Happy Friday,
Morning Carla and OFF family!!
Its cloudy and still COLD...BRRRRRR my tooth is still bothering me even with the pain medication...hurts when I chew on that side. Its not "high" so maybe its just having to get used to a whole tooth being there again?? Will give it til monday and see how it goes. Sighs...
Got all the gifts wrapped and now we are waiting to decide when we will open our gifts at home before traveling to Michigan for Christmas. I guess it will depend on my work schedule for next week. I will get that today when I go in to pick up my check before work.
My youngest son had a panic attack and anxiety. I guess he is doing better haven't heard back from him.
The little princess (Rick's daughter) needs money. Not saying what for but DEMANDING it. Her dad said sorry NO. She posts all over FB that she is at the mall and out eating here and there and buying this and that...she has bills to pay now and if she can't learn to budget her money that is her problem. He said he isn't going to pay her bills for her. I agree. She doesn't even speak to him anymore unless she NEEDS something...just like his mom. Actually she has her dad's mother call him and tell him that she needs money but not what she needs it for! Sad isn't it?
Well not much else happening here in cold Ohio...so best get my butt in gear and do more afghan work so its finished in time for the little princess...Have a great day and know that I am thinking of each and every one of you!!!
Just a quick hello and then I have to get in the shower. My brother Gary and I are off to his doctor's and shopping for the afternoon. Good to get out of the house ... mother is driving us crazy. This morning, I spilled some water on the table while I was making coffee. It got a coupon on the table a little wet. She got all upset about it and said, "Now I have to throw it out." I told it got wet yesterday and dried out. She told me I should wipe up the table. Well, I was getting my toast out of the toaster, so I would have wiped up the table eventually. She was all pissed off about it. Geez! And the volume on the TV is driving me crazy ... I can't think, it's so loud in here. I retreat to the bedroom and close the door to rest my ears. I really feel sorry for my brother ... he really is a saint.
I had a bloody nose this morning ... don't know why. I guess this house is dry, even though Mom has a whole house humidifier with her furnace. Plus, back and knees hurt more than usual (must be sleeping on the fake aerobed). Guess I'm a little stressed out.
Happy birthday, Carla ... but I thought it was later?
Yesterday was old home week for me ... I got invited to a Northern Star (college newspaper) reunion and was interviewed by the sports editor of the Anaconda (Mont.) Leader, the paper where I used to work ... it's the 40th anniversary of the Leader, and they were doing a story on former staffers. Kinda cool ... got to remember Wally and Margie.
Well, that was much more than I was going to write, but then Gary just got off the phone and into the shower, so I might as well stay on the 'puter. Have a good day.
But ... what's the name of the device? Gary bought one thing from Sharper Image or Hammacher Schmlecher ... and it didn't work well, so he sent it back. She won't have her hearing tested and she doesn't comprehend half of what she hears even with the volume turned all the way up.