Hi what's new Tuesday
I spent the whole day in the car with my brother. We left my mom's slightly before 6 a.m. and Gary drove all day, with one big stop in St. Louis, where we met with his old college buddy and his friend's daughter for lunch (he bought). We left there and drove the rest of the way with only gas and potty stops, and got home at 10:30 p.m. If only his Garmin GPS (named Gladys) didn't give such weird directions: as we were heading toward Monroe on Hwy. 165 (which heads right into Monroe), it had us go down this dark, winding road ... which eventually hooked back up with 165. It also had us turning off a bridge over the Mississippi River and going into the water! Just very strange!
Otherwise, the weather was fine, a little foggy early but very little snow or rain; it's 62 degrees now in Monroe. I should go to bed. Still not very tired yet, but I guess I should go. Just wanted to say hi and I'm home finally. I have one more day off before going back to work on Wednesday.
Had a super day with Carla. Looking forward to being with her again. Went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch, my 1st time there. Cute, fun, good eats place. So it was Carla's birthday and she brought gifts for other people instead of herself...she is so giving and unselfish.
Day 48 and doing well. Got up at 3:30 to see the moon. It was awesome, bright red color. Happy I was able to fall asleep afterwards.
Not much planned today. My legs and feet are sore since Carla & I did so much walking around.
Keep happy and remember to be good to yourselves all. Hugs and prayers, Monica
Annette & Bev, special prayers to you!
Glad you got home safely!
I was gonna go to WM and exchange a DVD I bought that has a big scratch across it. I've been thinking of doing it for the last 5 days, but it is just so COLD out there!!
So, what do you ladies do when you have a tangled skein of yarn? I spent nearly all day yesterday trying to untangle it. I still have a tangle!! Everyone is telling me to cut it out. But where the heck do ya'll cut? My DH is just telling me to throw this one away and start another. I can't make myself do that!! These 1 pound skeins ya get at WM don't tell you which end to find your start, and they tangle way too much!!
Sorry, just frustrated.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Apparently Heaven has internet access. I got an e-mail from Mother Theresa today. Since it was in my spam folder I didn't open it, but I do feel better knowing that that service will be availble IF and when I get there....lol
More of the same today, construction, work, knitting. My new pantry is big enough for a cot in case Gary gets into a load of trouble. Seriously, it's huge! Of course I've already filled it up three times in my head....LOL
Gotta run. Hope you all know how much you mean to me!
Work is quiet this week and I'm sitting here listening to Christmas music. I didn't make it to the gym after work, Deb bowed out, she got stuck at work with her nursing students. My back went out on me so I guess it's good I didn't exercise at the gym. I went home and went into my hottub to try to get some knots out of it. I hate it when my back goes out on me.
Amanda my SD is getting induced this evening. I'm afraid she will end up with a C-Section, that baby is still very high and hasn't dropped.
Hugs and everyone have a peaceful day, take time for ourselves and try not to get into the rush of having everything perfect for the holidays. Hugs Debbie
Welcome home Eileen!!! Morning OFF family!!!
Three days and One sleep and we are on our way to see my family!!! Gosh I feel like a little kid with all this excitement building up inside of me for the big surprise and seeing my kids again after all these years!!! Yahooo!!!!! :-) I see the price of gas shot up over $3 yesterday!!! Merry Christmas to those of us traveling!!!
Got the new hot dog steamer in at work yesterday. Have to be VERY careful of that steam when opening it to take the dogs out!!! I almost got burnt from the steam once but pulled arm back just in time!!! I guess Gloria got it pretty good though. I warned Casey to be very careful of it!! He is VERY accident prone back there!!! Had one complaint so far on the new brand of dogs we are using. They are Deitz and Watson all beef but they are not kosher and so it begins....i have alot of Jewish customers that loved the Hebrew National dogs we used to have and now these...going to be low sales now. Nothing I can do about it. I told the manager long time ago to make sure they were kosher but he didn't bother or nothing he could do I guess. Sp I will mention it to the higher up manager when I see him again and see what he can do for me. Probably nothing.
Well best get going here still need to finish two more rows of that afghan for the princess. My hands are killing me something fierce so its taking me longer to work on them. And the strange thing on this one...NO mistakes at all!!! Go figure!!! LOL
Thoughts and Prayers to all that need them!!!
Good Morning Eileen and Friends, Eileen, glad you are safely home. Bet Juliette is glad to see you.
Monica, it is so much fun to meet in person these wonderful people that we get to "know" online. It sure isn't like meeting a stranger is it? There is such an immediate bond. I'm so glad you and Carla were able to get together.
As for us. We're hoping Erin and her family arrive later today. However, their dog, Bess, got into a rotting salmon along the river near their home. She evidently ate some of it and got "Salmon poisoning" which is very very serious in pets. They caught it early but many die from it. She's still at the vet and has been since Saturday. She seems to be doing better but until she eats she can't be released. They are just playing it by ear as are we.
We're very ready for the "onslaught." I saved unbreakable ornaments for the twins to put on the lower branches of the tree. Empty stockings are all ready for Santa to fill on Christmas eve.
Think I'll make a batch of sugar cookies to have ready to frost and decorate while they are here. I learned previously that if I ice them ahead of time it makes it much easier! They can add the sprinkles etc.
I guess I caught the lunar eclipse. At least as much as I could stand at midnight on the front porch in the cold. It was a bit cloudy here. Don't know what I expected but not too dramatic. When I was teaching in about 1977 (??) there was a total solar eclipse. Now THAT was impressive as all get out. Anyone remember it? Not sure of the date. I know I was teaching high school English so could have been anywhere between 1974-80!
I have a "minor medical proceedure" of a senisitve nature today. Since I had the nasty female infection several months ago I have continued to have something like a cyst or boil in the area. It will get better, then worse again. Finally getting it checked out and it appears it will need to be opened and drained. . . ouch! Not looking forward to it. Also have a sinus infection I fear. And. . . then later in the afternoon I will get a cortisone shot in my foot. Fun day huh? Might as well get it all taken care of at once.
I need to find Mike a pair of comfortable slippers and treats for the pets. That's it. All of the other shopping is finished and wrapped. Even "Santas" gifts are in the closet ready for him to fill the stockings. The twins are old enough to be into Christmas this year so we'll leave treats for Santa on the hearth.
Stay warm whereveryou are.
Karen C