Thursday already! What's happening with you??

on 2/2/11 11:37 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good morning Nancy and OFF family,

Well I was 1 1/2 hours late getting in, the snow plow finally came to our country roads. Once I was on the highway it was like another world.

Had to go to the ER Monday night. I made it to spin class and thought I was feeling okay. I didn't eat anything out of the ordinary and bam!! Around 7:30 that night it was like the worse dumping series a gal could ever have. Dry heaves and diarrhea. My poor gut hurt after 2 hours of that, went to the nearest ER, the doc dx. me with gastroenteritis. This was the ER in Plainwell, they had 20 patients and were super busy. Got something for pain that melted on my tongue and finally the gut relaxed some. They came in after midnight to start an IV and I told them to just send me home and I would sip, sip and sip more. Told them I wasn't dehydrated too bad so they were nice and gave me a pain shot in my hip of dilaudid that would hit me as I got home so I could sleep. The next day I was feeling that "hung over" feeling, stayed home to rest.

So today, I'm still resting my gut, drinking EAS protein shake and I'm going to see my internist at 5pm after work. This "gut bug" hits us hard! I've been faithful with my vitamins even when I was out of it. I'm so anal about my vitamins!

Actually it feels quite wonderful to get my butt out of the house and back to work. I'll take it easy for today and not push too hard. It's grand to be back in the land of the living! Hugs Debbie
Margo M.
on 2/2/11 11:39 pm - Elyria, OH
hi all....
my shed roof caved yesterday from snow; i couldn't get outta my road to go to work but my drive was a piece of cake-at the TOP of the hill where i was parked- hoping brother can plow today cuz the drifts at the bottom -where i walk in the house- are up to my waist!

roxie isn't as tall as she needed to be....

no school yesterday so reprieve from the typing-confusion about tuesday nite so i missed class-which was NOT GOOD.....midterms next week.....

janet- sorry your cruise wasn't all you had hoped- i've never been on's on my list!
hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 2/2/11 11:59 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Nancy and my OFF family:

Boy, you're sure busy. I'm tired just reading your post. I wish I had half your energy. Your fair sounds wonderful. Sorry you can't get to see your mom ... but hope the flu doesn't hit her as hard.

It's 29 degrees here and we're supposed to get a wintry mix ... but it's supposed to start in the afternoon. I'd like to go to a movie this afternoon, but if the weather is going to be bad, I might just skip it. I'm on furlough today ... off but no pay, and I don't care. I'm pissed off at work. I had two sports sections last night, on national signing day, one of the busiest sports days, so a lot of copy to get through ... got through with the first section at 8:30, 8:40 thereabouts, made deadline. So I started on the second on about 8;45 and needed to be done about 10:30 ... less than 2 hours for three full pages (no ads), and lots of stories. There was no way to get through everything I had in that amount of time ... I was a half hour late, and my editor asked why afterward. Well, tell me, you do three full pages in two hours and get it done that fast.

Then, of course, I couldn't sleep last night. All day I knew I forgot one of my drugs ... well, I figured it out ... it was my antidepressant. No wonder I was so irritated all day. I was itchy all night (one symptom I seem to have if I don't take it). So I didn't sleep well.

Anyway, I have today and tomorrow (payday) off. I'm tired and sick of this place (the newspaper). Once I get through the bankruptcy, I have some decisions to make. In April, I'm taking a week off and going visiting ... can't afford a vacation, but I may go to Dallas and visit my nephew, niece-in-law and my new grandnephew. And whoever else wants to see me ... hint, hint.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/3/11 12:33 am
Good morning Nancy and everyone....

Nancy...... you never cease to amaze me!!

Gosh everyone seems so busy today...that is good.

Annette........glad to hear you are going in to see your doctor and therapist too.  My therapist called ME three times last week and again on Monday morning. He is the best!!! He has been so concerned about me and all the crap I have been dealing with in the last couple weeks. He just wanted to check in and be sure I was doing okay. I sure am going to miss him!!

