Christmas cookies

on 12/18/10 5:51 am - Somewhere in, NY
Well, I've put it off as long as I can.  My boys are coming home on Thursday.  We have so few Christmas traditions, due to life situations while they were growing up.  About the only consistency we had was "Pizza for dinner for all major holidays".  That was a direct quote from my younger son when he was in his teens....

Sad, but true.... 

This year, though, they're getting Mom's homemade lasagne.

Anyhow, I HAVE always made Christmas cookies, and they both have their favorites, so here I am. I always make the cookies.  It's about our only real Christmas tradition, and I refuse to give it up.   So, I got requests from both of them.  Three varieties each.  NONE are WLS friendly.  And I'm bored and not just a little depressed due to the holidays (as usual).  The combination is really bad!  My self-control is sketchy at best.  And cookies!!!!!  Sigh.....

So, here's the decision.  I'll make all the cookie doughs and stick them in the fridge.  When Jason gets home on Thursday I'll bake the cookies.  I'm much less likely to go into a sugar frenzy over cookie dough than over completed cookies.  And since I'm basically a closet eater, with someone in the house I'll be better.

It is what it is. 

And EVERYTHING goes home with someone.  Except one piece of leftover lasagne (if there is such a thing), which I will put in the freezer and treat myself to after a particularly successful week.

Now I'm gonna go get a nice hot cup of coffee and drown my sorrows.  Such as they are.

Everyone have a good week.



Margo M.
on 12/18/10 6:00 am - Elyria, OH
i am jonesing for some buttery rich cookies this week.....not good!!!i used to bake and bake and bake.....this year i haven't even bought....and when i give in it won't be pretty!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 12/18/10 7:47 am
Oh Candy, I can so relate.   "A pox on those cookies, I say!"   I try to tell myself that they are poison, which is not a stretch since I know how poison they are for me.    Even here in Southern Cali it's raining and gloomy, when just a week ago it was 80 degrees.    We all need some sunshine in our lives!

Your idea to not bake them till your son arrives is a good one.   I know you have self control & I'll be you'll do o.k. with making the cookies for them.
karen C.
on 12/18/10 10:48 am - Kennewick, WA
Oh how I relate Candy. I am in need of MAJOR "De-carbing." I think the pouch test is in my near future tho I'll probably wait til after Christmas. Kids are arriving here on Tuesday and  it's hard not to go into "Mom" mode preparing all of their favorites. I'm not doing much baking, but lasagna and tamale pie are on the list of favorites. . . along with biscuits and gravy. . . Oh my. Hang in there. We will survive and our tool does work. . . .or it would be much worse!

Karen C

on 12/18/10 8:32 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Ahh, Christmas cookies! I did more this year than I have since my banding. I have had a bad year eating-wise! Putting the raw dough in the freezer works well for me too. What kinds did you make? Can we all live vicariously through your post?

Grammylew in Jax


Hey Candy
Have you thought of making banana bread or something like it , use whole wheat flour and Splenda and when your in the SWEET Mood , have a little .. I do this all year long , slice and freeze in pieces and when I cant stand it , I take out and eat it frozen....TAKES longer to eawt fills me and my sweet tooth...  Just a though ,,,I suffer the winter blues too at times and HATE IT 
Eileen Briesch
on 12/19/10 1:33 am - Evansville, IN
Yeah, I understand. Paulette gave me some Christmas cookies yesterday ... fortunately a small amount ... boy, were they good ... didn't eat them all, shared with Gary and my mom, but ate some last night while I was watching this movie, "Christmas Story" (not "A Christmas Story" but this interesting movie about Santa Claus and how he came to be. It's on Starz OnDemand). I forced myself to stop at three and still knew it was two too many.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 12/19/10 5:19 am - ithaca, NY

As my daughters were growing up, we baked & decorated a gazillion cookies during the holidays. My youngest is now the family baker.

I went there today so she could decorate 279 cookies without "help" from the M&M's. She has already made several similar sized batches ... with help. Very difficult with a 3 & 5 year old.

The M&M's had made special cookies for Poppa Tom. Sniff, sniff. I can't even taste them without dumping.  

Yeah, I'll drown my sorrows in coffee too. Cheers.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 12/19/10 7:28 am - Somewhere in, NY
Unfortunately, Annette, I don't dump.  Ever.

I made the dough for 4 different kinds of cookies today.  It's all in the fridge.  And I was having so much fun using my new KitchenAid mixer that I forgot to taste any of the doughs.  It's hard to believe.



annette R.
on 12/19/10 8:39 am - ithaca, NY
Cookies After you bake them, have one for me?
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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