It's Monday-what's new?
it is around 12 deg here this a.m. but we didnt get much snow
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Good Freezing Morning Margo and OFF family!!!! BRRRR it IS cold out there!!!!!! OMG!!!!! We are getting blowing and drifting snow right now and the wind chill is brutally cold!! It's 18* with a wind chill of 4* I know some are colder but dam I am so cold here!!! I put two sweaters on Bandit when I took him out this morning and he hates it with a passion, but I am sure he liked being warmer with them on than not having nothing but his hair!!! Not sure if my car doors will open after the rain changed to snow and the temps dropped last night. I work today 1-5 so I had better get out there and see if they do open so if they don't I can call in for a replacement!
Things are moving along between me and my oldest son and we are really chatting up a storm now!! I can't wait to see him and meet his new girl! Also the look on my families faces when they see us talking again!!! Its going to be a wonderful Christmas!!!
Had a WOW moment I guess you could say yesterday while at older gentleman tried picking me up!! He was flirting with me for awhile and said if my boyfriend didn't want me anymore he would take me...I told him my boyfriend DID want me so he was out of after about an hour or so here he comes again!!! He told me he would take me on cruises around the world and I would love it!!! LOL I told him I loved my guy and he said dam!! All the good women are taken!!! LOL Made my day for sure!!! LOL
Well better get myself ready to venture outside and check the car door and see if it opens or not. Have a good day and keep warm if its cold in your neck of the woods!!!
I got up at 4 to go to the bathroom but then went back to sleep ... but for some reason got up at 7:15 and couldn't get back to sleep. So sometime after 8 I got up and made some coffee and had a protein bar.
I had a hangnail yesterday and cut it and boy, does my finger hurt today. It's making it hard to type.
I have lots to do today ... phone calls to make, running around to do, laundry ...then packing and off to Chicago tomorrow ... maybe I'll try to stay in touch. My brother has a computer. I'm so looking forward to seeing my family and friends in the Midwest.
Anyway, have a good day.
Good Morning Margo and Friends,
It's warmer here. Blue skies, a bit of wind, but about 50 degrees. Think I'll drag the mutts out of the doggy bed they are sharing and head out for a walk. Yesterday even with their sweaters on they were reluctant walkers. Don't like getting their feet wet. Both are settled in one bed right now and snoring away.
I have a bit of a sinus thingy going on. Not real bad, just enough to have a bit of a head ache and a touch of a fever. Throat was a bit sore but that is better so hopefully it's on its way out of my body. I don't feel bad often and am a bit grinchy when I do.
Kind of laid low most of the weekend. Tried to add more photos to my digital frame; couldn't get it to take more. Must have the chip filled. Will try a new one bigger size.
Printer is messed up. Says it needs the driver updated. WTH? Have no idea how to do that and absolutely no patience. Guess I'll tackle that one by checking out the Canon and Dell sites to see if they have "Idiot Fix It" instructions. Sometimes I need "Lower than an Idiot" instructions!
It's 8:30 am and I'm still in my pjs and robe. Best get in gear. Have a good one everyone!
Karen C