Happy Sunday, y'all
Hi my OFF family:
It's nearly 2 a.m. and I'm just getting ready to go to bed. Later today, the Bears take on the Packers for th NFC title ... GO BEARS! I'll get to watch most of the game, but will have to go to work by 4 p.m., so I'll miss the end of the game.
Work was busy tonight ... got done on time, but had to hustle at the end and made some stupid mistakes that I'd like to take back (realized them after the pages were out and I was thinking about it when I was going home ... not typos but things no one but those in the business would notice, but I'm a perfectionist). Had to struggle making things fit and then almost forgot one story, so then had to slap it on the page at the last moment.
Not much else happening. I'm tired and cold, so I want to get under the covers. (It doesn't help that I have two ice packs on my knee and one on my back.)
Have a good day ... Go Bears!
It's nearly 2 a.m. and I'm just getting ready to go to bed. Later today, the Bears take on the Packers for th NFC title ... GO BEARS! I'll get to watch most of the game, but will have to go to work by 4 p.m., so I'll miss the end of the game.
Work was busy tonight ... got done on time, but had to hustle at the end and made some stupid mistakes that I'd like to take back (realized them after the pages were out and I was thinking about it when I was going home ... not typos but things no one but those in the business would notice, but I'm a perfectionist). Had to struggle making things fit and then almost forgot one story, so then had to slap it on the page at the last moment.
Not much else happening. I'm tired and cold, so I want to get under the covers. (It doesn't help that I have two ice packs on my knee and one on my back.)
Have a good day ... Go Bears!
Good Morning Eileen and OFF!
Happy Sunday morning to you! Didn't do a whole lot yesterday, went to the store and took an exploration drive around here then filled up the gas tank as it is supposed to be pretty dog gone cold here the next few days.
Candy, actually from what I have seen NW Ohio has been colder many days then we have in Vt. We do have more snow however. I think that is about to change as we will have a high of 0 today and tomorrow with lows very very low!
Monica, you are so right, we are all much too connected for much too much of the time via those evil cell phones!
Not sure what I will do today, should clean. eh we'll see. I have been knitting neck gators lately. fun and easy. My kind of thing! Good winter activity. Not much else to report. have a great day everyone!
Happy Sunday morning to you! Didn't do a whole lot yesterday, went to the store and took an exploration drive around here then filled up the gas tank as it is supposed to be pretty dog gone cold here the next few days.
Candy, actually from what I have seen NW Ohio has been colder many days then we have in Vt. We do have more snow however. I think that is about to change as we will have a high of 0 today and tomorrow with lows very very low!
Monica, you are so right, we are all much too connected for much too much of the time via those evil cell phones!
Not sure what I will do today, should clean. eh we'll see. I have been knitting neck gators lately. fun and easy. My kind of thing! Good winter activity. Not much else to report. have a great day everyone!
Good morning Eileen, Debbie, and OFF...
I haven't been posting much lately, but I read what is posted everyday.
Life has just been very very busy, been babysitting for my granddaughter and I had a very disturbing situation in school this week. I work with deaf and hard of hearing students, have for 35 years and I am still AMAZED at what those students dont' know about real life. Its sad really that their parents don't learn to sign as well as their children so communication is "SO" lacking.
Its very cold here in NY>..we are looking at temps below 0..
and I'm not liking it much. So I am staying in cleaning, made a big pot of soup and just stayed as warm as I could.
Well more to be done today..hope everyone stays warm and healthy..
Prayers and blessings to all who need them..good luck on surgeries etc.
I haven't been posting much lately, but I read what is posted everyday.
Life has just been very very busy, been babysitting for my granddaughter and I had a very disturbing situation in school this week. I work with deaf and hard of hearing students, have for 35 years and I am still AMAZED at what those students dont' know about real life. Its sad really that their parents don't learn to sign as well as their children so communication is "SO" lacking.
Its very cold here in NY>..we are looking at temps below 0..
and I'm not liking it much. So I am staying in cleaning, made a big pot of soup and just stayed as warm as I could.
Well more to be done today..hope everyone stays warm and healthy..
Prayers and blessings to all who need them..good luck on surgeries etc.
Good mornin', ya'll.
