It's Thursday - already. What are you up to?
Dear Bev
I have tried to compose a message to you several times and have not felt that I could put into words the admiration that I have for you, but I am going to try.
You are an inspiration to all of us. We live in a culture that denies that death exists (I don't think that anyone else in this thread or others has used the "d" word - we are all so scared), and we seem to believe that if we deny the existence of death, we will be saved from it! You, my dear, have embraced it and are showing us the way to accept and handle the inevitable. You probably don't know the extent to which you have impacted us by your forthright and open dialogue of the situation that you must face.
I am also a cancer survivor (so far!) and have not been as diligent as I have needed to be. I will change that due to your suggestion, and I thank you for reminding me.
I want you to know that I will hold you in my prayers as I go through each day - I repeatedly thank God and pray for others as I work, and I will do that for you.
I wish you the best of times, peace, love and knowledge that you are loved by more people than you know.
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I think I've talked all this to death now (there I used the d-word). I've got my message out and it's time to go back to normal conversational items now. As even I tire of hearing about my own illness. LOL.
I'm glad that I have inspired you to guard your health. Outside of love from our families and friends, it is our most valuable asset.
I believe in God and the power of prayer to work miracles. I appreciate your intercessory prayers for me. Believe me I feel the spirit from those prayers. I am on every prayer list at churches throughout our valley put there by so many friends and loved ones. His power strengthens and soothes me.
Thank you for all your good wishes.
My original cancer was Uterine and Cervical - Stage 2B. I had a hysterectomy to remove everything. Had a lymphandectomy to make sure the cancer wasn't in my lymphatic system - all came back negative for cancer. Had six weeks of vaginal radiation for good measure.
My metastasis cancer to my liver, colon and tips of both lungs was positively identified as Stage 4B Endometrial metastasis cancer. This was determined from the colon biopsy which, the pathology showed, reacts highly when exposed to estrogen (hormones). So the cancer worked it's way into the colon from the outside. That is why the colonoscopy I had in 2008 was clean of cancer.
And just so everyone knows, a Pap smear does NOTHING to catch Uterine or Cervical cancer. The tissue sample has to be gathered from much higher up. And this involves some local anesthetic. If you have any family history or the symptoms below, I would request this.
My symptoms were constant spotting, severe abdominal pain, like the worst menstrual cramps. They didn't find it until I had an ultrasound. After the hysterectomy, my gynecologist said my uterus was the size of an 81/2 by 11 sheet of paper. The uterus is supposed to be the size of a computer mouse.
Early detection is the key to everything. Don't put off yearly check-ups. Listen to your body and your instincts to know something isn't right and ACT ON IT. Don't let a doctor pooh-pooh your fears away.
Good health wishes for everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
While I used to be a regular poster, the past year or so I haven't posted much, but will begin the new year by posting more. I miss the contact and support that we have here.
I have continued being a daily reader/lurker tho and have followed your journey through our OFF forum, and wanted to tell you that I think about you often and send up prayers and positive thoughts for you and yours. I am also giving you a big cyber hug. {{{{{BEV}}}}}}
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Thanks for the cyber hug and prayers. I have missed you but I realize that as we lose the weight we get caught up in living life in our more flexible bodies. That is the reason I think some drift away from posting. I am so glad I had my WLS in 2007. My grandchildren have now known a grandma who could get down on the floor and play with them. Or chase after them while they do the "you can't catch me" giggle. I definitely think this will help with their memories of me.
I love this message board and all the support. You all mean so much to me. I can tell you anything and you have nothing but encouragement to offer.
Hugs back at you Cheryl (my sister's name too).