happy friday, and ohhhhh happy almost New Years

on 12/30/10 2:58 pm - manchester, NJ
good morning everyone,

i cant sleep so i thought i would start the friday thread for a change.  i cant believe 2010 is
over, but to be honest im not sad to see it go.  it was a tough year for me and the family.  i know
many of you have also suffered personally or thru you friends and family this past year.

so having said that, i want to take a moment to wish everyone the best 2011 possible.  i hope
we all have good times and most important, good health.

im off to my sister's house tonight for a small celebration.  i will leave after i work a half day
today, well heck im working a half day everyday lately.

big HUGS, and may your New Year be wonderful and bright.




on 12/30/10 3:47 pm - Australia
Thank you for your kind thoughts Jacki.  I also want to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year.  For me, this year has been a time of changes both personally and professionally and I have to say they have all been good changes.

I am excited about what the new year will bring. Sure, hubby and I are getting older (notice I said older NOT OLD), but our children are too.  I am loving seeing them grow into strong adults, having a lasting partnership and hopefully grandkids down the track.

Tonight we are bringing in the New Year with our very dear friends.  Actually, that's not technically true because neither of us will last until midnight! haha!

My youngest son works in security for Australia Zoo which I am sure you have all heard of...Steve Irwin's Zoo.  He is working tonight at midnight so he won't be doing much celebrating.  My other son and his partner are away for 3 nights up the coast and it looks like they are ready to move out on their own possibly as soon as 2 weeks if they are lucky....or should I say if we are lucky!!

I also just want to say thank you to everyone on this site.  Without OH I am not sure if I would have gotten through my surgery.  I have appreciated everyone's input here.

Bye for now.  SEE YOU NEXT YEAR !!
HW: 305.8  PreSurgWt: 286 CW: 208.1  GW:165.0  Loss:  77.88               
Nancy B
on 12/30/10 4:07 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Happy New Year, everyone!

Here I sit again..awake during the wee hours...playing mahjong mostly and drinking water, water, water!  LilyRose is insisting that I toss her yarn ball...over and over....and last night she actually brought her ball into our bed and starting chirping at 4 am...demanding that someone toss her ball so that she can fetch it...this is NOT looking good!

Another quiet day today for me..I so needed this...my legs are feeling a bit better yet again today...got my Christmas dishes all packed again...that, in itself, is a challenge, to get them all back into their box and get the cover on and closed right. See you next year, Christmas dishes!

Planned for Friday: a business luncheon, a reading for a client and then shopping for my bathing suit...blech..hate shopping!  Then back home to prep a shrimp dinner for us....enough with the turkey already!

We (Feir & I) are waiting for January 20th...the decision of whether the Literacy Game Project gets funded by the local university & college...I'm so excited...Feir is a doctor of hypnotherapy but taught in the education system for 33 years and won MANY awards for her excellence. 

During that time, she developed a game to help kids learn the proper parts of a sentence by creating a plant as they added plant parts (huge paper pieces with the correct word written on it).  We are trying to get this game funded for making into a VIDEO game...this will teach LITERACY for all...all ages, & languages...this is a universal technique to teach how to create a proper sentence.  This is vital in this day & age...all the technical developments lead to less face-to-face interaction and less skill in reading, speaking and writing. The potential of this game is monumental!   Literacy = Empowerment!

Oops!  *steps back down off my soapbox*...sorry, I just get SO passionate about special projects.  I have written much of the database of sentences to be used in the game....majoring in history and aboriginal facts and history.  This game can be translated into most languages.  And, as an illustrator, I also do the artwork for the game and will be working with an experienced video game programmer ...HE is the expensive part...the programmer, and that's why we have applied for gov't funding.  The interviews went well so we are still hoping..hoping....if you feel like it, please swing some chickens or whatever feels right to you *s*.

I am also writing the curriculum for my next series of LifePath groups...I already have people interested in joining. Now if I can just get JB to make up his mind about WHEN we will be going away for a month, then I can choose dates for my series to begin. I need a full three months commitment of time and he is dragging his heels....grr. 

By me giving HIM the choice of when we go, he cannot complain and say later that it's MY fault that we missed this or that and can never go away...I always save a full month...his choice...for our  Winter-Spring vacation. 

I have seven cats of assorted colours and sizes staring at me from out on the verandah...they are sitting on the big window ledge watching me type this.  I got homes for twelve babies so we are now down to 23 outside cats...another lost cat wandered in several weeks ago...she has two collars and a bell on but I have not been able to find her owner...she is such a sweet little cat too.  Each cat has a name and a story....some have been abused, some abandoned, some just lost or dumped at the end of my driveway....people seem to think that country people enjoy more cats. I LOVE cats but enough already!  LOL...

