Listen to your body
This is from my Eating Coach, good read. Happy Friday! Hugs Debbie
Posted: 14 Jan 2011 03:20 AM PST How do you feel? Do you know?Are your shoulders tight? Does your back hurt? Are you fighting a cold? Are you tired? Our bodies provide us a wealth of information about our state of health. A good many people, after a medical diagnosis, will realize that they "kind of knew" what was going on. One of the issues with being from the West, though, is that we don't make an effort to tap into these powerful signals while they are still small. Take some time this weekend, and it doesn't have to be an hour -- just 4 or 5 minutes, to sit quietly and listen to the signals your body is sending you. What do you think it is trying to tell you? Do you notice you feel tired? What kind of tired -- sleepy? weary? tense? Is your neck sore? Is that tension from work? Are you fighting a bug? This practice will do 2 things. 1. It will give you practice in assessing your physical state -- which is what you do when you are assessing hunger and fullness. 2. It will give you more information about what you might need to work on (dealing with the stress at the office, etc) so you can have more energy for changing your eating patterns. It might be uncomfortable to just sit there and scan. You might be a little afraid of what you might find. But my position is that these situations are happening whether you are consciously aware of them or not, and if you are aware, you might be able to make changes for the better. |
Take care of yourself Connie. We will always struggle with our weight, our food choices. We don't have to beat ourselves up. We are living life. We are more than a number on a scale. All we can do is our best and move on. Life happens. Most of the time it's out of our control. Destiny.
To make it easier for me, I will take 3 less bites of my meal.
I will be polite when I'm with others for meals and if dessert is offered you know you can have it but I will only take 3 bites and that's enough, my taste-buds are satisfied.
Yesterday one of my volunteers brought in homemade cookies. I took one and took 2 bites and she was on her way to do something then I just put the rest of the cookie in the garbage when she wasn't looking. One of my volunteers said to me "are you suppose to eat that"? Now I consider that a rude question anyway, kinda like the food police...I just smiled and said one cookie is okay, 5 isn't. Then I told her about my 3 bite rule. She liked that. She watches her weight and exercises so she really wasn't being rude, probably jus****ching out for my best interest.
Well ya know sometimes you do need comfort foods. When that happens it's okay then just get back on with your life. The world didn't end. Yes, sometimes life is hard and we reach for food.
Hang in there my friend, PM me if you want to talk privately. Hugs Debbie
To make it easier for me, I will take 3 less bites of my meal.
I will be polite when I'm with others for meals and if dessert is offered you know you can have it but I will only take 3 bites and that's enough, my taste-buds are satisfied.
Yesterday one of my volunteers brought in homemade cookies. I took one and took 2 bites and she was on her way to do something then I just put the rest of the cookie in the garbage when she wasn't looking. One of my volunteers said to me "are you suppose to eat that"? Now I consider that a rude question anyway, kinda like the food police...I just smiled and said one cookie is okay, 5 isn't. Then I told her about my 3 bite rule. She liked that. She watches her weight and exercises so she really wasn't being rude, probably jus****ching out for my best interest.
Well ya know sometimes you do need comfort foods. When that happens it's okay then just get back on with your life. The world didn't end. Yes, sometimes life is hard and we reach for food.
Hang in there my friend, PM me if you want to talk privately. Hugs Debbie