"Bricks and Flowers"
From my Eating Coach Kristi...this made me think...I'll throw my bricks out today! Hugs Debbie
wow.....ok my take -for me--is that i keep the bricks too -to revisit only once in awhile- to see my own growth or places where i need to improve....kind of a reminder for gratitude..... i am very fortunate to have a wonderful flower file, too!
what i find, again for me, is that i have to be very careful not to leave the bricks file lying around to get depressed about!!!!!!! i do find that leaving the bricks file in a sturdy shelf and not carrying it around is much healthier for my shoulders and my heart! the flowers file seems to overflow into my purse and my desk and boxes and ...well...i love it!!!!
thx for this post!
what i find, again for me, is that i have to be very careful not to leave the bricks file lying around to get depressed about!!!!!!! i do find that leaving the bricks file in a sturdy shelf and not carrying it around is much healthier for my shoulders and my heart! the flowers file seems to overflow into my purse and my desk and boxes and ...well...i love it!!!!
thx for this post!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Having spent some years in California, I learned a little about the stuff bricks are made of. When that rich adobe clay is fre**** is stinky and slippery and can easily mire you down. It is easy to mold it, however.
As it dries, it is much more manageable. It is lighter weight, doesn't smell anymore, and actually shrinks. Instead of sucking your shoes off as you try to walk, it becomes a sturdy building material, useful in many ways. In fact, as that photo shows, those flowers are even more dramatic for the contrast of the bricks.
Thanks for making me think!
As it dries, it is much more manageable. It is lighter weight, doesn't smell anymore, and actually shrinks. Instead of sucking your shoes off as you try to walk, it becomes a sturdy building material, useful in many ways. In fact, as that photo shows, those flowers are even more dramatic for the contrast of the bricks.
Thanks for making me think!
LOL...thinking is good Jane!
My hubby is a mason and in it's heyday here in Michigan was the one mason that built beautiful arches and million dollar homes....now he is 55 and his body can't work like when he was younger. Mason work is hard on bodies...so I really identified with not wanting to carry my brick file around!
Yepper I'm sticking to my flower file for sure! Have a great day- Debbie
My hubby is a mason and in it's heyday here in Michigan was the one mason that built beautiful arches and million dollar homes....now he is 55 and his body can't work like when he was younger. Mason work is hard on bodies...so I really identified with not wanting to carry my brick file around!
Yepper I'm sticking to my flower file for sure! Have a great day- Debbie