Story for another years end.

peggy H.
on 12/28/10 7:34 am

Back before WLS, Feb. 2006, The honey man and I went to one of our local school's to donate blood for a small child that was seriously ill.

We were both told that we were to old to give blood. At that time I was not yet 60, and my man was 64.

Today after I bought our food for the week , I saw the blood mobile sitting in the far side of the parking lot.

I thought why not give another try at donating blood.

As I went into the truck the first person I saw I asked, Am I to old to give blood. The young Lady smiled and said no, at my age the only thing that would stop me from donating would be if I didn't pass the test for healthy blood.

I'm am so very pleaded to tell you I passed. The red, live giving juice in my veins is healthy, viable,and much needed.

Those years ago ,I didn't think that being large was a reason not to take my blood.

Today I asked if my blood would be used for anyone that might need it. The answer: Your blood is O Positive, you are a universal doner....Well alright.

I must admit this Christmas has been a bit tough. Lots of stuff not resolved.

But today, I found that once again the decision to have WLS was live saving, and just by taking  time to give a bit of blood, someone will receive the gift I freely give. 

My dear sisters and the few boys. I send my very best to you and yours for a wonderful, joyous, 2011.

Your Cali, sister in Red, Peg 


Connie D.
on 12/28/10 9:00 am sad that you were turned away from giving blood those years past.

I am glad you didn't give up and tried it again. What a great way to start the New Year....helping someone else in need.

Have a wonderful New Year 2011 !!

Hugs....connie d
peggy H.
on 12/28/10 10:15 am
Connie, Are you staying snuggled up back there. It seems the storm we had out west headed back to your neck of the woods. Stay cozy, Later, Peg

Connie D.
on 12/28/10 12:29 pm
Peg....we aren't suppose to get snow until on Thursday...UGH!!

Not liking this much!!!

Hugs...connie d
on 12/28/10 10:04 am
 I don't know what your previous size was when you tried to give blood but age is not a factor, prior to 65 and it may be even older now.  I have not worked in years but I use to draw donors on a regular basis as a Medical Technologist,  I would say that the person has been told to deny you due to your size and the fact your veins were probably hard to find.  Fair?  Nope, but I don't want anyone probing around in my arm with a 16 gauge needle and I certainly didn't like having to probe for a vein when drawing donors, that darn needle is huge.  I never turned one down due to weight, but I can see some techs doing it.  I guess now they have Phlebotomists that do the drawing of blood back in the dark ages the techs did it.   I guess I will always be a tech at heart and take up for one when I can.  Now I admit there are times that I think they are just plain down right lazy.  Like every time I have my vitamin levels draw some come back results not accurate due to specimen not be submitted properly, even with me telling them they need to protect certain things from light.  GRRRRR, makes me wish I worked again at times.  

I am happy you were able to donate blood and glad it was a positive experience for you.  I have always been hard to stick, even before I got "fat,"  the first time I donated I passed out, but they still got the blood they needed.  The second time I donated I wouldn't stop bleeding and I don't think I have donated since.  I would like to be a bone marrow donor and plan on leaving anything I can to be used for transplants.  Yes I have signed the back of my drivers license.  The reason for the above is I had a cousin that needed a bone marrow transplant and my oldest sister was on the heart transplant list at one time.  The medication healed her heart, but I say God did it because the problem she had only like 1 in 3000 are helped by the medication.  

Sorry I have typed your all's legs off but I just had to explain why it might have happened.  

I hope to get use to posting on this site soon.  I read but this is the first time I had something to contribute.  


 RNY 1/24/11

peggy H.
on 12/28/10 10:12 am

Jacqueline, Thank you for your input.  I was very large, 269 unhealthy pounds.

I can understand the reason for not even trying to take blood from a person my size.

I'll be 65 next May, and will continue donating as long as I'm able.

Welcome to our Lil' home , Your sister in Red, Peg 


on 12/28/10 10:34 am
 Thanks Peg, and red is my favorite colors.  As I gained weight and my older sister did too, but she was still much smaller than me, I passed all my clothes down to her, or would that be up.  LOL  anyway one day she looked at me when I said I have clothes for you and informed me if it was red she did not want it.  LOL  Needless to say I continued to buy red.  

 RNY 1/24/11

on 12/28/10 10:40 am
 I just did a search for upper age of blood donation in the US and it says 60.  If you are going to be 65 in May, BTW, both my parents were born in May and they were and are fine people, that has had to change.  Now I guess I will do some more searching. Red Cross says there is no upper limit that sounds more like it to me.  People should not be turned down because they are too old.  Heck I am on the back side of 60 and I would donate if I could get to a center.  

 RNY 1/24/11

Nancy B
on 12/28/10 1:41 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Congrats to you, Peggy, on being able to finally give as you wished.  I cannot...they will not accept my blood or my organs since I have cancer 20 years ago....what a shame...but I do understand...still, I wish to donate...

Nancy B

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peggy H.
on 12/28/10 2:04 pm
Dear Nancy, Okay, Lets check this out. You may not be able to give blood, But, You give of yourself each and everyday. You are a donater of yourself. That counts for so much. See, Your wish has an answer. Stay warm and cozy, Your Cali Sister , Peg

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