It's Monday 'Sup?
DIL and grandsons driving to Maryland for a wedding. Not leaving til 9AM due to blac**** I hope the roads are all good. Our son not able to go 'cause he has to work. But they closed most of the base today because of the bad roads. So, if he can't drive the mile to work on main roads, he's gonna drive 15 miles on back roads to go hunting!! Men, gotta love their priorities.
We will be babysitting the new puppy. Oh happy day. They have a pet door she can go in and out. Here she has to tell me when she needs out! But, if she stayed with our son, she would have to be in her kennel all day and all night. She still needs supervision!
Our daughter and her family keep posting pictures of themselves on the beaches near Hollywood, FL. Bah, humbug!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
Yes, best to wait on the driving, as the weather is horrendous this morning for travel. . . nice to be in Florida today, though they are not having warm weather, warmer than here, but not the kind of weather you go to Florida hoping to have. . .
and it looks as though I got a Xmas present from Mother Nature, State of Emergency in NJ, means non-essential personnel need not be on the roads! Got about 13 inches of the white stuff, though thanks to the wind, my driveway is not too bad, will get out to shovel in a little bit, but I do love the snow, so does Roxie, she was hopping around in it like a rabbit, digging in and eating it (lol). . .
I will enjoy this extra day off, though I may try to get in the office in the afternoon. . . we'll see what they determine.
Anyway, you all have a great day, be safe! Wishing those of you facing serious life challenges the peace and strength to get through it.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Quite day yesterday, to cool and windy to do much. Had a bad stomach yesterday, but better this morning.
Missing my kids and Gkids. Hubby so MAD at the Giants.
Have a good one all. Stay safe.
My SD Amanda had her baby-girl last night, her name is Holly Lynn and she looks just like her mommy except with lots of black hair like her dad (mom is a true red head) She had a C-Section so she will be in the hospital for a few days. We will go see her after I get out of work. Very nice belated Christmas gift for sure!
We also did some fur-baby sitting with the newest pup named Libby, she is full of energy and just wanted to play with my dogs who were promptly over that energetic pup. Libby was a rescue is a very lovable puppy mixed with lab and something else. Our cat Charlie thinks the Christmas tree is her new play-toy. She broke several ornaments that were lower on the tree.
Everyone have a great day! Hugs Debbie
Good Morning Everyone,
I'm achy today which seems to be the beginning of this "bug" we are sharing in our family. Has anyone tried the Aleve "Liquid Gel?" I know it's still an antiinflamatory but being liquid is it any safer for us to use? Aleve helps my arthritic joints so much more than any other non prescription thing that I have tried. I really need to be taking something more regularly but am afraid of ulcers etc.
If I feel up to it when the twins get up Mike and I are going to take them out to breakfast. Our son and future daughter in law returned from their Caribbean cruise yesterday and may be over here (4 hour drive) later today.
Roads are good here. Wind and warmer temps cleared things out. Must admit that now that all of the holiday hoopla is over I'm ready for my "new start" in 2011. I always like that "clean slate" feeling of a new year with all of the possibilities.
So looking forward to my 4 day trip to southern California on January 7th. I have a ticket, a place to stay and other than that nothing that "has to" be done. Some beach time, visit with a friend time, sunshine, warm. . . . That will really help me with my winter time blues. I think I need to plan a January trip each year for my mental health.
I just fed Briley and put her back down so all is quiet in my little corner of the world. Be safe wherever you are especially on the east coast. If you don't have to travel don't! Snuggle in with a warm cup of whatever and do some relaxing! Take care,
Karen C