Saturday what's new??????
Well, here I sit at McDonalds again. I sure will be glad to get back online again. Maybe by next month. I've spent most of the week in bed or on the couch. My fibromyalgia has really been kicking my butt all week. Nothing seemed to help. I am feeling much more human today but I am still going to take it easy. Eagerly anticipating my first disability check next Wednesday. We are also filling out some paperwork to have our monthly mortgage amount reduced. I hope we qualify. That will help out a lot. Never thought I would be so excited to go to the grocery store. I was told about the Angel Ministries by a budget planner I spoke with too. I am definately going to check them out. It's time to get the garden ready. This year I want to move it to another spot and get an early start. I want to can as much as I can this year since I am not working any more. It will go a long way toward saving on groceries too. I want to start some gourds and luffa now so they will have time to mature they take so long. It's about time to start the early stuff too. I am going to throw together some kind of greenhouse to get a good start. Take care everybody and I'll catch up next time I can find a hot spot. Have a good week.
Hi Margo and my OFF family:
Sorry the car isn't working out for you ... I hate car problems. I can never plan for them, either.
Back to work again tonight for me, too. Last night was kinda slow, so that was OK. It's gloomy but warmer today (45 degrees). We're supposed to get up to the 60s by Monday.
I have a furlough day next week, so three days off ... just gotta bite the bullet and deal with it. So I have Monday off and then Thursday and Friday.
Well, not a whole lot happening here. Miss Juliette is sitting on my recliner arm and I'm watching "The Time Traveler's Wife" on cable ... I've seen it several times before but I sure love that movie. Still reading "Abigail Adams" ... what a brave woman. She sure put up with a lot.
Anyway, have a good day.
Sorry the car isn't working out for you ... I hate car problems. I can never plan for them, either.
Back to work again tonight for me, too. Last night was kinda slow, so that was OK. It's gloomy but warmer today (45 degrees). We're supposed to get up to the 60s by Monday.
I have a furlough day next week, so three days off ... just gotta bite the bullet and deal with it. So I have Monday off and then Thursday and Friday.
Well, not a whole lot happening here. Miss Juliette is sitting on my recliner arm and I'm watching "The Time Traveler's Wife" on cable ... I've seen it several times before but I sure love that movie. Still reading "Abigail Adams" ... what a brave woman. She sure put up with a lot.
Anyway, have a good day.
Hi Margo and all my OFF Friends,
Having no car is like having no right arm. I hope you can afford to have yours fixed soon.
Grammylew, good luck with your hip replacement. Hubby had one too and the recovery was quicker than the knee replacement. You will do great.
Monica, Congrats on your soberness.
Susan, Hope your recovery goes smoothly. Do you have a speaker phone option?
Janet, You'll look fabulous.
Had chemo yesterday. Tried Ambien last night and got five hours of sleep.
My sister, Mom and two cousins came today and cleaned my house and packed up the last of my Christmas Village in the dining room. We had a nice time and everything is nice and clean.
God Bless them.
Got flowers from a couple I know through scouting. Big, beautiful bouquet with pink roses in it too. I called them to thank them. They wanted to know if I would mind getting a funny card. I said I would love it. One friend sent a card and on the cover was a picture of a bunch of people at a public in-ground pool. It said on the cover, "In the great swimming pool of life . . ." and then inside the card it said, " . . . there's always going to be a little pee. Hang in there." I loved it.
I'm hoping that I feel OK tomorrow. We need to go to Costco. We are getting my hubby's aunt some cordless phones. Her current ones won't take a charge anymore. We are getting big button ones. She is 87. And then we want to take them to her and set them up for her.
Prayers and big love to all of you.
Having no car is like having no right arm. I hope you can afford to have yours fixed soon.
Grammylew, good luck with your hip replacement. Hubby had one too and the recovery was quicker than the knee replacement. You will do great.
Monica, Congrats on your soberness.
Susan, Hope your recovery goes smoothly. Do you have a speaker phone option?
Janet, You'll look fabulous.
Had chemo yesterday. Tried Ambien last night and got five hours of sleep.
My sister, Mom and two cousins came today and cleaned my house and packed up the last of my Christmas Village in the dining room. We had a nice time and everything is nice and clean.
God Bless them.
Got flowers from a couple I know through scouting. Big, beautiful bouquet with pink roses in it too. I called them to thank them. They wanted to know if I would mind getting a funny card. I said I would love it. One friend sent a card and on the cover was a picture of a bunch of people at a public in-ground pool. It said on the cover, "In the great swimming pool of life . . ." and then inside the card it said, " . . . there's always going to be a little pee. Hang in there." I loved it.
I'm hoping that I feel OK tomorrow. We need to go to Costco. We are getting my hubby's aunt some cordless phones. Her current ones won't take a charge anymore. We are getting big button ones. She is 87. And then we want to take them to her and set them up for her.
Prayers and big love to all of you.