Wednesday - Whatcha doing today?
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I think sometimes a divorce is anticlimatic after all the emotional upheaval you go through. I know the layoff process last year was, too.
Good mornin' ya'll.
It is wonderful to hear of all of you doing your Christmas prep for visits from family, especially getting ready for the little Grandkids. This year I have even less Christmas spirit than I did last year when I spent the season doing Chemo and radiation. I put up our little fiberoptic tree, and this year I put up the lighted Christmas village, but I have no excitement!
Our grandson and his girl were here yesterday when she got a call from her younger sister telling her their dog had been hit by a car! The person never stopped I guess. The UPS man was making a delivery and mentioned the dog in the ditch. Well, they took off outa here, but were back soon. Donny said she seemed to be OK. She was unconcious when they got there, Donny carried her in to her bed, felt her all over and she didn't cry out or anything. She regained conciousness when they talked to her and he carried her in. But she did stay in her bed. Well, when the parents got home in about an hour they took her into the vet. They had to put her down. A broken hip and concussion and other internal injuries. We are all very upset. It won't be a happy few days. She had the buried electric thingy around the yard so she gets a shock if she tries to cross it. This is the first time she has crossed it! So very sad!!!
Bitter cold here, for us anyway. 16 this morning with a wind chill of 9. But no snow, and no one is stranded on our streets having to be rescued by authorities. So we are thankful! I hope everyone out there in this terrible weather stays safe. If you are travelling (Eileen and others), I hope your plans aren't affected by this mess!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
glad Eileen got to chgo ok.
have a good day all
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Sorry to read about the four-legged family member who had to be put down, never a happy thing there. . .
I think grandkids are what make Christmas such a delightful time of things (any kids for that matter). . . my trunk is full, need to get out the wrapping paper and wrap it all up. . .
Have a good day!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Morning Laureen and OFF family!!!
BRRRRRR!!!!! It is Still cold here in ohio!!! I can't get warm not matter how hard I try!!! Can't wait til spring gets here!!!! And winter hasn't even arrived yet!!!
Getting excited for Christmas yet seeing the weather channel and what is coming yet again....scares me on traveling!! Hopefully it won't be to bad to drive in!!!
Going to the dentist this morning for a crown. I really can't afford it but I can't chew on the right side anymore with out one. This better work!!
Pain dr's office just called and they are calling in a new script for me to replace the darvocet. Going to try the Tramadol. I sure hope it works. They said to let them know if it doesn't. Can try something else if need to. I want my darvocet!!!
Well time to get going to dentist...going to be there a couple hours plus they said...not liking that at all...its always cold there...I am dressed warm and I am sure I will be freezing yet!!!
Thoughts and prayers going out to those that need them!!!