What's New Sunday?

on 12/11/10 8:59 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll!
Margaret, I hope talking to someone can help you through this tough transition into middle age! Some people feel alone even when they have lots of family and 'friends' around them.
It's BLT Sunday at Gramma's today, just as it is every Sunday. i'm ready for them!
My son's kitchen cabinet installer worked from 3 pm to 5 pm Thurs. He was supposed to be there from 8 to 5 Friday. He was there from 12 to 3!! He was supposed to be done on Friday so our son can build a 'wall' on the back of the cabinets between the kitchen and the dining room. The granite guys are coming to measure tomorrow. So as the guy is getting ready to go Friday he asks Jim if it's OK for him to come finish on Sat? Jim let him know that he BETTER finish Sat!! So he worked yesterday from 9 am until, I'm not sure when. I went down to 'babysit' him while Jim and our DIL went to her work Christmas party. They got back at 10 pm and they guy was still there!!! The worst part is, Jim took the entire week of leave because originally the guy was gonna start on Tuesday and be done by Thursday!!!
Our daughter says this 'relaxed' attitude about getting a job done
only happens here in the South. She may be right!
I have GOT to do some updating of my genealogy files. I think the last time I did any was when Momma passed last year!! And my DH got me an image thingy that will convert slides, 8mm film, negatives and photos to CD's and DVD's. When in God's name am I gonna find the time to work on that? Retirement ain't all it's cracked up to be! But at least I always seem to have something to do!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


karen C.
on 12/11/10 9:53 pm - Kennewick, WA

Double darn it! Just wrote a rather lengthy post and somehow managed to delete it!

Been busy all weekend. We had our open house on Friday. It was well attended and a lot of fun. It started at 4pm and everyone was gone by 9pm which was just about right. Got the mess cleaned up before retiring. Yesterday we were bums most of the day. I have a bit of a sore throat that I'm trying to "fix". Tomato soup tasted good yesterday.

May get the Chirstmas tree out today or not. No hurry as the kids won't be here until right before Christmas.

Found an intriguing little town about 25 miles from our daughter called Ryderwood, Washington. It was literally a logging company town owned by the company until the 1980s I believe. When it was sold to become an "over 55 town" for retirees. I'm looking at a little 1923 cottage that is advertised for $32000.00. Thinking it might be a nice little part time escape for us during the hot summer. We spend so much time back and forth to Erin's. This is out in the country and boasts of a coffee shop, post office and not much else. Figure it should be safe. Only gangs running around would be slow moving and not prone to violence! Probably any altercations would be of the old fashioned kind using canes, fists, or throwing rocks! If everyone's aim and vision are as bad as mine they wouldn't do much damage. Think we'll take a look at the town next time we're there.

We had about 24 hours of no snow. Started up as sleet, turned to snow and soon covered the ground yesterday. Luckily it warmed up overnight and most of it is gone. I've already had enough winter and it isn't even officially here yet. Most winters the only snow we get is later in January so it looks like the forecast for "early and long" may be accurate.

I do have a 4 day trip to southern California in early January to look forward to. Hope that the sun is shining and it's at least about 60 while I'm there.

Monica, so glad to see you getting stronger each day. You go girl!

Debbie, hope the new job is going well. What a big change in your life in such a short time.

Wishing you all a good day.


Karen C

karen C.
on 12/11/10 10:23 pm - Kennewick, WA
Debbie, Happy re-birthday day today! Were you still at 320 lbs or more do you think you would have had the courage OR have even been given the opportunity for this new adventure? I doubt it in both ways! Congratulations!!!

Karen C

Debbie G.
on 12/12/10 12:40 am - Derby Line, VT
I doubt I would have done anything like this at 320lbs Karen, You are correct in that.  I know I could not have handled this house at all.  hmmmm something to think about eh?
karen C.
on 12/12/10 12:43 am - Kennewick, WA
I get down on myself for gaining some weight back. . . but I am still so much better off than I was! Not that I don't want to continue to move in the right direction, but much to be thankful for right?

