Happy Wednesday Everyone! What's new with you?
Here I am getting all excited about a trip home to south Georgia next week!! LOL....compared to a cruise, my trip sounds dreary but since it's been 4 1/2 yrs. since I've been home, I'm excited. I would like to jump in your suitcase though. Just don't want to have to go through airport security. I hope everyone is doing well. My DH & I start a new job when we return from our Georgia trip. He's retired and I only worked part-time so when we got married this past July, we decided we'd rather spend our days together and we'd look for something we could do together. We decided to deliver Virginia Pilot newspapers here in NC. We got an older car for the route and made sure the company compensated us for our gas, etc., or otherwise it was a no go. We're excited. We go to bed late and sleep late most days as it is so now we'll be out tossing papers in the night/wee hours of the morning. He said that he had to be up for work @ 4:00 A.M. for 30 yrs. when working and once he retired, he didn't want to hear an alarm clock in the mornings. We enjoy sleeping in....lol. Anyway, that's what's going on in our neck of the woods or should I say ocean, here in the Outer Banks.
I get just as excited for trips home or weekends a short way from home. I think it is the not having to think about anything but what I want to do that is so pleasant. Of course this trip I am excited about warm weather. Maybe I should say consistant weather. We are in the deep freezer again and it was almost 70 degrees yesterday. Geeze.