OT: Staying connected???
I just need to get this off my chest and the traveling bra.
There we were at DW. So much to see and do, yet SO many people on their cell phones. Walking, riding in buses; on the monorail; boats; and golf carts, eating, sitting, going on rides and people with their cell phones talking and texting away. Is it that IMPORTANT to always be connected to someone on the other end of that phone??? Where has the plain enjoyment of life, unconnected to an electronic device, GONE??
I was sitting next to a man in the Magic Kingdom. There was a stroller with him, empty. He was texting away. I asked him how old he was, age 41. I asked him why he was on his phone so much and where his family was. He said he had work to take care of and that his child and wife were on a ride. I was so bold (or was it the traveling bra speaking) and told him to put the phone away turned off and to just plain enjoy his family and the time they had together at the magic kingdom. He looked at me smiled and then his small son and wife arrived. He embraced them each and put the phone away. Hope it stayed away the rest of the day.
It really stuck hubby and I how people just have those damn devices out and using them all the time. I don't think Dick Tracy would approve, the "2 way" wris****ch was for important stuff, not just the connection.
Thanks for listening to me, as I use this internet device to connect to you all.
There we were at DW. So much to see and do, yet SO many people on their cell phones. Walking, riding in buses; on the monorail; boats; and golf carts, eating, sitting, going on rides and people with their cell phones talking and texting away. Is it that IMPORTANT to always be connected to someone on the other end of that phone??? Where has the plain enjoyment of life, unconnected to an electronic device, GONE??
I was sitting next to a man in the Magic Kingdom. There was a stroller with him, empty. He was texting away. I asked him how old he was, age 41. I asked him why he was on his phone so much and where his family was. He said he had work to take care of and that his child and wife were on a ride. I was so bold (or was it the traveling bra speaking) and told him to put the phone away turned off and to just plain enjoy his family and the time they had together at the magic kingdom. He looked at me smiled and then his small son and wife arrived. He embraced them each and put the phone away. Hope it stayed away the rest of the day.
It really stuck hubby and I how people just have those damn devices out and using them all the time. I don't think Dick Tracy would approve, the "2 way" wris****ch was for important stuff, not just the connection.
Thanks for listening to me, as I use this internet device to connect to you all.
Monica, Once again the Traveling Bra ha**** the keyboard smack on its surface.
I have been quilty of using the cell phone in the company of others.
My poor manners have been noted.
I 'm so glad you and your honey went with the Family to WDW. We had such a good time with our Family in that fun loving place.
I f I hadn't let you know before, I'm so glad you are on this site. I laughed with you over the years, shed a few tears along the way, and grew with your insights. Bless you dear girl, Peg
I so agree! I don't carry my cell phone unless I truly need it (that is, I'm expecting a phone call from someone that's really important and can't afford to miss it, or I'm on the road and need it in case of emergency).
I really hate to see these people in cars talking on the phone ... it's so dangerous. All the young people at work have their smart phones and talk and text to friends while at work ... when I'm at work, I work ... that's all. Sometimes, I do check out things online when I have a free moment, but that's rare.
I still have a landline, too, but then I'm old and set in my ways. Good for you, Monica, for reminding that man what's important in life.
I really hate to see these people in cars talking on the phone ... it's so dangerous. All the young people at work have their smart phones and talk and text to friends while at work ... when I'm at work, I work ... that's all. Sometimes, I do check out things online when I have a free moment, but that's rare.
I still have a landline, too, but then I'm old and set in my ways. Good for you, Monica, for reminding that man what's important in life.
Wow Monica, what great timing!! My husband & I had this very conversation just yesterday!! We were @ Kings Daughters Hospital in VA in the surgical waiting room while my daughter was undergoing eye surgery. Almost everyone, young AND old in that waiting room had their cell phones out. Some were talking but lots were surfing? playing games? who knows!! There were families/friends sitting together but no words or at least not very much conversation went on because of those phones!! A couple of months ago, my hubby & I was in the waiting room in my Cardio Dr.'s office and this elderly couple, probably in their 70's? were both on their cell phones, surfing or playing games. It's almost like an epidemic!! LOL. Anyway, our conversation home yesterday evening was cell phone usage. If he's behind the wheel of the car and his phone rings, he hands it to me to answer. Visa Versa if mine rings. If we're not with each other, we let it ring and go to voice mail. Our lives and time is more valuable than answering and/or playing on a phone!! Thanks for posting!!
