Monday - what's Happenin'?
Sorry to have been a stranger for so long but life sort of got this working fulltime sucks and I just find I am too tired to go on the computer very often. However, I have thought about everyone particularly with Xmas just a few days away.
I am pleased to say that I am organised. Presents done, food organised. I think we have about 11 adults coming for lunch. No little ones for me which is good but...when I was at the shops on the weekend there was a woman there with a 2 and 1/2 week old baby. I am sooooo clucky I don't know what's wrong with me. Has this surgery unleashed some hormones?
Anyway...back to the shops but not babies...I was putting my groceries through and was chatting to an elderly lady behind me. I asked what she was doing for xmas. Talk about foot and mouth disease. She is spending it by herself as her family that lives a couple of hours away haven't invited her. Well I don't know about you ladies but to me xmas is a time when family issues should be put away. The upshot of this is I now have an extra coming for xmas. She is insisting on bring a pavlova...the one dessert I was hoping to avoid. I didn't have the heart to say no to it. Anyway, my kids all think I am wonderful but how could you not? I am no-one special but I do know I wouldn't like to spend xmas alone.
Weightloss has slowed down but I am very happy with it. Saw some friends yesterday that I haven't seen in a few months and their reaction was so uplifting. I still look at myself in the mirror and see the same person. The boobs might be sagging a little more...isn't it always the first place to go...the horrible tummy hanging lower...gosh will be glad to get rid of that...but I know I have very few clothes that I fit into. Also the scales tell me. It is really weird. Was everyone else the same? How long did it take you to see the new you?
I am still having trouble with dense food. Still don't eat slowly enough. I get so frustrated with myself at times. I am just eating very, very moist food again as it helps.
I WANT TO WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND SAFE XMAS AND NEW YEAR and am looking forward to reading about everyone's xmas.
What a special thing to invite someone to your home for the holiday, that is the true spirit of the holiday, not all the hoopla that surrounds the commercialism. . .
As for what you described about not seeing yourself as you are now. . . for some people that takes a good year and a half, which is why one of the suggestions is to take photos monthly, so that we can look at them to see the progress made, or taking measurements, as the other part of things can be that the scale does not show progress, when the inches do. It's a fun thing, this weightloss journey of ours and different for each of us. So just know you are very normal and here's hoping you can look in the mirror one day soon and see who you are now.
P.S. as for the droopy places our bodies have, because I, myself, cannot afford plastics, I have had to come to accept that and realize that even if I had not lost my weight, I'd still have some droopy places as I am not 20/30 something. . . I focus on how I look in clothes, as opposed to my naked self.
Merry Christmas and here's hoping your new year is full of lots of wonderful experiences.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I had surgery Oct 27, 2010 and did very well for the first 5 weeks, losing about a quarter to half pound a day. For the last seven days I have come to a screaming halt... Scale has not budged a bit.
I worry that this too will fail me, and that I am eating too much, too little, just really do not know which way to go. Christmas season is hard, as previously my entire christmas was focused on food preparation. Oh well, going back to read more posts.
WELCOME!!!! I also had MANY halts in my weight loss!!! Just keep doing what your dr and nut wants you to do and the weight WILL come off!!! I promise!!! Your body just went through a major change and is trying to figure out what happened!!! I had so many halts I still am not sure how I lost 154 pounds!!! LOL
You might want to post a seperate post so that you will get other people to respond to you and help you out.
Again WELCOME to OFF!!!!!
Had a decent weekend. Considering I worked a bunch. Worked Friday night and Saturday morning. Saturday night Mary and I went to a Christmas party at the home of someone we met on the Texas Message Board. Very nice.
Sunday was church, then nap and after tha****ching my J-E-T-S beat the Steelers.
Christmas shopping is done.
Sad to say we have not decorated our house. No one comes over any way. We do all the visiting.
Mary's brother has been living with us for over a month now. I gave him a job at my part time job. Fortunately he is performing well. Please keep him (Cliff) in your prayers. He has some issues.
Also, my son's sister-in-law has been admitted to a mental health facility. She really needs some help.
Good Monday Morning All,
Our weekend turned out rather nice. Saturday we had fresh snow so Mike was home after all. The roads were rather treacherous. We finished decorating and getting ready for the kids. Then watched old movies, made popcorn and watched the snow.
Yesterday we went out for an early lunch and then to see "The Tourist." Lousy reviews but since it was filmed in Venice, which I loved two years ago, we went. We both liked it a lot. Nothing deep but a cute movie with gorgeous scenery of Venice. I'm a Johnny Depp fan and he did not disappoint. Angelina was Angelina.
Today I will spend the morning waiting for the Sears warrantee guy to show up to check out all of the appliances in a yearly plan we purchased. Don't usually do that but with gas appliances which we were unfamiliar with we bought it. We have to remember to schedule it or it's a waste of money.
I think I have a sinus infection so tomorrow I go in to see if I need antibiotics to get rid of it.
No subbing for 2 weeks. It will be a pitiful paycheck in January. Trying to save towards my thigh lift next summer or fall. Will try to work as much as possible after Christmas.
Winter beginning? Hah! It's been here for a month already. . . What I AM DELIGHTED ABOUT it that the days will be "going the other way"; getting longer by a minute or so! I know it's just a "head thing" but it helps me survive the next 6 weeks or so.
Jules and Jeannie, it was good to see you both! To all of you, try not to let the holiday crazies get to you. It's about family, friends, and the spirit of the season NOT the commercial part which can seem so glutonous at times! Take care,
Karen C
Gonna meet Carla today. She is coming to get me and we are going out. Excited about this....and it is her birthday.
The Catholic church we found is wonderful. The Mass was very enjoyable and uplifting, a very close community of parisheners with lots of diversity in age. We found great comfort there and were welcomed with open arms.
Sober for 47 days...doing well. Trying hard to "give up" what I can't control so working on the OCD things as well. Hubby is still hurting and that does cause concern.
Giants didn't win, mad at the coach...oh yes.
Happy day all, Monica