Happy Saturday! Whats New?
Up early for Angus and his ritual outside moments that rarely extend past 6 am! Usually 5 is his time! mDoggies have been fed and watered and outside twice. I'm going to drink my chai, then get a bath, get dressed, eat some breaky and then head to the nearest USA WalMart! about an hours drive south I understand! Need some blinds, curtain rods and things like that.
Job is going well, I like the people I work with a LOT, miss the ones I worked with for years. Missing family and friends more then usual last night, but better today. Animals are all doing well and I actually am too!
So, whats new with you?
Man, Deb, it's early! I've been awake for about an hour and finally rolled out of bed at 4:30. It's gonna be a looooooong day
I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying your new adventure!
So much going on here I can't tell you! Construction around the house is coming along really well and on schedule..... So far. Work is busy, and of course every person who comes in the door has a plate of cookies or some such goodness to share. Thank heavens I did the hypnotherapy two weeks ago.... Haven't had a single cookie, candy or chip yet. YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!
Okay, off to knit a bit and finish up another project. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
debbie this move sounds to really have agreed with you! it is fun to hear everyone talk of their moves; their decorating, jobs etc.....i have to snicker when you mention the "USA" walmart! having travelled some of the canadian border it is something most of us don't think of! when i lived in michigan's UP, it was difficult for me to wrap my head around crossing the bridges into wisconsin daily to take gordy to work or to buy beer without paying a huge deposit! even now; i am only 8 miles from work and 26 miles from walmart and meijers but it becomes a "journey" to go there!between roads and cost of gasoline.....(.oh man i want my car back....this taxi stuff of my mom driving is wearing realllll thin)
this morning is work and a quick trip to a local dollar type store- i need to find 8 somethings to use as part of a gift- for the gals at work i decided to bake pumpkin bread in a jar and i want doilies to cover the jars but don't have the talent or time to make them myself....tomorrow i must bake!
today i MUST wrap the gifts for the grands that should have been mailed out weeks ago! i've always worked well under pressure and deadlines but this is getting to be costly/ridiculous! i vow to work my time better going forward! ahuge part of my dilemma is no solid table top or floor space--everything is still so "ugh" in this trailer--i may make my bed up and lock the dogs out to wrap on the bed!
last nite i put my bottom layer of hair in bobby pins- looks cute this morning! trying to extend the wash one more day! retro 40's and 50's!
dogs have been fed and out to do their thing- i will put each out one more time before i go to work. i am going to contract with my nephew- or my mother she's more relaibale- to put them out on the evenings that i go to school--saves me time of driving home specially in winter weather....
i checked on misty-my new furbaby- she did get spayed wednesday and needs to go back in 10 days for followup and stitch removal==so she is staying at her rescue mom's til then --i am worried that the move from wherever she lived to shelter to rescue to spay to my house with roxiethecathater all within two weeks could be detrimental to good healing! she was moving slow and sore yesterday when i checked on her.....so-it's all good-
well i need more coffee and some protein to get my day going--i'm thinking eggs...oh no--cottage cheese and mango--i picked up 4 beautiful tho very ripe mangoes at wallys the other nite at 25 cents each!!!!
i'll post seperately about my school plans...
hugs and prayers everyone!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Morning all. Debbie, your move to VT sounds like it going really well. Such a big change and you are doing it with such grace and ease. Good luck shopping. We have found it very interesting traveling around our great country how different yet similiar many chain stores are. The Walmart near the Seminole campground in FL had a really small bread section. But the flatbread/taco area was huge. We found many new items to try and enjoy. Also interesting is the huge amount of "winter" clothing there is for sale down here in FL. We smiled at all the puffy winter and woolen coats we saw at Macy's and the heavy padded lined boots. We finally found wonderful beach towels at Target.....SPA bath towels, great price too. Enjoy your day.
Sue home construction projects are stressful. Glad yours is going well. Also happy for you staying away from all those goodies.
Yesterday was go go go. I did well, "giving up" to God what I couldn't control when I got in the truck. The BRA felt and looked wonderful. It really does make a huge difference. The $$$$ still bothers me, but effect is so apparent. We made six different stops and discovered some nice areas to future shop. Our truck is huge and the parking lots are very small here, so we park far from the stores and walk. That is fine. But we found a great "older" shopping area with huge parking spots. Went into a Publix market and they had so many buy 1 get 1 free items....all things we needed. Saved a lot.
Raining here this morning, and warmer too. Sober 45 days. Carla and I meet on Monday...excited about that. Happy her migraine is gone. Hoping that Eileen is doing better and having FUN.
Haven't heard if our daughter got the job as Vet Rep. Fingers and toes still crossed.
Not much planned for today.....keep safe and happy all.
Congrats on 45 days sober. I'm so proud of you.
My oldest brother Ed and SIL Margaret have a condo in Flagler Beach FL so they were enjoying some warmer weather this week before heading back north.
Glad the bra is working out for you.
Wow, so you moved, goes to show you what you miss when you can't be present every day. . . glad to hear things are going well and you are liking the people, while missing the old ones. It is never easy moving away from all that you've known and loved for so long. . . I know I did it and it wasn't halfway across the country, but it just might have been. Anyway, happy to read your post.
