Be proud and take pride!
How often do you feel proud of yourself?
Posted: 09 Dec 2010 03:04 AM PST
I know...most of us don't like to brag. Bragging isn't what I'm talking about though -- bragging indicates you're talking to someone else about your accomplishments (usually in a way that makes the listener feel diminished). I am talking about actively recognizing those situations (eating and otherwise) that you feel really good about.My contention is that we don't do this enough. Sure...I might feel proud of myself if I won the Pulitzer or became United States Fitness Czar (my secretly cherished dream). But other than those two huge accomplishments -- what about the rest of the time? Do I do things that merit my own attention and appreciation? I think so!
When I can sit at a family dinner and eat a comfortable amount of delicious food and then stop eating -- I should feel pleased with that accomplishment. If I get to experience the positive feeling of a comfortable amount of food in my stomach and then I get the added bonus of a mental high-five to myself for my attention to my hunger and fullness level, that is a double positive experience for me. Recognition of this means I will be more likely behave in a similar manner in the near future (because everyone loves to feel good, right?)
The question becomes -- can you find those bright spots in your eating behavior and highlight them? And if you do, will that lead you to create those situations more often?
debbie- i have always been a fast eater- i tend to wolf down food- no clue as to why-goodness knows no one is going to take the plate away if i don;t hurry!!!
early out it caused me much more trouble than it does now ( i am 6 + yeras out)..
yesterday, mom , sis in law and i had chinese buffet- a virtual overeaters feast! i actually ate a bit slower and stopped in between plates...i find that i am much more conscious now of what and how much i put on the plate however; i was quite pleased with self for allowing "time"...and therefore ate much less than i would have usually (even post op!)
these posts as well as laureens are great-thank you!!!!
early out it caused me much more trouble than it does now ( i am 6 + yeras out)..
yesterday, mom , sis in law and i had chinese buffet- a virtual overeaters feast! i actually ate a bit slower and stopped in between plates...i find that i am much more conscious now of what and how much i put on the plate however; i was quite pleased with self for allowing "time"...and therefore ate much less than i would have usually (even post op!)
these posts as well as laureens are great-thank you!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hi Margo, I too was a fast eater, especially growing up with 5 kids in our family than mom remarried and he had 5 kids...even more faster eating, you wanted to get that last piece of pizza!
So today, no one is going to take my share of the food and I'm learning to savor the taste of food and eat slowly, and it does help to put your fork down between bites. I have to make myself do this. I try never to be the first one finished with my plate.
So today, no one is going to take my share of the food and I'm learning to savor the taste of food and eat slowly, and it does help to put your fork down between bites. I have to make myself do this. I try never to be the first one finished with my plate.