I send love and encouragement to all who need it, condolences and courage to all who have suffered losses, and hugs for all wishing one...or two..or more *s*

Nancy B

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Debbie G.
on 12/30/10 7:10 pm - Derby Line, VT
Good Morning Jacki and OFF!
I've been MIA again this week-weekends seem to be the times I can get here. 
No matter how late I put the dogs out at night, Angus still insists between 5 and 5:30 is THE time to go outside.  Sometimes it's even 4!  YUCK! 
Work is going well, we will be starting some classes for the new system soon.  I like all of my coworkers and the hospital.  Who would have thought I would be living in Vt and working someplace else this year?  LOL
Aches and pains have been alive and well this year too!  mostly knees and shoulder.  getting a massage type treatment next Friday, oh so looking forward to that!  Will be seeing my new physician this week too, need to keep track of the blood thinner stuff and needed someone soon. 
My son is doing well, he started taking classes online for a degree!  aced his first course, he also is doing well at work and got some nice bonuses this year! 
Parents seem to be doing well although, my dad is worried about getting my house in Swanton cleaned up.  I'll be heading back there in March to finish up the purge, pack and bring the rest back here.  Busy year ahead, but I like it! 
Bit warmer here today and some snow is melting it appears. 
this past decade was not a great one for me, lets hope this new dawning decade is a GREAT one for all of us!  I plan to start it off right by trying to get the eating back under control and lose these pesky pounds I have gained.  I don't want to go back to my lowest, but a good 35 lbs should do it. 
Enjoy today, the day for reflection and contemplation!  Happy New Year!
Monica B.
on 12/30/10 7:35 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all. Much warmer here this morning. Good thing we left windows open during the night.
The traveling bra has lots of errands to do today. Trying hard not to OCD about going out. The "bra" will lead me.
Hubby and I are feeling better this morning. I am sober 58 days, yeah! I am amazed that the tylenol PM works so well, helping me sleep through the night.
Dance and live music here tonight, I wonder if we can make it to midnight.
Debbie, I know that our Diablo started getting up earlier and earlier to go out. It was frustrating, but I'd give anything to have him back, missing his presence so. Prayers to Margo at this time.
I really wish I could find an affordable no contract cell phone. The go phone we have is OK, but the quality is bad.
Happy New Year all, may 2011 be better for us all. God bless America and thanks to all our military who serve and the police, rescue, and fireman.
Hugs Monica

on 12/30/10 7:50 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
Everyone has pretty positive posts this morning. New projects, kids doing well, and fun with your furbabies. I love ready about all of your pets. We had our grandson's puppy while they were in MD at a wedding. She was very good and we had no puppy piddle puddles, but it reminded me of why we don't have pets anymore.
My DH and I ring in the New Year on Australian time, since they are the first in the world. That way we can get to bed at a decent time!
Our year has been a very good one. My cancer is in remission ( the doctors say we can never say we are cancer free), my family members are all enjoying good health, happiness and reliable jobs. Our decade was not as great. I lost both of my parents, 6 aunts and/or uncles and a cousin. But, we also were able to move to NC, buy a house and pay it off. I got 2 new shoulders, I lost 125 pounds, and my DH and I did lots of travelling around the country.
Today we are going to use one of the gift cards our son's family gave us and go out to eat. We already spent the Walmart one. I tell the kids NOT to get us anything. If we want something throughout the year we just go get it. But if they insist on spending money on us, gift cards are the best. We ALWAYS enjoy spending money!
I hope everyone has a marvelous new year. That all of your hopes for the new year come to fruition.
Have a fantabulous day!

I get a little tired of the TV shows that continue to give 'the year in review' because I can pretty much remember those events. But I do enjoy the 'decade in review'. I have forgotten a lot of that stuff.

Grammylew in Jax


on 12/30/10 8:12 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Jacki and my OFF friends,

Happy New Year to you and all my buddies here on OFF. I'm hoping this new decade will bring much joy and good health to everyone, and that those facing difficult times find peace.

Our contractor finished yesterday, now we just wait for the painter to come on Tuesday, finishing up on Wednesday. That gives me a little less than a week to get my ducks in a row for surgery on the 12th. I was getting pretty nervous about doing stomach/arms at the same time, wondering how in the world I was going to get up from a chair or bed. Yesterday I started looking into renting a lift chair. First, I called a medical supply and they rent the for short term, but two weeks would be $250!!!  Then I thought about just a regular recliner, so I call our local Rent-a-Center, and Yipee....$21.99 a week and they deliver and pick up......and YES! it's a LIFT chair. I'm so relieved, and I think Gary is too.

