It's Saturday! What's new?

on 1/8/11 12:20 am
Good morning Debbie and everyone!  Well, it's snowing here again!  I remember last fall the weather forecasters were going on about how we were going to have a *cold* winter but that there wouldn't be much snow.  :P  Granted, yesterday we didn't get much more than a couple of inches of snow yesterday but today we're supposed to get a lot more ... and there's another one on the way.  My DH and I took the dog out for a walk near the wooded area around the block from our home.  We went into the woods a little bit but you have to cross a log bridge to go further in and it was just too slippery for that.  We finally got all our Christmas decorations down the other day (my hubby's birthday, the 6th) and now the house looks bare.  I'm not a big fan of winter so I've got my sights set on spring.  There's not much else going on around here today except shovelling later so I'll wish everyone a wonderful day!

on 1/8/11 1:28 am - Canada
Hi everyone
Just a short driveby to wish all a good weekend.
I am getting ready for the week - washing clothes, ironing clothes, checking over my notes for the first class, etc.  Not much new.
It's still cold here with some snow, but the snow is still white.  One of my biggest beefs about winter is the colour that the snow turns after it has been here for a while.  It gets dirty and takes on a horrible brown colour that makes everything outside look dull.  Bah humbug. 
I hate listening to myself whine, so I will move on to the rest of my "chores" for the day!
Have a good one.
HW: 250
SW: 240
CW: 173.8
GW: 150

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi
on 1/8/11 2:11 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Just wanted to tell you I love your lighted reindeer avatar.  It makes me smile every time I see it.

on 1/8/11 1:35 am

Good morning Debbie and everyone,

Today we are getting ready for the big winter freeze expected tomorrow.  Husband is getting the garage door cleared so he can pull the car in.  I don't know why.  And he is going to buy a few groceries.  He panics so much. I am almost completely finished with my poncho.  I added a nice collar so it would keep my neck warm.  

Well, that's about it for me.   

on 1/8/11 6:52 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
I hope we get to see a picture of your finished product.  Sounds beautiful.

Eileen Briesch
on 1/8/11 3:07 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:

I had an eventful day yesterday. I had to run to the attorney's office to pay something on the Chap. 7 bankruptcy ... he would take a partial payment, which was good. His paralegal/receptionist called the data processor handling the garnishment and tried to straighten things out; then I had to call them, too, later ... seems they say they didn't get the order to stop the garnishment until Wednesday, even though I filed Dec. 23.

So I handled that ... I was in the car when she called (almost at CVS drugstore at the time) ... so I pulled into the parking lot to talk to her (I had my earpiece on). She had some number for me to call because they wouldn't talk to her unless they had permission. Then I went to get my prescriptions.  Then to the lawyer's office. At that point, I was hungry, so I asked if there was some place nearby that was good to eat ... Amanda recommended this Mexican place ... I had heard of it, it was OK, not as good as the two other places near me I've been to. Then to the Walmart near the restaurant ... not as much of a zoo as the other store, but then, there were things I wanted there that I couldn't find at this one. By that point, I was not feeling very good ... don't know if it was the food or what, but I was having the sweats. Got home with my groceries etc. and did laundry.

Oh, and did I mention ... my TV is paid off. So one less bill to worry about.

My friend Mary Kay is down in Baton Rouge, La. ...I hope to see her soon.

Well, I need to get in the shower and have some lunch ... got to get to work soon. Have a good day.

Bev, you are a strong woman and you will get through this. Hang in there.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 1/8/11 8:48 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Thanks Eileen,
Wow you did have a busy day.  But it sounds like you handled everything.  I hope you are feeling better today. 
Seeing MaryKay will give you a boost.  Have fun with her.  Sounds like you need a little fun.  I'm so glad your kitty worked out and is such a great companion to you.
Keep on keepin' on.

on 1/8/11 5:48 am - Williston, ND
 Good Afternoon.....I can't seem to get to the computer in the mornings but late afternoons and evenings are my best times.  Had to do some grocery sopping and stocking up....seems we are going to be experiencing some more frigid cold and high winds so don't want to have to go out if I don't have to.  We've been fighting viral colds, aches and pains like most every one all over.  Checked out some new friends on Facebook and found alot of old friends from here.  Hope we can be friends there as well.  It sure is nice to have all the rich foods out of the house and getting down to basic healthy eating again.  Hope every one's weekend is going well
Hugs & Junk,


on 1/8/11 6:03 am
Hi all,

I am sitting at the hospital with my mom making sure she eats and gets what she needs. It is very frustrating. Both of my parents have been in and out of the hospital and dad is at the care center now. Hopefully mom will go to the same one when she is discharged, maybe Tuesday.
Both my sister and I work full time and it is hard to run back and forth. On top of that they both have cognition problems and insight and judgment problems and won't let us help and get mad when we try. They are not bad enough to be able to get anyone to intervene.

I was able to get a social worker meet with them and my sis and our husbands a few months ago. Mostly that just pissed them off but at least we did what we could. Anyway this is very wearing and makes me sad too.
I am a social worker and deal with this daily only with other people and their families. It makes me sad because I see families where the parents let the kids assist as needed and the kids are able to help. I see some where the parents rely solely on the kids too. I just want to be allowed to help when and where I can so things don't get so bad that mom and dad get in terrible pickles and things just go from terrible to horrible.
They most recently almost got kicked out of their retirement home for not paying what they owed...long story and I've gone on too long already.
Oh wait, one more thing, My father had a super-pubic cath put in, voluntarily. I tried to tell him it would be difficult to keep clean and would be likely to cause infections. I told him he would have a hard time not having an odor about him. He said he didn't care and got it anyway because his legs are so bad (had knee surgery twice on same leg, had to Dr. shop to find ones to do the surgery because he was a poor candidate,  and didn't do his therapy) that he can't move fast enough to get to the bathroom. So the cath was his answer.

He takes a belt and straps it to his chest and then hangs the bag up around his chest. It is suppose to hang down by his leg so gravity helps the flow of everything. The Dr's. nurses, therapists try to tell him it isn't healthy but he knows best!....he has a HORRIBLE odor and I am soooo embarrassed for him...OMG! Sorry. This has been pent up....
Mom is sleeping now and I am waiting for my sister to come and take over. I will go home and make an enchilada dinner and bring her some tonight.
Thanks for being here and thank you if you were able to stick with this long post and read it. I promise I won't do it again....


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 1/8/11 6:48 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Oh Cheryl, I'm so sorry about both your parents failing at the same time.  What is wrong with those Drs. and nurses, they should "involuntarily" remove it because he isn't using it properly.  Aren't they supposed to be the guardians of his health and shouldn't they worry he will get infections?  I think they should be called on the carpet for it.  "Depends" sounds like a safer option.
My hubby's Dad had Alzheimer's for two years before he passed and we moved in to take care of him for his final year on this earth.  We both had full time jobs.  We hired a woman to come in for four hours a day while we were at work.  She made him lunch, took him for a walk and gave him his meds.  He wasn't dangerous because he had lost all concept of how to work things.  He just sat in front of the TV all day. He couldn't figure out how to turn on the VCR, microwave, etc.  It was very difficult switching roles where we were the parents and he was the child.
It must be even more difficult when your parents have their full faculties and are so uncooperative.  I hope you can find some answers.  Vent anytime you want.  We are here.

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