Today's Task Are???

Judy G.
on 12/21/10 11:37 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Jeannie and OFF family!!!

Two more days and one sleep and we are off to michigan to see my family!!! I talked to my oldest son last night and got the scoop on my youngest son and OMG I hope I didn't open a new can of worms!!!! Seems his wife is a crack head/druggie is currently in jail for forging checks from a fund raiser, she has a record a mile long and yet he stays with her! Also he keeps driving without a license and has to spend time in jail for that. He doesn't learn! My oldest son thinks she is drugging him also with all his health problems. He said they have tried talking to him and he doesn't listen to any of them. He said that IF they show up at my brothers we all need to keep a close eye on her because she will go through the medicine cabinets and anything else she can and take things!!! OMG what have I got into here with her??? My youngest son also had her daughter taken away from her because of her being on crack this last time. She still hasn't gotten her back. Good!!! Sorry of unloading to you all but I have nobody else to vent to right now.

Getting some snow and it looks pretty. Just hope we don't have to drive in it coming or going to michigan!! It is 28* right now so its not to cold but still cold enough for me.

Work hours changed today from 5-9 to 1-5 yippeeee!! I can' get the afghan finished and then off tomorrow and get apartment straightened up and ready for company to come over for opening gifts. Rick said they may not show up...huh?????? Oh yeah...seems his mom is having issues. Well he got on her about this being OUR Christmas with HIS family and SHE better be here or else!!! So we wait and see what she does. I told him to remember that she only comes around or calls when she needs something and that she has Joe now...he said yeah and thats getting old!! I want my family here for Christmas damit!! I understand where he is coming from I really do! His mom is a work of art at times...sad to say. His daughter also. Today is her birthday. She is now 20 and acts like 10. Sad.

Ok time to get going here and get ready for work. Thinking of you all and wish I did some baking this year but lost my recipes in the move damit!!! GRRRR Oh well such is life...less junk food for me to eat I

Thoughts and Prayers to those that need them!!!


on 12/22/10 12:52 am


Have fun with your family and especially with your boys.  My son and I were at odds for about five months and I know how hard that is to deal with.  My daughter has, in the past, shown her butt too, but, thankfully, she is doing so good.  My son is good, it's just his wife has some really severe anger issues.  And, to be honest, I don't take her crap.  (surprised?).  So, when she dishes out, I scoop it right back at her and that causes a lot of distress.  This last time, I told him and her, you tell me one more time that you are finished with me, that will be the last time.  I'm not doing this again.  His wife throws fits when I don't shell out money fast enough.  She keeps a running list of what I don't do for them and what I do for my daughter.  They forget all that I've done for them.  Another story in deed.  Kids!  

Well, have fun on your trip and remember, life changes so damn quick that one minute you count yourself among so many living and the next, you are remembering those who have gone on.  I may have said that wrong.  


Laureen S.
on 12/21/10 11:37 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Jeanne, Friends. . .

Busy, busy time of year. . .I've been swamped as of late, personally, professionally, before today, very little time for stopping in and seeing you gals and guys.

I have a lot of presents to wrap because someone had my storage space blocked off and in such a way as it was just too much for me to want to move it to get the stuff I needed out.  It's a long story and I won't get too detailed about it, but essentially I have someone who is acting like a spiteful child living under my roof and I asked her to move the stuff last Friday, as my intention was to wrap the grands presents over the weekend, well last night I finally got home to find my wrapping paper and stuff downstairs.  Tonight is the bosses party, no wrapping time, as by the time I will get home I will just be too tired to get anything else done and tomorrow when I get home, Tony will be there, so after he leaves I will be up late wrapping it all, as I intend to get on the road early Friday for my yearly trek to Long Island to spend Xmas Eve with my Brother and family up in New York, so all things have to be wrapped and in my trunk for arrival on Xmas morning, when I drive back, straight to my son's house for Xmas Day. . .  So looking forward to all the family stuff and then to Sunday, a day on which I intend to rest.

Hugs to those having tough times, best wishes of peace and strength going out to you.

Nettie, I love you and hope that things turn out better than you could hope for.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/22/10 12:55 am


Doncha just hate troublesome people?  Well, have fun doing the wrapping.  This year, I am going for the sacks that I can just drop the adults stuff in and for the children, one of my friends is wrapping for me.  I am not good at that sort of thing.  I end up using one roll on one gift and that turns into a big expense.  My friend wraps beautifully.

 Anyway, have a good holiday with your family. 

