it's almost Friday and I can't wait for the weekend. . . Still battling this cough, residual from the flu which settled in my chest, so I've been tired all week, but otherwise each day a little better, still have not been up to going back to the gym and I'm itching to get back there because I feel the fat cells plumping as I sit here typing. . . ;)
Glad to read that everyone is keeping busy in their own ways, we are more than halfway through this winter now. . .
All this winter has gotten to me and so yesterday I realized that since Easter is nearly the end of April this year, I could probably get a ticket to visit my daughters and Florida grands next month, in time to celebrate Sami's 13th birthday on the 21st of March (can someone tell me how she got to be 13?). Anyway, I figured since I am getting something back from the government, I would go to Florida and I will leave right from work on the 18th and take the early flight back on the 22nd, go straight to work and then home to collapse, hopefully, it will be warm when I am there, as I know even Florida has not had a great winter this year. . . something to look forward to!!!
Ok, I'm back to the thing called work and wishing you all the very best of days, peace and strength to get through the rough spots.
Love, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Have an appt. Tues. with PCP to get results of ultra-sound of tummy. I am imagining all sorts of "stuff" wrong.
Need to get a few groceries and then have church Ladies group this afternoon.....would rather just stay inside and read, but errands beckon.
Good thoughts and prayers for all my OFF friends,
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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