Eileen, it sounds like your job is a big jigsaw puzzle! When I read a newspaper I don't think about the poor soul who had to make everything fit!
Well, I am packed and ready for my hip surgery tomorrow. I don't have to be there til 10 AM. My DIL is taking me. She will wait until I am settled in a room before going home. I was told there would be a place near my bed that my iPad and phone can be plugged in. I won't be able to crawl around and plug stuff in. Plus, don't wanna leave those electronics unattended while I am in surgery!
Yesterday, I crocheted a wine bottle carrier. We saw one in a magazine and my DIL said let's try those. So I experimented and made one. Anyone know how to 'monogram' on a crochetted item? Would it be embroidery, cross stitch, free hand with yarn?
We are already hearing about straw polls for the 2012 presidential election. OMG, do we have to listen to election stuff for the next 18 months??!
Everyone stay warm. Those facing challenges in their lives, you are in my prayers.
Have a fantabulous day!
Eileen, it sounds like your job is a big jigsaw puzzle! When I read a newspaper I don't think about the poor soul who had to make everything fit!
Well, I am packed and ready for my hip surgery tomorrow. I don't have to be there til 10 AM. My DIL is taking me. She will wait until I am settled in a room before going home. I was told there would be a place near my bed that my iPad and phone can be plugged in. I won't be able to crawl around and plug stuff in. Plus, don't wanna leave those electronics unattended while I am in surgery!
Yesterday, I crocheted a wine bottle carrier. We saw one in a magazine and my DIL said let's try those. So I experimented and made one. Anyone know how to 'monogram' on a crochetted item? Would it be embroidery, cross stitch, free hand with yarn?
We are already hearing about straw polls for the 2012 presidential election. OMG, do we have to listen to election stuff for the next 18 months??!
Everyone stay warm. Those facing challenges in their lives, you are in my prayers.
Have a fantabulous day!
Hi Carolyn,
I'd just free hand embroider onto your bottle carrier. There's a term for it, can't remember now what it's called, but it's as simple as that.
Maybe your family can keep your electronics at home until you're out of that medicated daze they put you into. It would probably be a while before you where coherent enough to use them anyway... especially that iPad!!!
Post op day 11 for me and I"m finally starting to get that antsy feeling that I need to get up and moving more. I only have 9 days off left, so I need to start getting some strength back.
I got on the scale today and I'm starting to lose that fluid gain from surgery too. Down two lbs, nice start! I'm hoping the damn drains will go away tomorrow or Tuesday, they're such a hassle. It's a good thing that I have them though, it's kept me home and relaxing instead of venturing out and about. Hmmmmm.
Scars on my right arm are starting to look better, but the left arm is waaaaaaaaaaaay scary still. Only time and massaging will help that. It's still really hard to stand up straight, but every time I get up I have to keep trying to do it. The muscles in my belly are so tight, and that's a good thing, but I don't want to look like a dowager....lol
Okay, off to refill the cuppa and see what we need at the grocery store. Gotta take advantage of my big strong man to carry all the bags in for me.
BTW, he completed his 8 mile run yesterday! So proud!
I'd just free hand embroider onto your bottle carrier. There's a term for it, can't remember now what it's called, but it's as simple as that.
Maybe your family can keep your electronics at home until you're out of that medicated daze they put you into. It would probably be a while before you where coherent enough to use them anyway... especially that iPad!!!
Post op day 11 for me and I"m finally starting to get that antsy feeling that I need to get up and moving more. I only have 9 days off left, so I need to start getting some strength back.
I got on the scale today and I'm starting to lose that fluid gain from surgery too. Down two lbs, nice start! I'm hoping the damn drains will go away tomorrow or Tuesday, they're such a hassle. It's a good thing that I have them though, it's kept me home and relaxing instead of venturing out and about. Hmmmmm.
Scars on my right arm are starting to look better, but the left arm is waaaaaaaaaaaay scary still. Only time and massaging will help that. It's still really hard to stand up straight, but every time I get up I have to keep trying to do it. The muscles in my belly are so tight, and that's a good thing, but I don't want to look like a dowager....lol
Okay, off to refill the cuppa and see what we need at the grocery store. Gotta take advantage of my big strong man to carry all the bags in for me.
BTW, he completed his 8 mile run yesterday! So proud!