I am showered, vitamins on board, drinking my 2nd cuppa coffee and going to get dressed so I can go get a haircut. I have lots on my agenda today, even while not feeling very motivated at the moment. Lots to wrap, meeting up with Tony to see his new car, then to a WLS friend's house for a holiday gathering, my women's AA group tonight after which I should go home and collapse in exhaustion. Tomorrow it will be finishing what does not get done today and then meeting up with co-workers for lunch.
Life is good today, full and rich with the blessings that I so often feel amazed at having.
Anyway, wishing you and everyone here the best of days, peace and strength to those having serious life challenging events going on.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Good Morning Debbie and Friends.
It's still very dark and cold here in Washington. The dogs have been out and are snuggled in their little bed.
Schools are now out for the vacation, two weeks of not working. This morning I'm making my menu ideas and grocery list for while Erin and her family are here. Sounds like they'll be here about 5 days. That's a lot of groceries and meal planning! Once they get here all I want to do is play so I need to figure out things that can be made ahead or partially so and then put together quickly. They like just about anything so it's fun to cook for them.
I've finished shopping and wrapping mostly things for the little ones that didn't cost much but will be fun to unwrap. At their age it is the unwrapping that is the joy!
Messed with my 3 yr old Canon printer for 2 days trying to install new updated "drivers." Kept trying to download "free software" and would get right to the installing section and they would want my credit card. . . So finally ****canned it and bought a new HP printer/scanner. Got it installed no problem on both computers but want to be able to print remotely from my laptop. Can't figure that one out; hopefully my daughter will be able to help with that when she arrives.I'll "freecycle" the old one. Maybe a better man or woman than me can figure out what it's problem is. I had just put in new ink cartridges and even have a spare. Hate that waste!
Our son and his fiance are leaving for a Caribbean Cruise out of Tampa Bay tomorrow morning. Long flight from west to east today with an overnight there before leaving tomorrow. Warm weather and sunshine sounds wonderful. Hope they have a great time. They are going with Kristin's parents.
Today is our 39th anniversary. Lots of ups and downs in this marriage. Many of them caused by my unrealistic expections of both Mike and myself. I grew up reading juvenile romance novels and just knew that my life would mirror those happy endings. Mike is a good man; not perfect but neither am I. I am lonely often here in the same house with him. Longing for someone who likes to interact with me instead of the tv! Believe me I do try, but when you are turned away so often it's hard to get the courage up to try again.
Okay, enough of that. Hindsight is always so easy. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, don't make very good friends do they? So for today I will do what I can to build instead of destroy. He'll be gone a good part of the day but I'll plan something nice for this evening when he gets home.
Hope you all have a nice weekend wherever you are. Two more days and the days start getting longer!! I plan to do something nice for myself and for someone else today.
Karen C
Today I'm lunching with a good friend and then I'm going to the new condo to see what else needs to be done before I rent it out. Then tomorrow, it's a belated birthday dinner with my family - I'm looking forward to that. We all live in the same small city, but we seldom get together, so I am feeling blessed to be with them tomorrow.
Christmas shopping all done - marking not! I have until Monday to finish. What can I say? I'm the champion procrastinator and waste my time until I am under way too much pressure. My father used to say "too soon old, too late smart" I think he found that saying in a fortune cookie! It seems to apply to me.
Everyone have a great day.
Good to see you are managing well in your new digs. The first Christmas away from your family is tough ... how well I remember it from 1983 in Anaconda, Mont., the Christmas after my dad died, too. So tough! But I put down new roots, Wally and Margie welcomed me into their family and it became a little easier every year. I got spoiled these past 10 years when I could get home for Christmas celebrations so easily.
Paulette and her hubby are coming by to pick me up at 11 for breakfast/lunch/brunch/whatever ... I had hoped Brenda would join us but I guess not. Got a call last night from another friend named Brenda from college but the phone was in the bedroom and I didn't hear it until it went to voicemail. She's a reporter and is busy on weekends, too. So maybe we'll talk tonight.
Gary and I went out shopping yesterday and running around. He bought lunch at Panera Bread and I bought Starbucks as a treat later (I had money on my Starbucks card) ... the least I can do, he's been so good to me. When I get paid, I'm going to send him some Atkins bars from Netrition ... he was grousing he can't find them around here. Netrition has them all. I tried the Atkins Mocha Latte shakes ... they have coffee in them and they're not bad ... 15 g protein, 1 g sugars, 5 carbs, 150 calories. I've not seen them in Monroe, so I may have to order them from Netrition.
Last night, Gary moved his DVD player into the living room and we watch "Christmas in Connecticut" and "Muppets Christmas Carol" on mom's TV and had sausage, cheese, crackers and veggie tray for dinner with hot spiced wine. It was very pleasant, other than the TV turned up to maximum volume so your eardrums are hurting at the end of the night.
On the news last night there was a piece that Jimmy John's, where my sister gets her sandwiches for our family "feast" Sunday, is being investigated for a salmonella outbreak. Mom and Gary are concerned and are saying they won't eat her sandwiches if she gets them from there. Basically, it's because of the alfafa sprouts. Rosemary's pretty cheap ... but she's also concerned about health, so hopefully she'll get it from somewhere else.
Well, I've babbled on long enough. Have a good day.