Karen C

on 12/11/10 11:10 pm - Manteca, CA
Hi OFF Friends!
I have had a fun-filled couple of days! Friday was Bunco at my house- too much fun! Santa was wonderful! We got some great pictures. Then yesterday I went shopping and to a George Lopez concert. It was a fun day. Today I am going to try to get the Santa pictures printed- I know that the Costco scene will be crazy. Then we (DD and I) are taking Sookie (Grand dog) to the dog park. We are meeting my friend Julie there with her "charge"- she is babysitting another lab and wants to see how she and Sookie do together. Sookie loves every dog and every person. She is a lover, not a fighter.
Let's see- what else. I got a letter a couple of days ago- our house is on it's last payment. We will own it free and clear on January 1st! We are THRILLED to say the least! I'm thinking that we should have a big party the week after Christmas- a "NO CANCER" and "WE OWN THE TITLE" party. Lots to celebrate, don't you think?
karen C.
on 12/12/10 3:22 am - Kennewick, WA
Hell yes! You should have a celebration that has everyone in the town asking "WTH is going on at Julia's house?????"

Karen C

Margo M.
on 12/12/10 3:11 am - Elyria, OH
hi all!
we got a foot of snow between 4 and 730 am - not too much wind, tho it is kicking up-
i went out and shoveled a bit-roxie disappeared into the snow!

was online and sending a wonderful Quaker email to karen c when our power went out at 930 for 3 hours--

now it's back on and i need to get about to do the 30 gazillion things that all require electricity--ie laundry and dishes ; hot glue gun, shower ( well requires electric to pump water), vacuuming....etc blah blah.....

also need to get all of the divorce related paperwork out so that i can make any needed copies at work tomorrow- tuesday is my day!

i have comments to make to many of you today but feeling quite scattered- just know that each of you is in my thoughts and prayers! and hugs!!!!!!!!!!

monica- so excited along with you!
margaret- wow- i can relate and i have kids and grands of my own- tho long distance--i see some hermit attidutde on my own part.....
debbie- i see you have your craft area ready! yea!!!!

well- nuff for now-

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 12/12/10 6:05 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Debbie and my OFF family:

I'm getting on here really late today. Not only did I get up around 11 a.m., I was late getting going ... on Skype with my brother and mom, then looking through the paper and sales (not that I can afford anything, but it's nice to look).

Finally, I was on the phone with my new friend Patricia. Poor woman ... she has MS and some heart problems. She was supposed to look in on Juliette while I was gone, but now I don't know. She had to go to the ER yesterday because she went suddenly blind in her left eye. Because she's on Medicaid (or whatever it's called down here ... public assistance because she has no insurance and is on disability), she can only go to one hospital, which is horrible. They wanted to do a catscan, but couldn't ... they wanted her to stay in the hospital but she said there were too many crazy folks there, so she signed herself out and went home after getting cortisone by IV. Today, she said she was feeling weak ... she has to go back on Tuesday for the catscan and then she doesn't know what is going to happen. She may be in the hospital. So I have to find someone else to look in on the cat, just in case.

Last night was a bear at work ... Bonnie, who was supposed to work on the Lafayette team yesterday (and who *****ed me out last week), called in sick. Now, I had a migraine yesterday, too ... it was pretty bad when I got up and I had to go in early, but I took my drugs and sucked it up and went in. Luckily, it went away. I would never call in sick on a Saturday unless I was dying. It's too busy. So now we were even more shorthanded. I had six pages to do for Lafayette, so of course I was late (15 minutes, but what could I do? I was doing pages I wasn't familiar with). I went in early to work on opinion pages and didn't get as much done as I had hoped because my programs crashed early in the day.

Anyway, I have to get some stuff done around here before I leave on Tuesday ...Christmas cards, finish decorating, put things away, etc. It's a mess.

The Bears are getting killed by the Patriots. Not good. I don't get to watch them too often.

Deb, congrats on your surgiversary. Monica, congrats on your sobriety. Every day is a victory for weight loss and sobriety. They are both addictions. I don't remember anything else. My mind is going on me. I have CRS.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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