As for busy packing and my job has been just crazy this week!!  My final work day will be February 18th. I will be glad  to be done working even though I love my job. It is just too stressful trying to handle all these clients and everything else I need to do.

I do have to tell you one thing that happened yesterday afternoon.  This is my religious belief and I do not mean to offend anyone.
I was sitting in the living room with my friend Pam. We were doing some packing. As I was packing  I was praying asking God and all my special angels in Heaven if this move is the right decision for all my family and me.  Just then Pam said have you ever noticed that Cross on your wall before? I turned around and there was a perfect reflection  (sunlight) of  the most beautiful Cross. That was my answer directly from Heaven. The Cross was from  reflections off of picture frames of my children and grandchildren. There was no Cross anywhere near that area. I got goosebumps. I took pictures and sent them to my daughters. They were as amazed as I was. I am Blessed!

Keeping you wonderful friends in my prayers!!

Have a happy and hugs....connie d
Monica B.
on 2/3/11 1:39 am - Emery, SD
I believe oh yes.

Connie D.
on 2/3/11 2:04 am
Amen Monica!!!!

I am so relieved to know that I got the answer I needed and  can quit thinking about it. I feel so blessed.

Love ya....hugs....connie d
on 2/3/11 2:44 am - Sacramento, CA
Connie..that is just awesome!!  So many times I have made a decision, based on my 'gut'...just a 'feeling' telling me it is the right thing to do....and after the fact, I see that there was a 'plan' all along ^_^  I certainly agree...God answers ALL prayers..just not as quickly as yours sometimes LOL  Change is scary..but your faith is obviously'll get thru this!
Nancy aka Sunray
PS  First Nik's good news, now the know 'signs' come in 3s, right?  One more to go! ;-)

243.0/213.0/141/130  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

Connie D.
on 2/3/11 3:22 am
Thanks Nancy....God is always you said sometimes it takes a little longer then others to get the answer we need. I had been  praying about this but yesterday I really, really sent up some strong worked!!!
Now I am praying that the moving goes well and all the packing gets done!!  Also for a safe trip to Iowa for all of us.

HUGS ....connie d
on 2/3/11 3:00 am - Sacramento, CA
Morning Nancy and OFF peeps
Taking a break
from bank reconciliations...since I don't smoke anymore (Yea!!!!), computer fills the void LOL  I'm really feeling good today..sometimes I think I have a very minor case of BiPolar...the good feelings as well as the lows seem a little bit extreme sometimes.  
My reason for feeling so good...actually it's more of a 'I got it!' feeling...I think I'm finally on the right track to getting these few lbs off at last.  I've been using an eating plan set out by Bariatric Support Centers Int'l to kick start the loosing process again.  It's been 3 weeks of tweeking the proteins, carbs and fats..but I've dropped 3.5lbs in that time...and I am feeling soooo 'positive' for the first time in weeks!  I'll be 2 years out Mar 16th  and I would love to be at or very near goal when I talk/see my surgeon...and I believe it is a reasonable goal ;-)

For those of you caught in the 'winter from hell'...this last blizzard was least from my viewpoint, sunny/foggy California.  My hubby, who served 4yrs of his military career in Minnesota, says you must all be saints to live there! LOL  Seeing all those cars, trucks and semi's covered in snow on the by-ways is scary :-(  I think I would just curl up on the couch with a good book or my crocheting until sanity returned  You ALL are in my prayers for Spring to arrive early!!!

Well, time to go back to the least the time will pass quickly...I love my job but being home w/hubby is more enjoyable ;-)
Take care all...and extra special prayers are made for those with extra special needs ((((HUGS))))
Nancy aka Sunray

243.0/213.0/141/130  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

on 2/3/11 3:17 am - manchester, NJ
hi everyone

thanks for starting the thread nancy.

im too tired to post much of anything, but im OK, life is plodding along.

annette, sending you big hugs.

maybe ill have energy to post more on the weekend.  im just not a winter gal.

big hugs to everyone,




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