It's Monday 'Sup?

Eileen Briesch
on 12/27/10 12:46 am - Evansville, IN
It doesn't have aspirin in it ... it does have an anti-inflammatory, however, naprocyn. Aspirin is a different drug entirely. I know I was put on Celebrex at one point, and Dr. Foote's office said it was OK as long as I took something like Prilosec, Prevacid or Nexium (which I was on anyway) before taking the Celebrex to protect my pouch. Celebrex is supposed to be a "safe" NSAID but it didn't do anything for the inflamed patellar tendon that I had, plus it was very expensive, so I quit taking it after a month.

Tylenol does nothing for me at all, doesn't even help my headaches. But use what helps you. Just don't overdo the tylenol ... hard on the liver.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 12/26/10 11:08 pm - Galion, OH

Good Morning Grammylew and OFF family!!!

Well my Christmas surprise went beautiful!!! Mom was happy to see me as were the rest of the family!! And when my oldest son arrived...well you could have heard a pin drop!!! Nobody "knew" we had already been talking so they didn't know what to and when I got up to go to the door to greet my son my sister in law jumped up and got my brother ready  for who knew anyhow from what Rick told me he said everyone's mouth dropped to the floor when they all saw me and David hugging and crying!!! He said it was a kodak moment and he didn't know where the dam camera was at!!! Oh I got to meet my granddaughters for the first time and they are beautiful girls!! The oldest is 14 and a sweetheart! Her name is Breonna. The other one is Kaylee and she is 12. She is also sweet as can be. They both tlaked with me and  just loved their bath and shower gels we got for them! I also met David's new girl Renee. OMG she IS a sweet one!! I love her already!! SO different than his ex wife!!! They brought her son Austin along (didn't know anything about him) he is a super kid I would guess about 10 maybe and full of energy!!! So as the day went on and we talked and got reaquainted it was time for all to start leaving. David hugged me again and didn't want to let go of me. We shared more tears. The girls also hugged me this time and said they were glad to have met me finally! Renee was happy to met me and said we will see each other again soon so I hope that means they will be coming for a visit! Austin was keeping the truck warm so we didn't get to say good bye to him... :-(    So all in all it WAS the BEST Christmas ever!!!! Mom was so happy that we were finally talking again and what a shock it was to all that it happened when we surprised them at Christmas!! I told her to pay attention to what was underlined in her Christmas card lol. So when we took her home she looked at the card we sent her and sure enough I had underlined wonderful surprises!! LOL  I didn't get to see my younger son. His wife is still in jail and I hope that she stays there! Sad to say but true. She has put him through so many things and maybe if she is locked up he can get straightened out once and for all!!

Today I am off work and need to get tree down if I can get to the boxes in the storage closet...lots of things in the way right now. But I would rather keep the tree up til New Years!! We got to the motel and unpacked everything and I asked Rick were the tree was...he said crap!!!!! He forgot it! It was on the bed at home and he just forgot to get it and put it in the car!! DAM!!! Oh well so we didn't have the tree in the motel...I had a bottle of eggnog that had some holiday label on it so we used that to put some gifts we were so tuckered out anyhow we didn't really miss it. (I did but don't tell him lol) So all in all this was a very good Christmas in deed!!! We are still waiting on Rick's daughter to come over for her gifts. Rick's mom said she would take them to her for us. Hell no!!! I want to see her face when she opens that dam afghan I made for her!!! LOL

Well I rattled on long enough here so better shut my post off now.

Thoughts and Prayers to those that need them....


Connie D.
on 12/26/10 11:33 pm
Judy....your post brought tears to my eyes....I am so happy for you. What a great Christmas!!

Love ya.....hugs....connie d
Judy G.
on 12/26/10 11:38 pm - Galion, OH

Thanks Connie!!! I still get tears just remembering it all!!! It was awesome!!!!

Love you too!!!


karen C.
on 12/26/10 11:41 pm - Kennewick, WA
Judy, I can think of no better present than the one you received from your son this year. Aren't you so happy that you reached out to him? Sometimes one person has to be the "bigger one" and reach out or else no one ever would. It makes me sad when I hear about years and years going by without any contact between loved ones. So glad that you two were able to bridge the years and heal old wounds.

Karen C

Judy G.
on 12/26/10 11:45 pm - Galion, OH

Karen, alot of our missing out on the years had to do with his wife and my husband. Gary is gone now and David is divorced and now that he see's what I did in her all is good. :-) Just wish we didn't live so far away from each other now!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 12/27/10 12:58 am - Evansville, IN
Glad you were able to reconnect with your son ... sometimes it's good to put the hurts of the past in the past. It doesn't matter anymore. I think my brothers need to do this with their exes. I think that's why my brother Gary thinks it's funny that his ex is so obese. He needs to forgive her and get over the divorce. His wife has a disease ... she always did and still does, and until she realizes it, she won't get help.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 12/27/10 1:31 am - Galion, OH

Yeah me too Eileen!! It was a good Christmas all the way around for everyone!!! Sad that my younger son couldn't be there though.

Divorced people now are a different story all together. Some never forgive...I will never forgive my first husband for what he did to me. And he still hasn't changed in all these years! He will die a lonely man that is for sure.


annette R.
on 12/27/10 1:04 am - ithaca, NY

I can't imagine a more heart warming gift for you. Good!!!

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Judy G.
on 12/27/10 1:33 am - Galion, OH

Thankyou Annette!! It was THE best Christmas I could have ever had!!! The whole family had a great day if I do say so myself!!!


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