Sunday Morning! What's New?

Debbie G.
on 12/25/10 9:22 pm - Derby Line, VT
Good Morning OFF!  Happy day after Christmas!
So what's new? I don't have much to go for it!
(deactivated member)
on 12/25/10 10:55 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Changes, changes.

I'm giving Becky my good loveseat and chair/ottoman.  I'm going to get back my great-grandmother's wicker furniture before it gets ruined.  Will certainly change my living room, but it's light and I can move it to clean behind it.  And my grandmother had it redone for me before she died.  My living room will be beautiful with it.

I'm going to go get one of those chair mats for office chairs.  A really hard one.  Going to put it in my office to  put my easel on by the window.  That will require I get rid of bookcases.  'sokay.  Needed them to go.  Or at least move to a different spot.  They are oak and I'd rather have cherry or a dark wood.

Haven't hit the sales.  Can't think of anything I might miss.  I'm always for the underdog so will take what's left...:)

Not really ready for Monday yet.  I hate having Friday's off..makes the weekend too long but love having Monday off.  Go figure.

Okay, I'm rambling. Another sign of old age..:)

Enjoy your day.


Monica B.
on 12/25/10 11:05 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all. Deb I want to know whats new with you and your new job and home. How's Angus doing? Will that huge storm hit your area?
Janet you sound good this morning. Have fun rearranging stuff.
Sober 55 days and doing well. VERY WINDY here. Stormy too. Trying hard not to OCD about the wind and our awning blowing up and down. Not doing much today bu****ching football. Had a lovely Christmas dinner here and then went to listen to live music. I danced around. I was wearing one of my slinky red dresses and John was so proud of me. Couldn't wear the traveling bra since the dress has a halter top, but the girls were happy. Spoke with our kids and Gkids, such excitment. Said a few prayers for Karen C and her family...not fun being sick like they were during the holidays. Hope she doesn't get it.
Have a happy day all. Bev and Annette in my prayers.
Go Giants and Patriots. Monica

Debbie G.
on 12/25/10 11:32 pm - Derby Line, VT
Janet and Monica!  Always so good to hear from both of you!  Janet, sweetie you have been in my thoughts also.  So nice to chat with you the other day.  So glad you shared.  Monica, I am so proud of you!  55 days and doing well.  good for you! 
  I need to get back to OH/OFF group and get back onto the program of weight loss and healthy lifestyle.  Surely has not been happening this past year. 
  I am doing fine here in VT  we are not getting that Nor'Easter as far as I can tell, sounds like it will be south of Vermont mostly coastal states.  Friday night was kind of weepy, I realized this will be the first time in 31 years I wouldn't see Matt at Christmas!  DUH....yesterday was mostly ok, a bit teary eyed at times but ok so far today.  I did have breakfast at a co workers house with her family, then they opened presents, I was going to leave at that point and she insisted I stay.  I was uncomfortable but stayed until they were done.  Came home did some house work and made the cranberry sauce and baked a squash.  the chicken may be thawed enough to fix the big feast today!  LOL!  This house is cute and quaint, ground floor has living room (decent sized) a smallish kitchen that actually has more work space then my house has and "dining" room which is going to be a something room, just not sure yet and a hall way.  The basement is decent sized and I have my crafting stuff down there for the moment.  the upstairs has 2 bedrooms and the bathroom.  the master bedroom is big with 2 huge closets.  the other bedroom is smaller but has a bookcase built in, can hold quite easily a twin bed, dresser and a desk. the bathroom isn't very big but has built in storage and there is a lot of built in storage in the upstairs hall also. there is no closet in the second bedroom, but the hall storage makes up for that. 
The dogs are doing just fine. Angus is still a bit fearful when he goes out side and barks his head off, but actually is doing quite well.  I like the people I work with a LOT.  they are a nice group and much like a family.  Work has been going well and I think I will like this place to wind my career down at!  I figure another 7-10 years to work 7 will take me to 2018 and age 66, 10 to 2020 and age 68.  I will have worked about 44-47 years by then and hopefully that will be enough. 
All in all I think things are going pretty well at the moment.  It has been a crappy decade in many ways for many of us, here's hoping this decade brings us all a much better, healthier and more emotionally stable life! 
Merry Christmas again, and keep on posting!
karen C.
on 12/25/10 11:52 pm, edited 12/25/10 11:54 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Everyone, A quick post to let you know we're all still kicking. Son in law Josh has been just about comatose since Friday afternoon. The flu hit him just as Erin and Mike were getting over it. So far Briley and I are the only ones to miss it. I'm sure I'll get it about the time everyone leaves on Tuesday. Other than feeling bad at least I'll be able to rest in peace. I am on an antibiotic for a sinus infection. Can't imagine that keeping me from getting the flu but I'll hope for the best. We all had flu shots; must be a different strain.

What a waste of cooking and grocery money this week. Finally made a late almost 8pm dinner of steak, salad, and baked potatoes. Josh didn't make it upstairs. He finally vomited last night so perhaps he'll feel better today.

Fed the twins early last night and then Mike and I took them to look at Christmas lights around the wealthier neighborhoods. Some of the houses were absolutely beautiful. The twins kept competing over which "side" of the car had the prettiest decor. "My reindeer",  "My santa!", "My 'noman!" It was fun and relaxed them enough to get them to sleep while watching "Olive the other reindeer" a delightful movie based on the book.

We also watched "Alvin and the Chipmunks". I was surprised that they were able to concentrate on much of the movie, but they did and Erin and I loved it.

