What's on tap for your Wednesday?

on 12/7/10 7:28 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good morning ya'll.
Our son and DIL had their kitchen cabinets delivered yesterday. Installer comes today. They have lived with nothing in their kitchen for 2 months!
Our temps were in the teens overnight!! I woke up with a sinus headache and I just want to crawl back into bed.
Eight weeks ago our daughter bought airplane tickets to Arizona for the BCS game. Now she is trying to get tickets to the game. Apparently season ticket holders get no special treatment. Looks like tix are gonna cost about $800 each for the 4 of them! Yikes, but they are all die-hard Duck fans.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


on 12/7/10 8:07 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning!  Our AR Razorbacks are going to the Sugar Bowl and I guess tickets are pretty pricey for that, too. I'll have to ask my friend, the Official Salon Hog Fan how much she's paying for them. College fans are a die hard type, aren't they? Of course I have no room to talk, we have traveled to Nashville and New Orleans to see the Chargers play!

Okay gang, opinions needed here as I'm having trouble with the head of the support group at the hospital. The last two years we've had a bit of a Christmas party at the Dec meeting. She spends way too much money on her side (the hospital provides lemonade and pretzels....oh boy), I take stuff and so do all of the other post op members. Kind of a big deal.
As luck would have it, Gary's Christmas party for work is this Thursday night, same as support group, so I sent an e-mail to Lauren and told her I'd be there, complete with sandwich platters (yes, plural) but could only stay for 30 minutes so I could get to the other side of town for Gary's shin dig. Her response was that she decided not to have a party, and would only be meeting with the pre-ops from 6-7.

I sent her a response that did she even need me to come, her answer was it was up to me but let her know. Okay, fine.....but the question is: if I hadn't sent her that message, when would she have let me know that there wasn't going to be a party?  When we all got there with goodies? I'm not able to reach most of the members to tell them there isn't going to be any festivities, so I feel that I can't NOT go, at least I need to show up and tell them what's going on.

I'm so frustrated with this woman as this isn't the first time she's done me this way.  I love my friends that go to the meetings, but she's making it really hard for me to stay motivated to keep doing this for FREE!!!! 

Okay, enough ranting. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Love you all!



Margo M.
on 12/7/10 8:16 pm, edited 12/7/10 8:17 pm - Elyria, OH
susan..clarify--is this gal PAID to head the group and you are the volunteer????

is there a calendar of mtgs put out ? how do ppl know about the mtgs? does she relaize that ppl count on support groups-specially in this time of year when it's so easy to slip or get discouraged???? ( i know i know--there's the other side where folks are too busy blah blah...did SHE make this decision on her own???)

personally i would be po'd if i had shown up with plural trays etc knowing that my hubby's party was across town and she hadn't the decency-or courtesy- to advise otherwise-

on the otherhand; if folks show up with treats etc maybe it will embarass her into realizing she has no tact nor concern for others...AND that support means that they are looking to the two of you for guidance as well as an atta girl or atta boy!!!!

monday i went to the mtg that was cancelled last month when the gal's mom died and no one called us to tell us--they addressed it and i really wanted so badly to say " well, that's why you have a VP" kept my mouth shut....this gal barely did anything with THIS mtg so she is in nameonly i guess.....

don't get me started...........................i'll go back to candy's post about volunteering --damn that one really gets me going - specially around here where i moved.......i have to wonder if i have B.O. or boogies hangin?????.ouch-candy just smacked me!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit; i had planned to just comment quickly-sorry! see what happens when ya touch on a sore spot of a volunteer?????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 12/7/10 8:37 pm - Alexander, AR
Yeah, Margo, she's the head nurse for the Bariatric Dept at the hospital, and apparently I'm just a flunky, unpaid at that!

The decision to not have the party was totally hers, she didn't even discuss it with me. I have 12-15 members that regularly come and really don't have a way to contact them, although this has made me realize that I NEED to have contact info, for sure!  They will come, goodies in hand, and I bet they will be PO'd about all of this, but we'll make the most of it anyway.

I just sent Lauren a message saying I'd be there for 30 minutes, that the members of my group would still be bringing things for the party, that I can't get in touch with them to tell them not to, so maybe that will make her feel like do-do. Who knows. We'll still have a little gathering of the post ops and be done with it.

Gary pointed out that these meetings are as much for me as they are for the others and no matter what Lauren say/does I should continue to meet with them. After all, we can sit around a table in the cafeteria if we need to, and who could say anything about it. We don't need her, but she needs us as the hospital is a Center of Excellence and has to have these support groups. Looks like she needs ME more than I need her!



on 12/7/10 9:08 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Hey Susan, I'm sure this Lauren has a superior, I would be pro-active and write a letter to the Head of the Bariatric Program at the hospital. Support groups are so important and NOT just for the pre-op. In fact the support groups are just as important to us who are 2 plus years out. Keeping the weight off is the important part. Heck anyone can lose weight post op, it's keeping it off or maintaining.