Laureen S.
on 12/22/10 1:30 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Funny thing Jeanne,

I thought why don't they make something like a big Santa sack, that you can personalize with kids names on it and instead of individually wrapped things, you could make it like Santa left his bag instead. . .  they probably do and I just didn't know about it in time. . .  I used to love to wrap presents, had a neighbor years ago that would pay me to wrap all her gifts, it was helpful for me, being a single mom at the time, but now I absolutely can't stand it, so wrapping will not be much fun tomorrow, for adults, I buy bags, but oh well, it will be joyful to watch the kids open everything. . .

Thanks for your good wishes and enjoy!

Happy to see you again.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/22/10 1:50 am
I know.  I tell my friend who wraps my gifts: You put all that effort in the wrappying and make them so beautiful and my grandbabies and great nieces and nephews will have them dewrapped in about a minute.  She laughs.  The big bag sounds like a great idea.  It would make for a great patent:  Santa's bag.

Eileen Briesch
on 12/22/10 12:04 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Jeannie and my OFF family:

It was 82 degrees yesterday on the first day of winter ... my brother and I went walking through West Monroe's Antique Alley. Cute stuff, didn't buy, just looked. My brother Gary loves that kind of stuff, I like some of the crafty stuff. Seeing the old toys that we used to play with was kinda cool. We also went to this Greek restaurant, Athena, that's near my home that I wanted to try for awhile ... very good! Healthy except for the baklava we had at the end (it was small but yummy!).

Today, not as warm but I still have a headache ... had it all yesterday too. Gary is gone off to Dallas to see his son, DIL and to meet his new grandson, Alexander. I have an appointment with the bankruptcy attorney to get the garnishment removed ... the only way to do it is to file Chap. 13, so that's what I'll do. It'll clear up some medical bills, too ... I don't have that much hanging over me at least. Also have to stop at the doctor's to have a blood draw to check my potassium levels and get a script for generic prilosec so next year I can claim it on my FSA.

And then back to work tonight. I have an angel, by the way, a special person who helped me out. I feel very blessed. She knows who she is and how special she is to me.

Well, have to get into the shower and get ready to go. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/22/10 12:58 am


Enjoy that warm weather.  We are having some sunshine, but it s still frigidly cold.  My doctor gives me my medicine by the sackfulls because I just cannot afford to buy it.  But, and here is the grand finale, husband has a job.  Yeah.  Now we can stop living off of just my check.  And, we can stop robbing peter to pay paul.  

Have a good Christmas.  I am going to get the last bit of shopping and baking done and then I am counting the days until I am able to take off for parts unknown.  

annette R.
on 12/22/10 1:07 am - ithaca, NY
Tom has a new name for me . The Warden. Tough luck buddy, I went in to talk to the doctor.
* She looked at the aneurysm report, it is not at the critical stage. Still, she will light a fire under the Vascular guys to get him in.
* The Atenelol may be causing a paradoxical effect. That means it is raising his BP instead of lowering it. He will be weaned off that and put on a different med.
* His hip is swollen. He has to go to Syracuse for Xrays - she is setting everything up - quickly.
* I really liked that she figured out that Tom minimizes everything. She looked at me to get a more honest report of the issues.
* She asked if he has sleep apnea. He said NO, I said OH YES!! He will be having a sleep study.
* She said it is good that he isn't experiencing dizziness or headaches from the BP. Less dangerous.
* I asked if there were any symptoms to look for in case the aneurysm decides to rupture. Looong pause --- by the time there are any symptoms, it is too late. At least she was honest.
Soooo - that's where we stand. 
I am spent. My Psychiatrist wanted to increase my antidepressants. I refused for now. This is situational but we will talk again.
FYI - my shrink said as long as coffee doesn't make me jittery, keep drinking it. When I told him I get jittery without it, he said there is no medical reason to stop, cut back, or get stressed over coffee. He feels I have enough pressure right now.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 12/22/10 1:55 am


I am so sorry that your husband is having these conditions.  I certainly know how painful it is to watch a spouse get sick and know that at any minutes something could happen.  

On the coffee issue, my surgeon told me that the coffee doesn't cause the problems with my ulcers, and the stress of going off it, like your guy said, is far more detrimental to me than having my extra cuppa.  

As hard as it is to take life on a day to day basis, just think of it as today, he will be fine.  Today, I am going to watch for these things and the doctor is doing this and the rest is out of my control.  When my DH started having such bad problems with his crones disease, I had to just stop and say, I cannot make him follow the doctor's orders nor can I make him well.  So, I just do what I can to minimize what is available for him to eat that isn't good for him.

Have a good Christmas. 

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