Happy New Year! What's New?

Debbie G.
on 12/31/10 1:48 pm - Derby Line, VT
Happy New Year! 
I fell asleep on the couch long before the year came in, woke up and posted, now, What's New with YOU?
Happy day, month, year, decade, life!  2011 holds so much hope in store for us all! 
Nancy B
on 12/31/10 2:19 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Happy New Year, Debbie and too all of my OH family!

Well, JB managed to stay awake til midnight then headed off to bed...Derek is security for a private party in the Minolta Tower right at the brink of Niagara Falls tonight...he must be bored stiff to text his mother! Poor guy! ...but the fireworks over The Falls were stunningly beautiful as always.

My first task of the new year...great...the litter box is stuck...grrr..thank you Katie & LilyRose! (they keep me humble).

It's actually rather mild out today and the snow was melting...we expect rain for the next few days.

2011 will be the year of change and we will all find ourselves responding to this in different ways, sometimes confusing, sometimes inspired.  The trick is to acknowledge our feelings and accept them, feel the emotions and then let them go!

I find that meditation and EFT keeps me grounded. We all have our own coping skills. It's a new year...a new horizon and I face the unknown with excitement, hope and faith in the inherent goodness of mankind. Wishing you all the very best of the new year..we have another chance to turn this world around and create harmony and peace amongst men.  Let's DO it!

Nancy B

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Eileen Briesch
on 12/31/10 2:58 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:

Happy New Year!   I got home right before midnight, turned on the TV to watch the ball drop, but must have just missed it ... so I was flipping around the channels and suddenly, there was nothing on the cable ... absolutely nothing but a blank picture. So I popped in a DVD, "St. Elsewhere" ... great show. Every now and then, I watch an episode or two.

Work was OK tonight, except for the fact I had to redo the business page twice because prepress, which puts on the ads, didn't do it right ... and no one communicated it to me what the ad was suppose to be. So after moving things around to get all the stocks graphics on the page, I had to redo the page with the right configuration of the ad.

Well, not much else ... just work again tonight and then again Sunday. Six days, extra money ... and no garnishment this paycheck ... yippeee!

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/31/10 4:43 pm - Manteca, CA
GOOD MORNING OFF! I haven't been posting much... I've had a cold that has knocked me out for a few days. Tonight I chose to pretend it was gone and go out to play. I had so much fun! O feel sore... walking slower coming home than when I left, but OH, did I DANCE! If it isn't good for my back (I'm sure it is) at least it is wonderful for my soul. I was "One with the crowd"! I hope that some of you kicked your heels up. Happy, happy to all of you- even if you are struggling there is much to enjoy!
on 12/31/10 7:44 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll. Happy New Year.
My DH and I celebrated with Australia, which was about 7 AM yesterday. We were in bed at our usual time. Saw both grandsons and 2 of their friends for breakfast yesterday 'morning' (about 11).
Then again for a short while in the afternoon. Our son and DIL not happy that the usual neighborhood New Years Eve party was being held at a home outside 'the hood'. At a house that reeks of cigarette smoke and the couple have no kids so nothing for the teenagers to do. Also in the hood, everyone can walk home if they imbibe too much. Can't wait to hear how THAT turned out!
I hope that 2011 brings all of you everything you are hoping for. In your work, relationships, finances, and every other aspect of your lives.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


Monica B.
on 12/31/10 9:02 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all and Happy New Year.
Very warm here and lots of sun. The traveling bra had a good day and took care of our errands and stuff. Found a great black dress at Target for $7.48 and wore it last night to celebrate. Had fun, but do my knees HURT from dancing.
Sober 59 days.....so proud of me.
Hubby offered me wine at dinner and I said no way. He got real rangy at dance drinking gin martinis, his downfall. We were walking since the dance was just down the street. We sat at a table with 6 widow women and he danced with all but one. She said no and he felt hurt. When we got home he tried calling our kids, it was funny watching him try to dial their numbers.
He is really hurting with his back and artifical hip causing him problems. He tries hard not to complain or show how bad the pain is, but last night the gin did the talking. He is mad that is "body" is letting him down. I hope he is OK this morning. He's still asleep.
I talked on too much, happy days, prayers, and good health.
Love, Monica & the traveling BRA

on 12/31/10 10:16 pm, edited 12/31/10 10:16 pm - Somewhere in, NY

Congratulations to you for 59 days sober.  Including New Year's Eve.  Wow!  I love reading how well you're doing.

I'm glad the traveling bra had a good day, too.  Bet it made that black dress look FINE!!!

I wish you continued success.

I'm so sorry your husband is still struggling.



Eileen Briesch
on 1/1/11 2:39 am - Evansville, IN
Congrats, Monica, on 59 days. We're proud of you too.

understand about your hubby's pain and his frustration ... I have the same emotions. Fortunately, I can't handle more than one drink anymore.

It's funny how one can enjoy life without booze or excess food ... life can be so much fun.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Laureen S.
on 12/31/10 9:05 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

I slept through the new year, as I was ready for bed at 9 p.m., but managed to make it until 10:30 and I woke up at 7 a.m., very unusual for me to sleep that late, but hey I am starting the new year well rested and that is a good thing!

Today I will be heading to Barix in Langhorne, PA, where I help facilitate a WLS support group on the First Saturday of every month, even though it is a holiday, me and my friend, Arlene, volunteered to be there for any who want to start the new year off with support, so we will meet from 11 to 1 p.m. today, after that, well who knows, I certainly have plenty to keep me busy at home and that is probably what I will be doing, though I do hope to stop in and see my grandchildren at some point, as well as make my Women's AA meeting tonight.

That's it, New Year, starting this NY with hopes and willingness to realize some of my hopes.

Best wishes, peace and strength to all, love Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/31/10 9:15 pm
Good Morning and Happy New Year Debbie and all,

It is 1 degree out and I am typing with fingerless gloves.

Tom and I to bed by 10pm. Today I HAVE to get the Christmas decorations packed up and put away. I have been procrastinating. Should have done this at the beginning of the week but, oh well....

It will be nice to have my old house back.

I was up at 4am, so now will go take a little "nap." Tom and I go to Starbuck's on Saturday mornings, so will get up again to go do that.

Take care and stay warm if you have winter weather like I do....all you all in the snow storms, stay safe and warm!


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

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