I like the idea of celebrating New Year's on the Austrailia time zone....we haven't made it to midnight for a very long time.

Okay, off I go. Hope you all have a dandy day!



on 12/30/10 8:43 pm
 Good morning everyone,  This is extremely unusual for me to be out of bed at this time, but truth is I haven't been in bed but about an hour and woke back up.  I fell yesterday and came close to killing myself, this morning I am sore and swollen all over my right side, hands, shoulder, fingers, knee and foot.  GRRR, I hate when I do something like roll around a parking lot on my side.  LOL  

Anyway, I will be glad to see this decade go, I lost my mother and my best friend between 2005-2010, several uncles, aunts and cousins, too, but my mother and best friend hurt the most.  I know that my dad will go this decade and more than likely in 2011 at the rate things are going.  I will miss him but at the same time, I really hate for him to get any worse with his alzheimers, he just isn't my dad any longer, but I still love him and take care of him.  

I have to get my laundry done today, if it kills me.  That's the one thing about house keeping that I hate.  I don't mind windows, gardening, or much of anything else but I hate washing clothes.  

Other than my fall, my respite hours yesterday were very enjoyable, it is so good to have some relief after not having any for over five years.  I enjoy my 4 hours away each Thursday.  I just started getting an additional 4 hours on Tuesday and I am not use to it yet.  Actually all but one of the times I have had the Tuesday respite it has snowed and I have been stuck at home with the lady and to be quiet honest, I would rather she not come that come and sit with me, but she doesn't get paid if she doesn't work so I can't knock her out of a day's wages.  We are using a center for the aging for help with dad, we just wanted help bathing him, but they offered me this respite care and I wasn't turning anything down.  During the time I have my surgery and am recovering from it, he is also going to get Meals on Wheels and that will be a big help to me.  Dad has insurance that would cover this type of care but we did not qualify for home heath or hospice yet, so we are getting it "free" through this agency but I do make a donation once a month for their help.  

My 2011 should be pretty good with my surgery on Jan. 24th and then time to start losing this weight.  My only nephew will be deployed this year around May to one of the war zones.  I do not look forward to that but just have to place him and all the troops in God's hands. He is the only grandchild in our family and we are all super close to him.  

Once again, I have typed your legs off and need to crawl back in bed and get some rest before my dad gets up.  

To every one a Happy New Year and I am so glad I found you all.  


 RNY 1/24/11

Laureen S.
on 12/30/10 9:25 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Jacki, OFF Peeps!

I wish you a much better 2011, as I know 2010 was a tough year for you and let's get together soon! 

Another year has come to a close, lots of reflecting on my part, I guess life is truly about the ying/yang and I will make this day about what is good in life, as yesterday I had a sense of great sadness going on about the things that were not so good about this past year (decade), but in life there are choices to be made, some of them have consequences and others rewards and still others, are just simply about living and doing the next right thing for ourselves, not being vested in any outcome whatsoever.  Choose to focus on the positive in all situations, even those that at the time don't seem as though there is anything positive to experience.  At the mature ages most of us are at, there are many challenges we face because of this journey we are on, we were brought here where we have a network of support, so whatever you are facing, please know there is someone here who cares

So as I end this year, my wish for each and everyone of you is peace and continued resources to carry on and live live as fully as possible each day, after all today is all we have, LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH!!! 

Peace, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

karen C.
on 12/30/10 11:04 pm, edited 12/30/10 11:05 pm - Kennewick, WA


As I look at your avatar I see a moving, breathing, smiling person. I am so glad that we got to meet!

Today is a day of reflection for me as for many of you. I always look forward to the start of a new year and this one is no exception. A trip this coming week to visit a friend in southern California, a week in Arizona the end of February with my spouse, a week the end of April visiting family in St. Louis, and our son's wedding in early July. Working part time, saving for an upper thigh lift to take place some time in 2011. Sounds like more than enough to keep this lady occupied doesn't it?

I want to remember to set my priorities and do the things that are important first. That may be something fun, something new, or simply something that needs to be done. So much time can be wasted. . . Not that there isn't value in contemplating at times, that can help me to focus also.

I'm rambling. It's dark, cold (11 degrees), and very quiet. I hear Mike in the shower, the dogs are cuddled in their blankets in the dog beds. I get up way too early for them! No big plans for the New Year. We have a wonderful view of the First Night fireworks, but will probably have to set the alarm to be up at midnight!

You all are a very valuable part of my life. I know that I can come here any time of day or night for friendship, encouragement, or to share something going on in my life. Often just sharing it with you puts it in perspective. Thanks for always being here for me.

Happy New Year everyone!

Karen C

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