Panic less
Well I can relate to the quote...Yep, I think we WLS people have a tendency to panic with regain, thinking what is wrong with me? Sometimes we feel like failures but really we are not, we are just dealing with life and learning how to cope, learning new skills and practicing mindful eating and knowing the world will not end because of a little (or maybe more) of weight gain. Yes folks life does go on...we will work on our problems, learning, accepting and moving forward. We won't beat ourselves up because that doesn't help at all. Hugs Debbie
Posted: 17 Dec 2010 03:02 AM PST I just read a wonderful post by Steven Pressfield (author of, among others, Bagger Vance). In his post, he wrote a wonderful narrative about his newest book and what it took to get it finished. The whole post finished up with the thought:"....panic less....and work on the problem more." What if that was your mantra for managing your weight? How would things change for you? |