Yep Susan, write that letter today! Everyone is important! Hugs Debbie
Margo M.
on 12/8/10 11:02 pm - Elyria, OH
BINGO!!!!! you AND the attendees are all vital to her plan of work and the goals and objectives of the bariatric dept!!!!(possibly it's funding and /or her own job..... i agree with debbijean-a nicely written letter to her superiors...

i think i myself would do well to be attending live support group but it isn't happening around here- or at least not yet......anyone who has had or wants to have bariatric intervention of any type can only benefit from live support-you guys are my lifeline here however you cannot the the place of the live support...sorry to break that to ya!!!!all y'all have fallen into the "other" category!haha

anyhow- big hugs and don't stop going and giving it your all!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 12/7/10 8:25 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning!! since i rambled on in susan's part of the thread i will keep this short-hah!

today my baby boy is 31 years old!!!!!! awwwwwwwwwwww

mom , sis in law and i are heading to big rapids- j has dr appt; we'll shop while there-dog food and some basics
 and try to finish up the one or two things i need to mail off gifts!

yesterday was the food day at the fire hall sponsored by local churches- i am quite appreciative except i could have lived without the box of dozen day old donuts! maybe michael's birds???

last nite i finally turned the theromostat up 2* from 64 * to 66* --not sure if it's making any diff yet---i really don't wanna run outta propane before march-and i am the queen at layering! problem is the birds get cold!

speaking of the birds; michael's sis in law called last nite- she feels that once he comes here to get his birds life will be all hunky dory for him....i love her but have no clue what world she is living in....

i realized what my tree is packed in-just have absolutely no clue about where it is packed away...
well- gonna go get dressed and some protein..
love and hugs and prayers...........

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 12/7/10 8:48 pm - Somewhere IN, TX

Glad today is today.  Yesterday was a booger-*****

Life has gotten really precious around here and I'm realizing I'm 66... and the obits are getting longer and more in my age group. 
Went to see my grandson in his Christmas program at school.  My ex-husband (1973) was there. He's so majorly ill.  It was hard to see him. But it was the first time in 37 years that all four of had sat together.  It broke my heart with 'what-ifs'.  He lives in NY and flew down to see his family.  He's estranged from his siblings. All he has are two sons and two grandchildren (who adore him).  I guess I'll see if he wants to do breakfast Saturday morning. It's the only time I have.  He acted like he wanted 'to talk' last night.  Kept talking about his 'bucket list'.  I'm having to add to mine.  Keep zip-lining.

Becky seems to be doing okay. Not great, but okay.  Meds seem to be helping. She's still trying to work.  We know that we are into 'house moving' after the first.  Will try to find her a small apartment so she can continue with life.  Then, her car.  This is if we can keep her out of the hospital.  Dr. said she'll get better but it will take time.  She's just tired.. meds will do that.

No Christmas tree or wreath here. I keep thinking I'll put one up but it ain't happening. No one to see it anyway... and the hearth is full of Goodwill stuff.

Lunesta is for the birds... I still wake up in the middle of the night.  I guess it's back to Tylenol PM for me. I can sleep all night with that. 

Gee, this has certainly been an uplifting post.  I'll try harder and better next time.  Right now it's time for Starbucks and work...oh, yeah.. work.. nuther story.. same song second verse..

Just an old-lady rambling. It's all about me, yanno.

on 12/8/10 1:20 am - Somewhere in, NY

I think inviting him out for breakfast on Saturday is a great idea. 

Life is full of "what-if"s.  IF you didn't have a history with him, you wouldnt't have your boys.  Or your grandkids. 

Once I got there,  I forgave.



(deactivated member)
on 12/8/10 6:47 am

Lunesta never worked for me either and tylenol pm just made me groggy even a half dose.
A trainer at the health club told me she had the same problem and her doctor wanted to put her on paxil.  She balked because she was not depressed and didn't want to take an anti-depressant.  He insistd and she said it saved her sanity.  On her suggestion I talked to my doctor about paxil.  She told me she would not give me paxil because it was too hard to get off of.  Instead she gave me a low dose of zoloft.  She said it would take a couple of weeks to know if it would work.  I still can't get to sleep before midnight but I sleep through the night unless my kidneys poke me.  It is so much  better getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep instead of a half hour here and there during the night all totalling less than 3 1/2 or 4 hours.  Don't know if it would work for you but you might think about it.
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