I am NOT cooking today. If anyone is hungry there are tons of left overs so I'll let them pick and choose. For all of the effort put into the cooking and so little of an appetite from everyone we might as well have had a bag of burgers from the dollar menu at Burger King! Do I sound a bit "Bah humbugy?" Must admit I didn't have a family scourge of the intestinal flu planned in my holiday dreams!

But, this too shall pass! Most of the snow is gone. Perhaps we'll gather up the stale bread in the freezer and head to the park to feed the ducks and geese again. We did that Friday and the twins loved it tho I have as much bread inside my car as outside. They are afraid of the big geese when they flap their wings and honk for bread so I roll the windows down a bit and let them throw bread from the car.

Well, it sounds like the patter of little feet upstairs so I better sign off. I am  one who looks forward to the start of a new year and all of the promise that it holds. Have a nice day everyone!

Karen C

Eileen Briesch
on 12/26/10 2:59 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:

Gloomy and chilly ... just a few degrees warmer than in Chicago (39 degrees here, 37 degrees there). But no snow, so that's a plus.

We had a nice potluck at work last night ... lots of food, lots left uneaten, including my cake again ... I swear, no one eats my food. Next time, I'm just bringing something I can buy at a store and not making anything. About six small pieces were eaten out of the cake. I left it at work ... maybe someone will eat some tonight.

Talked to mom and Gary already ... Mom forgot that I worked yesterday and called to wish me a Merry Christmas last night, so we talked today ... she was talkative. Then I called Gary at his son's in Dallas ... Gary says his new grandson is the world's cutest baby, but then he's prejudiced. Alexander was very good at church on Christmas Eve and for the family Christmas Day. Gary's ex-wife Debbie was there ... she has gained a whole bunch of weight. Gary told me this with a bunch of glee, but I feel sorry for her. I thought she was trying to have WLS, but maybe she didn't get approved ... not sure. Anyway, he said she is the largest he has ever seen her (she was overweight when they met, too). I wish she could get some help.

Janet, I got one Starbucks card for Christmas ... I only go once a day, though. I didn't get a whole lot for Christmas because we don't exchange a lot of presents in my family. I was happy with what I got, and just happy to go home.

Well, I work tonight but I'll get to see all the Bears-Jets game at least. I have tomorrow off, then work six days (extra money, oh boy, and the condo association can't garnish my wages anymore!).

So have a good after-Christmas day. See ya tomorrow.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/26/10 3:02 am - Canada
Happy Boxing Day everyone  -  I've been out shopping for the condo that I bought.  Light fixtures are on sale, so I purchased a chandelier and a couple of lights for the hall.  Also met with a man who is going to paint the condo this week. Very exciting for me to have this new venture in my life.  (I have a very boring life as you can see!)

I don't return to work for a week, so I am cleaning house this week, as long as I find the motivation, and sewing a couple of skirts for the semester starting in January.  I'm also purging, which results in such a good feeling for me  -  I sold a couple of houses in the last three years that were investments for me  -  they were actually cottages and they both had furniture.  I have given most of the furniture away, and I am finally dealing with the last of it.  What a feeling of relief that brings to someone who likes to hold onto 'stuff' for far too long!

I'm thinking of everyone - Bev and any others who are ill are in my prayers -  those who are lonely and those who have too much on their plate right now.  I hope and pray that the days ahead lighten your load.

HW: 250
SW: 240
CW: 173.8
GW: 150

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi
Nancy B
on 12/26/10 3:43 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Good afternoon, everyone!

I'm sitting on the computer as my turkey carcass and neck simmer to make the broth for gravy..potatoes are simmering as well...turkey is cooked, carved and  ready as is the stuffing.  We always have our family Christmas dinner on Dec 26th since our daughter-in-law's family insists on Christmas Eve, Christmas morning and Christmas dinner. 

This actually suits me just fine...I always have a Christmas Brunch set out and so I don't cook other than that...the French Toast Casserole is always a bog hit...Derek (our youngest) always goes out for real maple syrup just for that)...and Dan & Amy come over around noon for a few hours to nibble and to exchange gifts...they will be back this afternoon for dinner.  Derek brought down my Christmas dishes...way too heavy a box for me to carry.

I spoke to Mom and she sounds good and I will visit her tomorrow for supper...and bring supper along with me...and her gifts.

My Bailey's Irish Cream cheesecake was delivered while I was still asleep..slept terrible ...waking every legs hurting something awful...this lymphodema is a pain.

Best I get my act together now and set the table for dinner. I am NOT one to go shopping, regardless of the "deals"..I have way too much "stuff" already! *s*

Enjoy your day!

Nancy B

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(deactivated member)
on 12/26/10 4:44 am
It is Sunday afternoon and I am having a hard time remembering it is Sunday.  for some reason I think it is monday.  DUH...

My daughter, her hubby and the kids will get here around 5:00pm.  I made gumbo the other day so all I have to do is rice and bread.  bought a take and bake pizza from Deano's for the kids as gumbo will be too spicy for them.  

John was in Lake Charles Friday and yesterday trying to sail but I think he froze his ass off instead.  He came here today to take me to lunch.  It is the 33rd anniversary of my 30th birthday.
After lunch he had to go home to Houston.  He has to be at work at 7:00am tomorrow.  I will stay here until Friday.

My mom is declining sharply.  I notice a huge difference memory wise since I was here last month.  She is feeling fine and still has normal conversations.  However, if you know the stories she is telling, you will notice the characters and particulars have been changed.  I just nod and agree.

Hope you all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a new year filled with promises of things to come.
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