It's Thursday - already. What are you up to?
Morning George and OFF family!!
WOW!! That is great news of your kids George!! Congrats to them!!!! You have to be so proud of them!! I am sorry to hear of the policewoman tho...happy that the child didn't get hurt. My nephew is a cop and we worry over him alot. Saginaw Michigan is not a safe area for anyone anymore.
Anyone hear from Margo? I hope she is ok!! So sad to hear of her losing Brody. Wonder what happened to him.
Rick's daughter called him yesterday all nicey nice and he told her he couldn't talk right then he would call her back later on. So he told me she had called but he had to call her back yet. I got excited thinking maybe just MAYBE she was going to ask us to watch the baby for New Years eve so she could go out. HAHAHA was I ever wrong!!! She needs mony to pay her cell phone bill!!! But yet she had money to go get her hair cut and colored...she had money last night to get another told her NO money for her phone bill!!! YES!!!! Then I also thought on my way home from work maybe she wanted to come over for her birthday and Christmas gifts. HAHAHA again I was guess those gifts will sit and stay forever!!! She doesn't care that we have anything here for her. Her mother and her mothers boyfriend and their daughter are moving into her apartment this weekend. AFTER being told they are NOT allowed to move in!!! So its a matter of time this little girl gets evicted or worse...back in jail for her partying with those that are drinking or doing drugs. Her mothers boyfriend does drugs and also drinks and if he is staying there....its a matter of time that she starts the drinking also. Mark my words. Also her mother has repeatly told her that she would give her money for letting them stay there...nope not one penny is she going to get from her!! Yet she is going to let them stay!! What is wrong with that girls head????? OK enough of my complaining about her....sorry for rambling on and on.
Weather here is up to 36* and wind chill is 26* with a weather advisory for some freezing rain today. Oh goody.
Nothing planned for New Years eve yet. Not sure if we will go out for dinner or stay at home. Probably stay at home seeing as the gas is so expensive and tank is empty from trip. Oh well. Be more comfy at home anyhow just the two of us. Maybe roll out the grill and BBQ something? Sounds good to me. Got enough booze here to open a just need some beer for Rick is all.
Well nothing else to ramble on about so I will get out of here...thinking of you all and thoughts and prayers going out for each of you!!!
Take care and have a happy new year.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
George...your son sure is making you proud...he is doing awesome!! Hope your daughter finds a good job soon. I sent up prayers for the police sad....what a tragedy! I always thank men and women in uniform....we would not be in a safe world without them!!
Monica...woot are doing so great!!
Margo...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!
Margo and I have sent emails....she is grieving over Brody and is a rough time for her. Please keep her in your thoughts.
I still have mu grandchildren here until this evening. We stayed up late playing games. Of course I am up....they are still sleeping!! We are having such a great time together!!
Hope you all have a great day. Prayers for so many in need....special ones for some.
Love and hugs for all....connie d
Connie! So glad you are having more grandkid fun! Great holidays you are having, it sounds.
Happy new year, dear.
Love and hugs, Mary
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
I wish everyone a safe and happy new year. My goal for the new year is to continue to maintain my weight loss and keep exercising. Some days this is not easy. My DH and I plan to stay home and will be sleeping when the new year arrives.
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
That's nice about your son, George. I know how important it is to be successful in your career. I never expected to make a lot of money in what I do, just be the best I could be, and I think I am.
Sorry to hear about the policewoman. I did a story when I was in Montana about a policeman who was shot and killed investigating a domestic disturbance. "Sox" Sullivan was a big teddy bear of a guy, coached Little League and I got to know him fairly well in the few years I was there. He went into the house, went down the stairs and was shot by the husband. The guy had stripped his ex-wife, already shot her, locked the kids in the closet ... the idea was he probably was heading to kill the kids next when Sox came down the stairs. With the distraction, he killed Sox instead, then killed himself and the kids lived. So Sox, in a way, saved the kids. A sad story. A year or two later, Sox's teenager son was seriously burned in a car rollover. The family was haunted by tragedy.
I am having a rough week. On Tuesday, I threw up at work ... think it was too much food or it didn't go down right. On Wednesday, I konked my head on the car door jamb. I have a nice lump on the back of my head. I was on my way to pick up some prescriptions before work, so I bought some instant ice packs, put one on the back of my head at work. Still hurts like hell. One of my coworkers, Bill, asked if I was "concussed." I told him if I started to nod off, he should be concerned.
Monica, congrats on 57 days. Onward ....
Well, not much else going on here. Another day of work ... 65 degrees and gloomy here. Temps are going up again, briefly.
Congrats to your son!
Our crime rates here in Canada are much lower than those in the US except for domestic violence where we are on a par. Such a waste of lives.
I am enjoying my holiday from work and have spent my time spending too much money on my house and the new condo. However, there are lots of sales going on, and I am contributing to the economy by spreading my money around - at least that's how I'm justifying all of my expenditures!
The weather here has warmed up a bit and that means that the snow has melted and the mud has arrived. With two German shepherds, I have 8 dog feet going in and out of the house, spreading mud from one end to the other. I know that I will sound crazy, but I will be glad when the snow and cold temperatures return so that there will be no more muck in the house - that is until spring or the next thaw!
I'm getting ready to go out for another shopping trip - gotta keep the economy going!
Hi everyone - another fly-by to greet you all and catch up on the latest. It is so good to read your posts and see things are generally going well.
I'm doing well, too. Although, life with a new puppy is always a challenge. I think I posted we rescued a second dog. Jack, our 60 lb Australian shepard is going to be 10 next month, and we brought in an 8 pound mini-dog - of mixed heritage. He is called Chewie and I added the name Babalouie. He is so cute and cuddly, but is all teeth and curiosity. His cuteness saves his little life, I tell you!
Everything is going well. My job, my home, my dogs, my spouse, our weight... although I haven't gotten close to my goal. I'm planning on moving more and eating less and have actually started in that direction.
I'm so impressed with those of you who have embraced sobriety recently. I did about 30 years ago, and didn't have to have that struggle now, thank goodness. Proud of you all!!
To everyone on this list: I hope you all have Happy Healthy New Years!
Take care. Mary
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland