Good Friday morning! What's new?
I was up early today and braving the freezing rain of Louisiana. It wasn't that bad ... the only problem was my car doors were frozen shut. I had to use my keys to score the ice on the doors to get them open, then scrape off the ice on the windows. But I'm a hardy Midwestern, so I know how to do these things.
I had to get up so early because I had an appointment at the pain doc ... unfortunately, the only thing I can afford there is a vicodin prescription. My not-so-wonderful insurance didn't even pay for my procedure last year, so I'm stuck paying for $1,700-plus (wish they would have sent me a bill ... I could have added it to my bankruptcy!). They claim they sent me a bill in January, but the only bill I got was for $200. So I paid my copay for this visit, then paid them $50 on the balance. I said I'll pay something every month, that was all I could do. I have lumbar spondylosis without myelopaqthy and intervertebral disk d/o with myelopathy ... need to look these up. The chiro said I have bulging discs. Yesterday, I had pain shooting down my legs ... first the left, then the right. Going to see him has helped somewhat and he's cheaper than the pain clinic.
So after that, I went to get my prescriptions (I had two left from yesterday) and got some stuff at CVS, then to bank to cash my check from Delta Dental from my dental visit, then got the links out of my watch band so now it fits, then home. Busy morning. Now I've laundry and dishes going, meat cooking to make chili (for me first and then the rest I'm bringing into work on Sunday for a Super Bowl party). And ... I hope I'll get cracking on the Christmas decorations. But I'm so tired ... haven't been sleeping well. Feel like crap. Depressed ... not happy about anything (other than Juliette) ... just want to roll up in a ball. Made myself a pot of Starbucks Espresso Christmas blend and added some SF Gingerbread flavoring ... yum yum and I'm posting now.
Debbie, I sure know how tough it is to move, having done it so many times. Every other time has been pretty easy on me. This one, however, has been miserable. Maybe it's my age ... I'm not as flexible as I used to be. I always said I grew where I was planted ... not growing here very well.
The jeweler who worked on my watch said he was upset we didn't get snow ... he heard Dallas got 6 inches ... I sure am happy we didn't get 6 inches of snow.
Monica, what about Buddy for a name? He looks like a Buddy. Or Toffee?
Well, I've babbled on here long enough. Have a good day.
Good Morning to all of you... happy Friday! Yesterday while I was typing a report I saw out of the corner of my eye a LONG TAIL! I kept my cool, saved my work, and called the office. They brought some glue traps (that is the way they catch mice in schools) and today I had two squirming mice in the trap by my desk. I'm so tender-hearted that I felt so sorry for them...but they are gone now and another trap is in the same place.
Tonight my husband and I are going to the Gallo Theatre to see "A Chorus Line". We are excited. I haven't been to this theatre yet- it's huge and beautiful from what I hear. We are probably in the nosebleed section- got our tickets too late.
Our new doggy is feeling more at home- I can tell because her bad habits are starting to surface. She has not been trained at all- doesn't know how to sit on command, jumps up and nips when she wants a ball, etc. So the training begins. She's very sweet- and so happy to be with us, but needs some social skills.
That's it for my day to come... it's sunny and warm here today...about 60 degrees I think. Recess is done- children on the way...