Tuesday musings....
Hello, everyone!
I can't sleep so I'm siting here sipping green tea and listening to Susan Boyle's CD...ignoring the screams of chunks of CRACK! (brown sugar & melted butter toffee) and Bailey's cheesecake from Christmas...actually not as hard as one might suspect.
I'm exhausted...it's been a pretty rough week with Christmas and the sudden shocking passing of my 38 yr old nephew...alot of walking/standing on hard wood floors that aggravates my lymphodema in both legs ...add to that, because we were always on the go, I couldn't take my fluid pills so the fluid buildup in my legs have been very uncomfortable....keeping me from sleeping.
However, Tuesday I am staying home and close to the bathroom...I'm going to take my fluid pills and potassium (I know, TMI) and keep my legs up and rest. I've got some studying to do to prep for my next series of LifePath classes.
Today I went to see Mom and had to carefully explain about Michael's death so she doesn't misunderstand and think it is HER cousin Michael or my sister's partner, Michael...each week we save the local newspapers and I bring them along because she enjoys reading and she will see the death notice and recognize the name so I couldn't avoid telling her. The trouble is that she gets confused now and she could get very upset over something that needn't do so.
I also took her a small box of treats...including a chocolate reindeer...she has gotten so skinny so sweets won't hurt her as long as she eats her meals first. I'd told her that I was bringing her a Christmas dinner...and did...two meals, actually...minced turkey mixed with mashed potatoes...much easier for her to eat now..., dark flavourful turkey gravy, stuffing with my homemade bread and home-grown summer savoury that she loves (an herb her Irish mother used alot), corn and cranberry sauce...she was so looking forward to that but I didn't expect alot...she hasn't been eating well at all, according to the nurses and attendants. I couldn't beleive my eyes to sit at supper and watch her eat EVERY BIT of the turkey, potatoes and stuffing w/ gravy & cranberry sauce! WOW...made me feel good..I asked her how it was and she smiled widely and said PERFECT! This, in itself, is wonderful since she slips in and out of true awareness...made me almost cry....there's another meal in the container and they will give that to her tonight. I also brought Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake & she also ate most of that too.
I take photos everytime I'm there and got a picture of her enjoying her turkey dinner...I wish that I could get my photos online off my digital camera...got to grab one of my sons as they run by...lol..everyone is way too busy. JB is so NOT computer-literate tho he seems to be able to do everything else he tries.
Today, I will also attempt to figure out how to repack my Christmas dishes so that they all fit back in the box! What a challenge that is!
On Wednesday is our "baby", Derek's, 33rd birthday and we asked him if he wanted to celebrate then, but he said that everyone is all partied out so can we delay his birthday celebration to February or so. However, I am making him a funny book of cartoons, good and sarcastic just the way he likes.. then I will print them on linen-like card stock and bind them with a plastic coil spine and order an ice cream cake too...we will all go out for dinner later on as he wishes. Poor Derek..hard to have a birthday between Christmas & New Year's.
On the way home from Mom's seniorcare facility, I drove along the Niagara River and past the Niagara Falls, as my usual habit...tonight, there were thousands of people walking along the Falls, enjoying the colours of the lights and of course, the mighty roar and power of the Falls themselves...add to that, the roads were packed with cars slowly driving along, filled with families, touring the "Festival of Lights" (wonderful displays of lights), which never cease to amaze me from year to year. This added another 35 minutes to my drive home, so I was relieved to finally be able to pull off my heavy winter coat, wool & leather gloves and bright red wool shawl, boots and gloves & furry brimmed hat (I really hate the cold!- can you tell?) and just sit down with a hot chocolate protein drink. Though I usually eat dinner with Mom on my visits, they served sausage (blech!) tonight which I never eat & I wanted them to keep the extra portion of turkey dinner for Mom.
Well, hopefully I can sleep now...post away!!