Monica! I am so impressed and delighted with what you did.
I HATE cell phones. I have one but I do not use in public. If we are having a family difficulty or someone is in the hospital and I have to talk to someone, I leave the room or where ever and take a quick call. That happens very rarely. I usually have it turned off. The texting is what also drives me nuts. I do it but not when I am with another person!!!!! (Ok, I confess, I have used it while I'm grocery shopping, but just to ask Tom if we are out of something)
At our holiday dinners some of the kids have had their phones at the table!!!! Using them to text!!! We have a rule no phones at the table now. My father!!!! is a horrible cell phone abuser. He usually has a stupid blue tooth in his ear. He ALWAYS answers his cell. However, I think we have finally impressed upon him our displeasure that he does this...we'll see. One Sunday, a couple of years ago, when he was still preaching, he went up to the pulpit do the sermon and he had that blue tooth in his ear. My sister and I kept signaling him to tell him he had that thing in his ear and somehow he finally saw us and took it out. Good Heavens!
Why do people think I want to hear their most intimate/boring details of their lives and why are they not more embarrassed to have the world hearing about these details? Good Grief!!!
Sorry for my rant, but you are my hero today!
Go Monica Go!!!
I HATE cell phones. I have one but I do not use in public. If we are having a family difficulty or someone is in the hospital and I have to talk to someone, I leave the room or where ever and take a quick call. That happens very rarely. I usually have it turned off. The texting is what also drives me nuts. I do it but not when I am with another person!!!!! (Ok, I confess, I have used it while I'm grocery shopping, but just to ask Tom if we are out of something)
At our holiday dinners some of the kids have had their phones at the table!!!! Using them to text!!! We have a rule no phones at the table now. My father!!!! is a horrible cell phone abuser. He usually has a stupid blue tooth in his ear. He ALWAYS answers his cell. However, I think we have finally impressed upon him our displeasure that he does this...we'll see. One Sunday, a couple of years ago, when he was still preaching, he went up to the pulpit do the sermon and he had that blue tooth in his ear. My sister and I kept signaling him to tell him he had that thing in his ear and somehow he finally saw us and took it out. Good Heavens!
Why do people think I want to hear their most intimate/boring details of their lives and why are they not more embarrassed to have the world hearing about these details? Good Grief!!!
Sorry for my rant, but you are my hero today!
Go Monica Go!!!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
What a woman! I am so impressed. Another thing that really gets me: More and more I am seeing couples arrive at a restaurant with their children for a nice family dinner. They set up a portable DVD player to entertain the kids before the meal arrives. I've had my share of disruptive children while eating out, both mine and those at a table next to us, so I do understand where they are coming from but how will they ever learn to communicate and how to behave even if they are bored?
Karen C
Thanks Monica....I agree....things have gone too far with cell phones....especially in situations that should be family time. People don't know how to speak to others ...like total strangers sitting near them....just a hi or a smile...no...they are always on the phone with someone.
I am glad I am from the eras that still likes to go visit people and enjoy conversation....real conversation!!
I hope that young man learned a valuable lesson from you!
HUGS....connie d
I am glad I am from the eras that still likes to go visit people and enjoy conversation....real conversation!!
I hope that young man learned a valuable lesson from you!
HUGS....connie d
yeah I have trouble remembering to turn it on and to remember to charge the darn thing. I worked as a telephone operator for 30 years so the phone is not my favourite thing. Now take my computer away and I am lost. One of my best friends. great communication and so nice to keep in touch. I don't use it in public. I did buy a laptop for traveling. I don't like using other peoples computer. I just might mess it up. To day at -30 C, it is my best friend. lol Doris QC.