OT: Our winter wonderland pictures
I just love watching the birds too. We have a Red Bellied Woodpecker which is big. He has a totally red head but gets his name for a small patch of red between his legs. This year for the first time, the Flicker Woodpecker, which we usually only see on the lawn and the trees is coming to the feeder/suet block. We only have this feeder which holds twenty pounds of birdseed. Then we have a hanging thistle seed feeder for the gold and house finches during the spring and summer. And another separate hanging suet feeder where the thistle feeder hangs in the off season. We get cardinals, nuthatches, titmouses, blue jays, junkos, doves, sparrows, chickadees, carolina wrens and the woodpeckers in the winter. So we also have coopers hawks and red tailed hawks preying on them. I could watch them for hours.
I have not been to Quebec. I will have to put that on my list of things to see. I know a little French. Do you speak French as well?
I just love watching the birds too. We have a Red Bellied Woodpecker which is big. He has a totally red head but gets his name for a small patch of red between his legs. This year for the first time, the Flicker Woodpecker, which we usually only see on the lawn and the trees is coming to the feeder/suet block. We only have this feeder which holds twenty pounds of birdseed. Then we have a hanging thistle seed feeder for the gold and house finches during the spring and summer. And another separate hanging suet feeder where the thistle feeder hangs in the off season. We get cardinals, nuthatches, titmouses, blue jays, junkos, doves, sparrows, chickadees, carolina wrens and the woodpeckers in the winter. So we also have coopers hawks and red tailed hawks preying on them. I could watch them for hours.
I have not been to Quebec. I will have to put that on my list of things to see. I know a little French. Do you speak French as well?
Me too. But I can't complain too much. The snow is plowed well on our street. Hubby just came in from clearing it all from the driveway and the walkways. So the deck is now cleared off and he uses the snowblower to clear under the birdfeeder so the birds can eat what is on the ground. So it's not that pretty anymore.
I don't like how dirty it all gets near the road.
Happy New Year and hugs,
Me too. But I can't complain too much. The snow is plowed well on our street. Hubby just came in from clearing it all from the driveway and the walkways. So the deck is now cleared off and he uses the snowblower to clear under the birdfeeder so the birds can eat what is on the ground. So it's not that pretty anymore.
I don't like how dirty it all gets near the road.
Happy New Year and hugs,
bev thank you! tho i am certainly living in my own winter wonderland, i enjoy seeing the freshly fallen snow so the top pic is my fave...
i miss all of the birds we had at our feeders in ohio--i have not been able to do much here this winter and do feel guilty however i need to keep my lights on!
this morning's drive to work i saw many trees with new snow frozen on them! beautiful!!!! and up here, there are big patches of pines with snow laden branches!
anyhow i'm rambling- thx for posting the pics!
i miss all of the birds we had at our feeders in ohio--i have not been able to do much here this winter and do feel guilty however i need to keep my lights on!
this morning's drive to work i saw many trees with new snow frozen on them! beautiful!!!! and up here, there are big patches of pines with snow laden branches!
anyhow i'm rambling- thx for posting the pics!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Bev, those picture are gorgeous. I am so jealous. Try as I might I am only able to get house finch, sparrows and starlings. Sometimes I get a couple of goldfinches. I know the sparrows and starlings scare the others away but don't know what to do about that. I can't even get hummingbirds to come around anymore. We have lots of flowers and roses and things that should attract these guys but no luck. Every now and then we might see a woodpecker but very very rarely.
Thanks for the pics!
Thanks for the pics!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
I plant red and pink impatiens in pots on the corners of my deck and the hummingbirds love them. I've tried the hummingbird feeders but mine always seem to develop a leak and I end up feeding the sugar water to the ants on the ground. LOL. One thing is they are so fast, it's hard to spot them. Sometimes
My husband was sitting on the deck with a lady from his work. Just as she said "I haven't seen a hummingbird in a long time." My husband said a hummingbird flew right up to the pot in front of her and he said, "There's one right there." LOL. I don't know if you have seen the movie "Funny Farm" with Chevy Chase. They are attempting to sell their farm and they stage idyllic scenes for the potential buyers. In one scene they say 'cue the deer'. And someone lets a deer out of a cage to run across the yard as the potentials buyers are looking out the window. So whenever we see an idyllic sighting of wildlife we say "cue the "whatever"". LOL.
Part of the reason we have all those birds is because we are consistent. We bought my husbands parents home after they passed. His Dad had been feeding the birds since they built the house in 1957. We never let the feeders go empty. So generations of birds have known about the feeder. We spend a lot each year in seed, but it is so worth it. We look for sales when we can. Like Big Lots had 50 lb. bags for $12.00 in the fall so we stocked up.
We also have a waterfall and small pond feature which attracts the birds. It's fun to watch them line up on the side to take a bath in a certain spot, one after the other.
Boy am I longwinded today. I think the steroids should wear off by tonite. Please forgive me.
I plant red and pink impatiens in pots on the corners of my deck and the hummingbirds love them. I've tried the hummingbird feeders but mine always seem to develop a leak and I end up feeding the sugar water to the ants on the ground. LOL. One thing is they are so fast, it's hard to spot them. Sometimes
My husband was sitting on the deck with a lady from his work. Just as she said "I haven't seen a hummingbird in a long time." My husband said a hummingbird flew right up to the pot in front of her and he said, "There's one right there." LOL. I don't know if you have seen the movie "Funny Farm" with Chevy Chase. They are attempting to sell their farm and they stage idyllic scenes for the potential buyers. In one scene they say 'cue the deer'. And someone lets a deer out of a cage to run across the yard as the potentials buyers are looking out the window. So whenever we see an idyllic sighting of wildlife we say "cue the "whatever"". LOL.
Part of the reason we have all those birds is because we are consistent. We bought my husbands parents home after they passed. His Dad had been feeding the birds since they built the house in 1957. We never let the feeders go empty. So generations of birds have known about the feeder. We spend a lot each year in seed, but it is so worth it. We look for sales when we can. Like Big Lots had 50 lb. bags for $12.00 in the fall so we stocked up.
We also have a waterfall and small pond feature which attracts the birds. It's fun to watch them line up on the side to take a bath in a certain spot, one after the other.
Boy am I longwinded today. I think the steroids should wear off by tonite. Please forgive me.
No, Bev, don't apologize. I love your posts. Wait till you read the long doozies I just wrote! Now I DO apologize for those. I am in a mood today.
I love the "cue the deer" thing. That is FUNNY. I haven't seen that movie.
I love the "cue the deer" thing. That is FUNNY. I haven't seen that movie.
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin