Thursday What's New With You?

Nancy H.
on 12/15/10 9:31 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Judy & all. It is cold here too. I hope & pray the snow is done for now. I's so deep our dogs can walk right over their fence! The fence is less than 3 ft., but our dogs are shihtzus. The smallest is only 5 lbs.

DH got the snowplow fixed so we can get out now.

Monica, you are doing great!!! My DH just quit smoking 2 weeks ago & he is also doing great. Now I have to set my mind to it. I only smoke a few a day, but I know it is still so bad for me.

Well today just doing some more finish work for Christmas, at least I am excited this year. Take care & take some time for yourself!
Judy G.
on 12/15/10 11:13 pm - Galion, OH

Hi Nancy!!! Do your dogs like the snow and cold? Do they let you put sweaters on them? Bandit HATES getting his sweaters on!!! You can see the SMOKE come out his ears he is so mad!!! LOL Now when he wants to go out he goes to the patio door so I won't put his sweater on him...LOL

I am glad that you are excited for this Christmas also Nancy!!! I can't wait for Christmas to get here myself!!! Its going to be so good this year!!!


Nancy H.
on 12/15/10 11:41 pm - Traverse City, MI
Hi Judy, my 2 older shihtzus are ok with the sweaters. The 2 younger ones don't need them. If we put them on they would never come inside!!!!  It's funny, they dissapear in the snow, but they love it. None of them will wear boots, we have tried. They are all trained to use puppy pads too. So if it is too cold we have a backup plan. LOL. I hope you really reconnect with your sons. Do you have grandkids? I am so excited for you!
Judy G.
on 12/16/10 4:02 am - Galion, OH

Glad that your's like the Bandit HATES them with a passion!!! You can just see the smoke come out his ears when we put them on him!!! LOL He likes being out but I hate seeing him shiver so much with his hair short...never tried boots...lmao he would be mad as hell if I tried those on him!!! LOL

Yes I have grandkids...teenagers now...missed seeing them grow up!! Not sure if I will even see them now...but atleast I will see one of my boys for sure! Not sure about Danny now with him in hospital for tests. But maybe we will connect day after just not sure yet.


Eileen Briesch
on 12/15/10 11:59 pm - Evansville, IN
Congrats to your DH for quitting smoking ... that is really hard to do. I had a friend who had to do it cold turkey (he had broken his leg and it wasn't healing because there wasn't good circulation because of the smoking ... something to consider). He was a bear at work for awhile (he worked at the Grand Rapids Press with me) but then once he got off them, he was great ... much more productive because he wasn't always taking smoke breaks.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 12/15/10 10:34 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning!! judy-great to see you start the thread tho i am sorry you have mouth pain...i am a wuss when it comes to my mouth or my throat...

isn't it wonderful to have this forum to come to -to cheer our family on in their accomplishments and to vent when needed?

i'm so glad to read everyone's day to day- may seem boring to some of you -however i enjoy it! and send kudos where they are needed!!!

so- ok i need to vent-michael called yesterday and cried for 38 minutes ...he is a mess...and miserable...i sent an email to his sis and sis in law to tell them of my concern and to tell them that if he passes, as he is sure he will one way or another before the new year, i will be responsible for his remains and his memorial....some of you may truly question my sanity on this- it is an obligation that i made and will carry thru.we DID have good times and love.  i seriously do not know if his talking about dying was a ploy or what ,,i did not succumb to it....nor did i encourage it. i went to bed tho for awhile afterward to cope-

so today is a new day! i did NOT get the wrapping done yesterday that i needed to do- bad me! but i did schedule an appt to meet with the admissions counselor at the local college- mtg her today at 2pm....i have realized that i have all kinds of free time in january and probly february due to slow time at the bank- and it would be better used to start working toward a better career! remind me that i think this is a positive move when i get boggled with homework! i have mixed feelings about this- i truly feel that i have lots to offer and i know that i must work for at least another 15 years...and i'm not paying the bills well at my current part time job - still no insurance put the lazies aside and try to be proactive! tho it would be a lot "easier" to just sit by and burrow in during january!!!!! snowy michigan ya know!.....

gosh i hope some of that made some semblance of sense to you-if not-that' s ok too!

my mechanic called the other nite- got laid off today so will eventually get car done- dang!

so i filled out FAFSA yesterday-tho it's accurate for last year it does NOT reflect this year or the present-hope the financial aid office can help somehow! i haven't looked for scholarships yet....

well- need to get moving- have changed bird papers (yucko!!!!) and washed dishes- have two bags of burnable trash out on the porch- need to burn while it's not windy! mom will be driving me to the college appt today and we have errands to run  up there ....need to get dressed and fix the face and hair!

sending hugs and prayers and positive thoughts to all y'all !

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Judy G.
on 12/15/10 11:20 pm - Galion, OH

(((Margo))) I wish you the best my friend!!! You take on so much....sighs...hope Michael makes it through the year and realizes he can live without you! But then Gary gave up when I left him...but he gave up long ago before I left him. Don't let him get to you ok? :-)

I called the dentist first thing this morning and they said its NORMAL for my tooth to feel like this...yeah ok...and if it still feels like this on monday to call them back. Dam straight I will!!! Almost $1,000 for this crown I am calling them back if I still hurt!!! Geezzzz

Good luck on the future work you want to do! I couldn't see me going back to school at all. :-(

Hope you get your wheels back soon! By the way...what did you ever name it?


Eileen Briesch
on 12/16/10 12:05 am - Evansville, IN

I do understand you wanting to be responsible for Michael's remains and his memorial. Regardless of being divorced, you still care for him. The same thing happened with my cousin, Patty. She divorced her husband of many years a few years ago ... just couldn't live with him anymore, but she still cared for him and in fact, supported him. He was extremely obese, had heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, couldn't really work a full-time job, didn't take very good care of himself. And he was the father of her children, after all, even though they were all grown up. So in the divorce, she promised him alimony, a condo, a car until he died. And that really wasn't for long. He died last year. And then she did the memorial service, too. Her divorce was very amiable. Patrick (her hubby's name) still came over to see her. They were still friends. She cried when he died. She just couldn't live with him.

Good for you at looking at a new career. I have thought about it many times myself. I realize I can't do what I'm doing now at the newspaper anymore. I'm still good at my job, but the business has changed too much, and I'm not as fast as I was. And I don't enjoy it there. So when I get back, I'm refiling for disability. And then I'm going to file for Chap. 13 bankruptcy again, get the garnishment off and start a new life. I tired of being depressed and in pain all the time.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 12/15/10 10:55 pm

Good morning Judy and everyone......

I don't have much time to chat today. I need to wrap up my work week as I will be  leaving for Iowa in the morning.

Judy...hope they can help you with that tooth pain.

Monica...woot woot...43 days!!

Margo....hope all goes well for Micheal......what a sad situation.

I  need to make up a list of what I need to pack....and start packing. My cleaning fairy is here  doing her magic. House is smelling so good. All the laundry will be done soon.

Have a great day everyone. Prayers to those who need them.

Love and hugs to all......connie d

Judy G.
on 12/15/10 11:23 pm - Galion, OH

(((Connie))) you take care and have a safe trip!!!

My tooth is still sore but I did call the dentist first thing this morning and they said it is NORMAL for it to hurt like this for a few days...yeah if it still hurts monday I am to call them back. They said to take my pain meds. Waaaaahhhhh can't take my darvocet....need to pick up my tramodol today see if it works. Hope so!!


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