Story for another years end.
Back before WLS, Feb. 2006, The honey man and I went to one of our local school's to donate blood for a small child that was seriously ill.
We were both told that we were to old to give blood. At that time I was not yet 60, and my man was 64.
Today after I bought our food for the week , I saw the blood mobile sitting in the far side of the parking lot.
I thought why not give another try at donating blood.
As I went into the truck the first person I saw I asked, Am I to old to give blood. The young Lady smiled and said no, at my age the only thing that would stop me from donating would be if I didn't pass the test for healthy blood.
I'm am so very pleaded to tell you I passed. The red, live giving juice in my veins is healthy, viable,and much needed.
Those years ago ,I didn't think that being large was a reason not to take my blood.
Today I asked if my blood would be used for anyone that might need it. The answer: Your blood is O Positive, you are a universal doner....Well alright.
I must admit this Christmas has been a bit tough. Lots of stuff not resolved.
But today, I found that once again the decision to have WLS was live saving, and just by taking time to give a bit of blood, someone will receive the gift I freely give.
My dear sisters and the few boys. I send my very best to you and yours for a wonderful, joyous, 2011.
Your Cali, sister in Red, Peg
I am happy you were able to donate blood and glad it was a positive experience for you. I have always been hard to stick, even before I got "fat," the first time I donated I passed out, but they still got the blood they needed. The second time I donated I wouldn't stop bleeding and I don't think I have donated since. I would like to be a bone marrow donor and plan on leaving anything I can to be used for transplants. Yes I have signed the back of my drivers license. The reason for the above is I had a cousin that needed a bone marrow transplant and my oldest sister was on the heart transplant list at one time. The medication healed her heart, but I say God did it because the problem she had only like 1 in 3000 are helped by the medication.
Sorry I have typed your all's legs off but I just had to explain why it might have happened.
I hope to get use to posting on this site soon. I read but this is the first time I had something to contribute.
RNY 1/24/11
Jacqueline, Thank you for your input. I was very large, 269 unhealthy pounds.
I can understand the reason for not even trying to take blood from a person my size.
I'll be 65 next May, and will continue donating as long as I'm able.
Welcome to our Lil' home , Your sister in Red, Peg
RNY 1/24/11
RNY 1/24/11