Nancy B : }
I had a good Christmas, in that everyone around me was happy. What more can one ask? The kids had a great time, even Eddie when we gag gifted him. Not really a gag. I ordered his gift and it did not come in (a Rangers hoodie), so I printed off a picture of it from the internet and put it in a small box in a big box. Mary got her laptop and was ecstatic. I got a new watch (my last one I had ten years, still worked well, but she wanted to get me a new one).
Christmas day I did not get out of bed until 6 PM. Not because I was sick, but because I just wanted to lay and relax. Mary laid there with me. It convinced me that I want to retire in two years if there is any way I can. Didn't even relax like that on vacation.
Tonight starts my first night of 11 consecutive nights. At least 8 hours each. One ten hour shift and eight 14 hours days (both jobs). Looking forward to January 11th.
Well, Christmas is over. Our snow is about gone. Some of it melted yesterday and it froze overnight, so blac**** is a concern. Lots of businesses and doctors on 2 hour delays.
Our DIL and kids made it to MD. They are going to a wedding at the Naval Academy in Annapolis.
My Sis has cataracts and is afraid to have the operation because of her heart. So her son got her a Kindle. She can make the text big, or it will read to her. She can't figure it out. Her DH is even more electronically illiterate rhat she is. I asked her son which generation it was so I could print out the udser's manual and mail it to her. He said "Oh, even with the manual she won't be able to figure it out!" so why the H*** did he get it for her? And while he was there the weekend before Christmas, why didn't he set it up for her and explain it all!! It's times like this I wish I lived closer to her!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
Nancy hugs and prayers to your family in your nephew's passing. You sure have been busy!
Hubby and I went last night to see our new grand-baby Holly Lynn at the hospital, she is so cute and she is all ready a "snuggle bunny" very content low keyed baby. She has lots of dark hair and I think she looks like her daddy.
Today is our 2nd Wedding anniversary. I'm sure grateful of my hubby. He is making dinner tonight but he always makes dinner, he is a better cook than I am!!
This is a short work week for me, I'm off Thursday and Friday so I have another long weekend off. Take care everyone and have a special day today. Hugs Debbie
Morning Nancy and OFF family!!!
BRRRR it is cold here also!!!! Its 17* but feels like 6* out there!!! BRRRRRRRRRR just let Bandit out the patio door so far this morning...not up to going for a walk just yet. The sun is out so looks are decieving!!
Talked with my younger son last night on facebook and he said his car was stolen. Great! I asked him how he found this out and he said he got a call from some woman his wife (in jail) had call him to tell him. I asked him if he could believe that. He didn't know. I said maybe its another way she is trying to get you to get her out of jail on bond? Maybe. I told him to call his uncle Bill and see if his son that is a cop to see if he could look into this and see what he could find out for him. So this morning he is calling to see if he can be of any help.
Going back to work today working the 5-9 shift. I have that shift tomorrow and thursday also. Yippee and then friday I have the 1-6 shift. So I get to close all 4 days. Love it!! I can feel the back killing me already because without even seeing the place I know its not clean and I have my work cut out for me!! Never did have the meeting last week because it was way to busy for them to get away for it so it was cancelled.
Nancy I remember back when my husband was in the nursing home and he wasn't eating good and I would take in some food and he would gobble it all up...maybe the food there isn't seasoned to your mom's liking? Might be bland? Not sure just a thought. Glad that she did eat all of her dinner that you brought to her and you enjoyed the time together!!
Ok time to get out of here and get some work done and then I can play on computer if I want...lol Thinking of you all and thoughts and prayers going out for each and everyone of you!!!
Nancy... I am so sorry about the death of your nephew. He was still so young. As for your mom she definitely likes your cooking better. That was wonderful that you gave those meals to her. Nursing home food is so bland....I can't blame her for not wanting it.
I am leaving shortly to drive down to St Paul (1 1/2 hours away ) to pick up my grandson and granddaughter. They are coming to spend a few days with me. All my grandchildren beg to come and take their turns with me. Guess I must be doing something right!!
Wishing you all a really nice day. Prayers to so many in need.
Love and hugs for all....connie d