Today's Task Are???
My brother Gary is just as bad. He complains constantly that he doesn't sleep well. I have slept in the same room with him and heard him snore (when we went on the cruise) and also heard him stop breathing. I suspect he has sleep apnea; it runs in families (I have mild sleep apnea; my dad snored and used to stop breathing when he snored; my oldest brother also snores ... so my SIL says).
When I was home, I could hear my brother snoring in the other room. I suggested he let his doctor know he had sleep problems, that he snored and that he should have a sleep study. Gary said, "Well, maybe, I don't know." I told him he thinks his little sister doesn't know anything. He smiled and ignored me.
Men don't like taking care of themselves. My dad didn't either; he didn't go to the doctor until his cancer and high bp were too far along. He died at 62. Women are more concerned with health because our bodies have to nurture other life. So we live longer.
When I was home, I could hear my brother snoring in the other room. I suggested he let his doctor know he had sleep problems, that he snored and that he should have a sleep study. Gary said, "Well, maybe, I don't know." I told him he thinks his little sister doesn't know anything. He smiled and ignored me.
Men don't like taking care of themselves. My dad didn't either; he didn't go to the doctor until his cancer and high bp were too far along. He died at 62. Women are more concerned with health because our bodies have to nurture other life. So we live longer.
Hello everyone
I know it has been forever since I have posted. I do read most days but either don't have time or don't have anything to say.
We are on a roller coaster as far as weather goes. It is supposed to be rainy and cool for Christmas. Right now it is 80 degrees. Just not right. But that is the gulf coast for you. I am in Louisiana with my mom. I drove in on Monday and I'll be here awhile. My daughter, son-in-law and grands will be here on the 26th for a couple of days. I will be glad to see them.
I am cleaning today. Since this place is closed up most of the time it is real dusty when I get here. Allergies are really acting up so I am dusting, washing down walls and vaccuming. Hope that will help.
Everyone seems really busy. Just remember to take a little time for yourselves, a few moments of down time so you can enjoy the season and the company when they get there.
Merry Christmas to all.
I know it has been forever since I have posted. I do read most days but either don't have time or don't have anything to say.
We are on a roller coaster as far as weather goes. It is supposed to be rainy and cool for Christmas. Right now it is 80 degrees. Just not right. But that is the gulf coast for you. I am in Louisiana with my mom. I drove in on Monday and I'll be here awhile. My daughter, son-in-law and grands will be here on the 26th for a couple of days. I will be glad to see them.
I am cleaning today. Since this place is closed up most of the time it is real dusty when I get here. Allergies are really acting up so I am dusting, washing down walls and vaccuming. Hope that will help.
Everyone seems really busy. Just remember to take a little time for yourselves, a few moments of down time so you can enjoy the season and the company when they get there.
Merry Christmas to all.
Good afternoon Jeannie and everyone!!
I am soooo busy here in Iowa....what a wonderful Christmas it will be.
I miss all of you....sorry I have been MIA some.
I do try to get on here and read...just can't find time to post much.
Wishing you all a great day. Prayers for all as always!!
Love and hugs....connie d
I am soooo busy here in Iowa....what a wonderful Christmas it will be.
I miss all of you....sorry I have been MIA some.
I do try to get on here and read...just can't find time to post much.
Wishing you all a great day. Prayers for all as always!!
Love and hugs....connie d